Byee Marie (ROC POV)

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So today is a next wonderful day of reading amazing books on Wattpad!:) So here’s the new chapter and I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 5!- Roc Royal POV_

“Hiiiiii!” some girl with these big glasses screamed as she noticed us on the table. “OH MY GOSH I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!!” She screamed while looking at us. Sure you are. The guys started to laugh­, but were trying their best to hide it. We were all trying to hide it, but these fans were too funny. It did start to get annoying hearing screams after screams after screams after- well you know what I mean. There was this one chick who cried when she saw us and hugged us really tight.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I’m seeing you!” She cried even more as she said it. My expression to her was like WTF! I was surprise their face didn’t break from smiling so hard. Looking like the Grinch. Many of their parents were taking SO MANY pictures! Like SRS? It was like at least 15 minutes for each person as they continually adore us.

The next person that came up was a little girl. She was smiling so hard!! Lol she looked hilarious as Prodigy, Ray Ray and Princeton and I told her hi. When I gave her one of my killer smiles, she started to stumble a bit and was cheesing even more. She told me to sign in for Maddy. I wrote “To my prettiest fan, Maddy.” She then left from in front of me.

I was checking my messages on my phone to see who texted me when I heard a girl’s voice. When I looked up, there stood a really cute girl wearing Ray Bans glasses and clothes that show her curves. Damn! I surely gottta get her number. I forgot she told us hi, and I said hi last. Crap! If I said hi first she would have probably looked at me first. One thing I like about her is that she didn’t scream like the rest.

“Hey…again. Can I have Princeton sign this to my friend Jeena?” she asked while looking at me awkwardly and turning back to Princeton.

“Sure. How do you spell it?” Princeton asked while looking at her with a smile on his face.

“J-e-e-n-a.”  She said while looking around the place.

“Okay.” Princeton said as he signed a picture of himself saying “To Jeena, my favorite fan and he drew a peace sign on top of the picture.

“Thanks. Can I have picture with you guys and my sister?” She asked shyly. Gosh she’s adorable!

“Sure!” I said as soon as she asked her question and I got up quickly. I’m surely not letting this one go. The rest of the guys looked at me because of my outburst and then said sure slowly. I completely ignored them. The little girl ran by me as we all pose to take a picture. Damn that little girl fast!  Prodigy and Princeton was on both ends, Ray Ray was standing by the little girl and I was standing by the cute girl to take the picture. When the camera flashed, the little girl ran to the camera man and told me and the guys bye showing off one of her cheesy smiles. As Ms. Curvy was about to go, I called after her.

“Hey stay right here.” I said as I ran to the camera man to get a picture with only me and the girl from my phone. She said something, but I didn’t hear her. “Can you take a picture with me?”

“Why?” She asked with a little bit of attitude. Someone is a bit feisty.

“Because you’re the cutest fan here.” I told her as I put one of my hands behind her back and brought her closer to me. I saw a slight pink in her face as she smiled. God she’s adorable. CLICK! When I looked at the picture I couldn’t help but smile; we looked cute together!

“Okay umm bye!” She said while walking with little girl and heading out the mall. I couldn’t let this one go without knowing her name so I called after her.


She kept looking back to see if I was looking at her. I continued to smile at what she was doing.

“Hey.” I said while looking at her and smiling.

“Are you talking to me?” She asked me with a confused face.

I laughed lightly and said, “Yeah I’m talking to you. I didn’t get your name?”

“Oh so did neither of the boys?” She asked him with some more attitude from last time while the same little girl nudged her on her side.

“Yeah I know. Ummm…the boys asked me to ask you for your name.” That was probably the worst excuse I ever made up.

“Mhhmm. Well I have to go sooo see you later I guess.” She said while walking fast trying to get away from me. Wow she’s hard to get!

“Wait I haven’t gotten your name?” I asked while running up to her. For a girl who wears heels, she can walk really fast. I then stopped her by grabbing her by her arm lightly. She then burst out her name.

“Marie.” She said with a small smile on my face.

“Okay Marie. How can I contact you?”

“Why do you want to talk to me?”

Because I need to send you a copy of the picture. I said while smiling. “And I want to see you again.” I said shyly. The ways she makes me feel is….indescribable!

“Okay here’s my number.” She said while writing it down on my hand. Thank You Jesus!

“Thanks talk to you later. And who’s this little girl?” I said while looking at the girl beside her. When she noticed me looking at her, she started cheesing again. Lol her smiles are priceless.

“My name is Madison and that’s my sister.”

“Okay Madison. Could you promise me that you’ll make sure your sister email me back when I email her please?” I asked while letting out my hand to hand shake her.

“Okay deal!” She said while shaking my hand.

“Roc come on let’s go!!” My manager yelled from the place where the guys and I were signing.

“I’m coming!” I yelled. I gave Madison and Marie a quick smile.

“Talk to you later.” I kissed Madison on her cheek and ran down to where I was supposed to be. But before I reached there, I turned around and yelled after Marie.

“Bye Marie!” I said while smiling so happilily.

“Bye.” She said with a shy wave and turning around. How better could this day get!

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