Chapter 22

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Myra's P.O.V

We went to SM baguio to have lunch. After that we took a stroll in Mines view and Camp John Hay. The places here are so beautiful.

"We'll be home later" John said and I just nodded.

"Can I request something? You know I don't have a job but it's the end of the month so I need to hand over a money to my Mom again" I said to John, ashamed.

"All right. 5k again? But how do you deal with your Mom when your stomach is obvious now? Are you sure that you want to face her" he said.

"I thought, maybe Mom will agree, because now you are standing up for me. You promised to support me" I said.

"Of course. Will you admit it? Will you talk to your Mom about your pregnancy?" John asked me.

"I don't know yet. But... you know that I can't hide this forever. She will know and she will know too" I said and sat down on a bench here at Camp John Hay.

"I hope everything would be fine. Are you okay? Let's go. The trip will take a long time." John said.

"All right" I said and we walked back to the car. We first went to the Hotel to fix things.

I looked up at the balcony and froze at John. Why do I feel we just came here for a honeymoon even though we're not yet married.

"Is there a problem?" he asked and approached me.

"Huh? Nothing" I answered and adjusted the gear again.

We got all the gear in the car and started traveling.

"Good bye Baguio!" I said and waved while inside the car.

"We'll be back here when your Mother accepts our faith" ​​John said.

"All right" I sighed.

Tomorrow I will give my Mom money. I feel like I shouldn't have. But I'm still afraid she'll find out. Maybe our neighbors will judge me.

When the trip lasted, I just closed my eyes until I fell asleep.

John's P. O. V

I passed McDonald's when I saw a drive thru it. Myra is still asleep so I put the food I bought first. I have no intention of disturbing her sleep after all I know she was tired of the walks earlier.

I received a text from our school director and next week we will fix the papers in school. It looks like I will be as busy again as before.

Students will search for files again. Enrollment will also begin.

"It's already late" I looked at Myra who woke up.

"Yes, eat first. We are close to Manila in 1 hour" I said.

"Long time no see Manila, I'm so bored" Myra said and looked out the window.

"Eat up" I said again.

"Hhmmm, why are you so caring? Gosh! John I don't like temporary things. I don't want to wait" she said and took some food.

I saw the traffic light turn red so I stopped and looked at Myra while eating.

How do I expect from you? It looks like I'm the one who depends on the two of us. The more days I'm with you, makes me loving you more. If you only knew Myra.

"Beeeep* Beeep*" I heard the car horn behind me.

"Are you asleep? Go on" Myra said while eating.

I drove again.

"Are you? You have no plans to eat, you've been driving for hours already, don't you want some?" Myra asked me and handed a burger to my mouth.

I was just looking at the road. I was shocked to see something so I immediately stepped on the brake.

"WHAT THE HECK! SANTA MARIA! What is it John! please can you slow down!" I heard she say.

I can't be wrong. The man walking with foreigners. That's my Dad.

"Beeeep*" loud horn from behind me. I immediately started the car and I just looked straight at the road.

He has no intention of seeing me. He seems to have forgotten that he has a child here in the Philippines.

"John? It looks like you're accelerating in driving" I heard Myra say. I woke up to reality so I slowed down a bit.

I gasped, that man is my father, the man who abandoned me.

"Are you okay? Eat first" Myra said but I just shook my head.

Myra did not speak again and we just went straight until we arrived in manila.

"Here is the key to the house. You open it. Then I will take care of entering the luggage" I said to Myra and parked the car in the garage then I picked up the suitcases then entered the house.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. Cass and I will meet. I will also tell her the truth" said Myra. I just nodded at her.

I'm happy that she's getting braver to accept that she's pregnant and now she's telling people.

I took what I bought from the drive through and then went out. I sat on the pavement then ate.

"What now if you are here in the Philippines" I whispered to myself, I'm thinking of my Dad who I saw earlier.

"I don't need to know you anymore, because you don't know me anymore also" I whispered to myself, suddenly I felt sad.

I looked up at the sky. Why do I feel so unlucky?

My parents have completely rejected me. How about my Mother? What if she was still alive? Would my Dad still choose to leave me alone?

"John, did I say something bad before? Why did you suddenly do that? I mean you're so cold and sad" I heard Myra say from behind me.

"No. You did not say anything wrong" I answered her question.

"If not, why did you suddenly have a bad tempered?" she asked.

"Forget it" I said.

"I'm here, if you have a problem, you can tell me" she also tried to sit next to me. But because I was only in the Indian seat on the pavement, she couldn't handle it.

"Don't force it. Don't forget that you're pregnant" I said.

"Tsk! What's the matter?" annoyed Myra said.

"I'm the one being targeted here? Why are you also keeping up" I said.

"Wow! You're really so much better than women, I don't know about you. You take care of that! If you don't want my comfort then don't" she rolled her eyes on me and entered the house again.

"She's serious?" I whispered and followed Myra.

"What is your trip?" I asked.

But Myra ignored me and just continued to use her cellphone.

"All right, sorry for what I've done" I said.

She looked at me badly so I smiled at her.

"Whatever" she said to me and she went to the room then slammed the door.

"Wow! Excuse me? This is my house" I said and knocked on the door.

"Do you need a peace offering?" I asked.

"I don't know! Go away!" I heard Myra shout.

I went to the kitchen and I got some chocolate from the refrigerator. I still have Cadbury left here.

I took the room key then entered Myra.

"Oh here it is, sorry. Please forgive me" I said.

It gave me a thumbs up.

"Oh what is that?" I asked.

"Likezone" she says.

"What is this? a chat?" I said and laughed at her.

She accepted the chocolate and ate it.

It looks like wife is a bad tempered person.

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