Chapter 44

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John's POV

I'm holding Myra's hand, we're walking in the mall now. I was restless, there's a part of me that's really nervous. Although, I don't have anything to be nervous about.

"It's beautiful..." I heard Myra whisper.

I looked at her, she was staring at a maternity dress worn on a mannequin displayed outside a store.

I was going to ask her if she liked that dress but I suddenly heard dad call me.


Myra and I looked at him. He was holding the hand of a girl who was about 9 years old. Also has a young man standing next to him who seems 16 years old.

"Who is he, hon?" Criselda asked.

Dad and I looked at each other. Dad pointed to the bench. There aren't too many people because it's late at night. They sat there and we approached. I stared at Criselda nervously. She's beautiful, too. The Americans are really different ...

"I just want to tell you the truth..." dad stammered and bowed.

I could feel Myra's caress on my back. I smiled, she's so supportive.

"Criselda, He's my son. I-I'm really sorry for not telling--"

"WHAT!?" Criselda's startled cry.

"Are you married before me!?" she said angrily.

"No! No! I'm not married to his mother, she-she died," Papa said sadly.

Criselda's anger seems to have disappeared. The two children just stared at them.

"Look... Hon, I had a son before I met you. I didn't tell you because I know that you don't want a man who already has a kid, but I love you! That's why I kept my son a secret from you, "said dad.

My grip on Myra's hand tightened, I just stared at them. I also didn't know what to say or if I should say something, obviously they didn't like me.

"I swear, I love you, that's why I married you," dad said.

"That guy is my brother?" said dad's son.

"Gosh this is– I really don't know what to say," Criselda sighed and looked at me.

I bowed.

"That's okay," Myra whispered to me.

"Hon, I'm really sorry. I just don't want to keep any secret from you from now on and– I've never seen my son for almost twenty years," Papa said sadly.

I remained stooped. Just as I expected... I guess they won't like me.

"You should have told me earlier," I looked up at Criselda when she said that.

"You chose me, us ... You left your son here in the Philippines? Alone? Without a mother? It must be difficult. Hon, I don't want a man who has a kid, yes ... Because I know he's not faithful but... If it's you, I'll accept it. You're the only exception, we've been together for fifteen years and I know you very well. You're such a great person. I know you really love me, us," Criselda said.

I saw dad's tears dripping. We seem to be gaining attraction here, I don't want to cry, it's embarrassing. Why is this our meeting place? My dad, really.

I was surprised when Myra pushed me towards dad. Criselda pulled me up, my legs shaking but I forced myself to smile at her.

"How old are you now? You look like a great man, like your Dad," Criselda said and smiled at me.

"I'm 31 years old," I said.

"And she's your wife?" she asked.

I nodded, "Soon to be, she's carrying my child."

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