Where's Taylor?

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Chresanto’s POV-

I sat down in the lobby fiddling with my fingers trying to figure where Taylor was. I don’t know why, but something told me to go there. What happened in the lunch room…it wasn’t what it looked like. This is what really happened:

Everyone was standing on the patio outside talking. We were waiting for everyone to come so we can eat breakfast together. I still haven’t broke up with Melody which I need to do. Myles and Melody came in the cafeteria together and walked up to me. Melody was smiling a lot and so was Myles.

“Roc?” Melody said. I looked at her and smiled.

“Hey, can I talk to you alone?”

“No. I need to talk to you first but I think it’s best I just say it in front of your friends.” I nodded.

“We’ve been together for two months and I enjoyed some it, but we gotta break it off. We both know that what we had wasn’t going to last. I thought you were the one, but when Taylor came, you changed completely. I knew you still had feelings for her, and I tried my best to prove to you that I’m the one, but it wasn’t working. So here I am breaking up with you to be with someone who really cares.” Melody said while holding Myles hand and looking at him. They both had this glint in their eyes. Even though I agree with everything she said. I did feel somewhat sad. I did have feelings for her. She was there when I needed someone to talk to and vice versa.

“You’re not mad right?” Myles asked. “I know you hate when I date your ex-girlfriends and that was just to piss you off, but I really think she’s the one.” I frowned.

“Melody, I apologize for everything. I did like you no lie.”

“It’s okay.” She smiled.

“Melody can I have just one last kiss?” Melody looked at Myles. He nodded. I kissed her softly and then we heard a glass broke and we looked up at a crying, angry Taylor.

And that’s what happened. I’ve literally called her phone seventy times and she has not yet answered. Everyone is trying to reach her too, but it just rings. I then saw angry people walking down the stairs and complaining to the receptionist.

“There is someone on our floor blasting music! We have knocked on the door countless of times but the person won’t answer!” A lady with curlers in her head said.

“And the CD is scratching and it’s getting really annoying!” A man in his boxers and a t-shirt yelled.

“I have work later tonight and I need to rest!”

“Calm down please. We will get to it. What room is it ma’am?”

“ROOM 246!” I jumped out of my seat and ran to the receptionist desk.

“Ma’am, that’s where my girlfriend is staying!”

“Okay, I have a spare key so we can talk to her.” I grabbed the key from the lady and took the elevator with the annoying neighbors. When the elevator door opens, I rushed to her door. The music was really loud and the CD was scratching. Why didn’t she fix the CD?” I opened her door and started looking for her.

“Taylor!” The music was coming from her room and I rushed in there and turned off the music. She wasn’t in the bed though. I heard a clink from the bathroom and slowly walked to it. When I opened it, I rushed to her and screamed.


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