Chapter 31

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Myra's P. O. V

I feel a little bad today, I feel nauseous because of my pregnancy. I still have to go to school. I had no choice.

I was about to get up but the door suddenly opened just in time and it spat out Nhel, his aura was smiling brightly at me. I was shock.

I called "Nhel" and slowly got up from my bed.

"Slowly" he said while helping me to stand up.

"Thank you, it's hard. My stomach is already big" I said laughing.

"It's really like that, but you can do it. Are you okay?" he said smiling.

Joy filled my heart, I did not see him for a long time. I will admit this is my dream for us. He will support me when I am pregnant and he is always by my side. The case, he is not the father of my child.

"Are you coming?" he asked.

"Yes. I got dressed early, I just lay down for a while because my hip hurts" I said and slowly walked towards my bag. It contained the requirements for my application.

"Slowly" he said while offering his arm.

I smiled, I wrapped my hand around his arm. He took the bag I was holding.

"Maybe you should have a folding bed, it's hard to lie down on hard bamboo" he told me.

I bowed down, I had no choice, that's all we had.

"Ahh --- it's okay" I said.

"I will buy you one on my salary for the next month" he said causing me to smile even though I was ashamed to do that.

He's caring. As usual.

The taxi came. We rode there, before Nhel closed the door I looked at the car parked on the side of the store near our house. It looks like John's car.

I gasp, I feel like I miss him too, now I don't know what I should do. He hurt me too much. I feel bad for him, but I can not deny that I once loved him and he is the father of the child in my womb.

A few minutes later we arrived at the school, Nhel paid for our ride. I want to share some money but he doesn't want to.

He's really a big time now. a real man, so successful and matured. I hope I can be the same as he.

Nhel accompanied me to the principal's office to talk to the owner of the school.

John's P. O. V

The way she smiles with that man. All I can feel is jealous. How can she be so happy with that fucking man! I hope she can be so happy when she's with me.

Suddenly my co-teacher Samantha called.


"Sir, I already sent you the list of your students" he said to me.

I suddenly thought when I saw them stop at a private school. This is where I worked before I got a Professional Teacher License.

"All right, thank you. I gotta go" I said and quickly turned off the call.

I parked to one side and then walked to school. I know why Myra came here, she needed a job.

"Sir!" I was surprised by the guard's greeting.


"Yes sir! How are you? Why did you come here?" he asked.

"I'll just say hello to Joseph" I said and smiled. He nodded so I went inside the school.

I rolled my eyes, Nhel could not see me that I was here.

All I need is Myra, I need to get my wife and child back.

Suddenly, I saw Myra hurriedly walking down the hallway. I looked at the principal's office. Nhel was there and sitting, I could see he was talking to Joseph.

I ran after Myra. But I stopped when she entered the ladies room.

"I'm her husband, it's fine" I whispered then went into the bathroom.

"It's annoying! Urine here! Urine there! Do I need a diaper like a child!?" I heard Myra's voice from a cubicle then the door closed.

I stood opposite the cubicle where she was sitting. I banged my head on the cubicle and I couldn't help but cry.

My wife and my child is in here. Finally, I will be close to my family again.

"Nhel? Is that you? Just wait a moment!" said Myra.

My forehead remained glued to the cubicle door. Nhel? Again? Why it can't be me. That man is always there. I did everything I could to get him. I never thought Nhel was still the man in her heart. In the months we spent together, did she even loved me? Or does she just not pay attention when you tell her something to do?

I stopped thinking when the cubicle opened.

"Sorry --- SHIT!" Myra shouted and grabbed her mouth when she saw me.

"Myra ...." I whispered and slowly entered the cubicle.

"John ...." I heard her say and she just stared into my eyes.

I chuckled and put my chin on her shoulder.

"Is Nhel still there? What about me? How about me?" I said softly, trying to keep from getting sad so that I could talk to her properly.

"John ... I'm sorry" she said.

I hugged her, she did not struggle. I felt her hand on my back and she slowly tapped it.

"I'm having a hard time too" her voice broke when speaking.

I became even more depressed and weak.

"Did you love me?" I asked.

"Yes John" I smiled when I heard her answer.

"Will you still love me even if we don't have children? Will you give me a chance even if I didn't get you pregnant? Will you stay in my house even if I didn't drop you in the Demo?" I asked one question after another.

I felt my shoulder get wet, I heard her weak sob.

I slowly laughed. I let go of the hug and then faced her, crying.

"You won't, don't you?" I laugh at the question I asked.

I just laugh because it hurts so much. She's the only family that I have but then she disappeared.

"I'm sorry if I did that. I'm so obsessed, That's the only option I have to get you. Without any hesitation because ... I'm the father of your child" I said sadly.

She was silent and just kept crying. I suddenly remembered she was pregnant.

"Sshhh ... I didn't mean to stress you, I'm sorry" I calm her down and then hugged her.

"I'm also in pain. You manipulated me. I feel like you stole my life" she said.

"I'm sorry" I just said.

I let go of the hug with her and then backed away, I slowly knelt down and bowed.

"Forgive me" I said while crying.

"I-I can't" she stammered.

I saw his feet walk away, I swallowed when I was left alone.

She really left me.

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