Fall In A Whole And Die!

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“He told me that he doesn’t want me to be in his life anymore!”

 I was at Jeena’s house crying up a storm on her bed. It has been three days since Chresanto and I broke up and all I have been doing was crying. Jeena got really mad at me when I told her what happened. Madison screamed at me saying I made the worst mistake in my life. My mom was very disappointed in me and the boys—well they think we’re just taking space from each other. Jacob, Ray and Prod have been trying to get a hold of me, but I ignored their calls and texts.

“Well what do you expect Tay!? You broke it off!” I sat up off her bed and looked at her.

“Well thanks Jeena for not making me feel bad for what I did.”

“You should feel bad! You broke up with someone that loved you so much! You broke up with him just because he’s leaving!? That’s stupid as fuck!”

“It makes sense to break up with him! He was probably going to cheat on me with some slut anyways!” She looked at me as if she was about to slap the plaque off my teeth.

“Taylor Renee Carter I’m done with all this crap. I have to go on a date. Call me when you got some common sense. Lock the door behind ya.” She said walking out the house leaving me there. Wow. My phone vibrated and I picked it up.

MoonwalkingOnYoMomma: Hey Taylor J I know you’re not okay, so please text me back.

I sighed. Maybe I should text him back. He’s my big brother.

Me: Hey…

MoonwalkingOnYoMomma: Hi J I didn’t think you would have responded back.  God, I’m so happy you did. How are you?

Me: Great… Life can’t get any better -__-

MoonwalkingOnYoMomma: Lol meet me at Starbucks

I smiled.

Me: On my way right now J

I walked out the house locking it behind me and drove over to the Starbucks. I sneaked to the back of the store and saw him there playing some game on his phone. When he saw me he smiled. His smile is so contagious you just have to smile back.

“Hey Craig.”

“Hey Taylor sit down girl sssiiittt dddooowwwwnnnnnn.” He said in a ghetto voice causing me to laugh. I love this guy.

“How are you?”

“Pretty good. You?” I ignored his question.

“Aren’t you supposed to be preparing for the tour? Why are you here?”

“I told Walter I had stuff to pack—all lies.” I laughed.

“You waited to talk to me?”

“Yea and plus I met this girl the other day and I can’t stop thinking about her. I’m going to see her later before I leave tonight.”

“Oooooo what’s her name?” I asked giving him the googly eyes.

“Cheyenne.” He blushed when he said her name.

“Cheyenne and Craig sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”

“Girl be quiet ya making me blush ya making me blush.” I started laughing so hard.

“Aww C & C that’s cute. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“You’ll see her when you come on tour with us.” I felt uncomfortable when he said that, and he noticed.

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