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When I got back to my seat, I heard more screams coming from the crowd. Princeton, Ray Ray, and Prodigy watched me with a smirk on their faces and started giggling to themselves. I completely ignored them.

“Roc let’s go the line is getting bigger and bigger.” My manager, Keisha, said as she saw me.

“Yeah sorry about that.” I said as I got a bottle of water and gave one of the girl’s a smile. That girl started grinning like crazy. Lol priceless. Even though there was SO MANY screams, my day went past perfectly. I can’t help stop thinking about Marie. She’s so cute. Her hair, her smile, her attitude; everything is just perfect about her. I just can’t wait to text her tonight when I go by Prod’s house.

After packing up, I entered into the car with Prod as we drove to his house. The song, Wild One by Flo Rida started playing and I started humming to myself.

“Yo Roc what’s going on?” he asked with his one of his eyebrows up looking at me.

“Hmm? Nothing bruh just chilling.” I said while I continued humming to the music and thinking about Marie.

“Dude I saw how you was going on today in front of that girl. I saw you running to her like as if Rapunzel would run if her weave dropped down the tower.” He said while laughing and looking at me but still paying attention to the road.

“Rapunzel don’t have weave dude.” I said while laughing along with him.

“Don’t you dare change the subject.”

I rolled my eyes when he said that and turn to the window and started smiling again.

“Boy don’t you dare roll your eyes after me!”

“Nigga who name you mother?”

“I did! Now back to what where we were saying.”

“It’s nothing to worry about son.” I said while smirking and looking out the window.

“You lieing ass! Did you get her number?”

“Yes…..no……maybe…” I said while looking at him and laughing.

“Oh good. She’s seems like a cool chick.”


“No homo or anything but, I’m glad that you smiling and stuff. You haven’t smiled that much since the thing about your friend.” True.

“True. I can't see him though since I can't go to the hospital.”

“Oh I see. I hope he gets better.”

“Me too.” I said while giving myself a sad smile. We finally reached to his house around 10:00. His house is mostly made out of glass which is awesome. It’s like the one from the movie Twilight (NO I did not watch Twilight! I mistakenly saw the previews) It is a three story building with a big ass pool, a hot tub, a party room, a game room, and sooo much more. I sometimes get lost in his house since it’s so big. He got about 9 bedrooms with a personal bathroom in it, and a HUGE living room. We need it especially when we have parties and stuff. When we got into house, we met Ray Ray and Princeton watching Transformer 3 on his 56 inch flat screen TV.

I Will Always Be Beside You Forever (Roc Royal Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now