I'm Coming Home...

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I walked out the room and sat down in the girls’ dressing room. Jhene was out there so you know I’m not stepping foot near her. Guess I’m going to be stuck here for two hours. I’ll just be sleeping in Myles’ bunk for now on. Speaking of Myles, where the hell was he when Jhene and I were arguing? He was supposed to come running after me not Chresanto. I’m really regretting ever going out with him. He said he would be different than Chresanto, but he’s being worst. He is turning me off for real.

After the concert was finished, we all went on the bus. The bus was really quiet. I was sitting on the couch listening to music and playing Candy Crush on my phone. Jhene and Justice were talking softly in her bunk. Prod, Prince and Ray were sleeping. Myles was on his computer. The bus driver looked at me.

“Where is everybody? Why is the bus so quiet?” He asked.

“Today wasn’t a good day sir.” He nodded.

“Well, I hope everything goes well between you, Myles and Chresanto.” I smiled.

“Thank you.” It got silent.

“Can I ask you a question? It’s more of advice really.” He smiled.

“Sure. I’m good at doing that. What’s wrong?” I started playing with my fingers.

“Well, let’s just say you had a girlfriend who you loved a lot. Many bad things happened between you both, but you still were together. She was always there for you and vice versa. You all did fun things together that you will never forget. You were always waiting for her to do one thing, but she never did it. You brought it up but all she didn’t do anyting. One day she had to leave and wasn’t sure if she was ever coming back so you broke up with her.”

“I’m guessing you’re talking about when you were with Chresanto?”


“Okay go ahead.”

“So after two months of mourning because of how much you missed her and realizing that you made a mistake you decided you want to see her just one more time and maybe she’ll forgive for what you done.”

“So you came on tour with us to see him one last time.”

“But then you remember she has a boyfriend.”

“So you start to wish you never bother came but then Myles came along.”

“And she was one of the coolest and sweetest people you ever met. She laughed at your jokes and hanged out with you a lot. But still your heart was always hoping that one day that your first threw love will run back to you.”

“But Chresanto never did so when Myles finally asked you to be his girlfriend, you took the offer.”

“But she wasn’t the same person after a while.”

“Myles turned out to be a little selfish and didn’t listen to you?” I nodded.

“So one day, you and your closest friend got into a fight and instead of your girlfriend running to you, it was your ex.”

“And now I’m guessing Chresanto?” I nodded.

“Yes. And he confessed saying that he won’t stop fighting for me, but I cut him off before he could say anymore. So what I’m asking is what you would do if you were in my position?” he started thinking for a while for two minutes.

“Well it’s pretty obvious.”

“Who would you choose?”

“I would choose the one that was always there for me. I’m not saying you should listen to me but then I’m also saying you should at least take my advice. Just listen to your heart.”

I Will Always Be Beside You Forever (Roc Royal Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora