Chapter 12

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Myra's P.O.V

I just finished my ultra sound and Doctor Sanchez said I just need to continue taking vitamins and bed rest first, I am also not allowed to move that making my body tired.

"Promise I'll pay you when--" I didn't finish what I was going to say when Sir John lifted me up and sat me in a wheelchair.

I was deprived of dextros and my stomach no longer hurts.

"Let's go home" said Sir John and pushed the wheelchair.

When he push for me seconds, I enjoyed it a bit.

"Sir? Can you walk faster?" I request.

He looked at me badly and I just smiled.

"Just a little speed" I said.

"Tsk, are you a kid?" Sir asked me sarcastically.

"Yes, I'm still young, let's go outside! Just one" I insisted to Sir.

"Hold tight" said Sir and hurriedly pushed me until we got out of the hospital.

"Yiiiiieepiie! so fun!" I said.

Later, Sir picked me up again and put me in his car.

When the car started I stared at him.

He was like Nhel, the way that he take care of me. The woman that he will love is lucky, but what about? he has a child with me. He will not love me and Nhel is the one I love.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked.

"Huh? Nothing. Thank you" I said and looked away.

"You're welcome" Sir John said.

I just nodded and looked down the road.

When we got to Sir John's house, he parked the car and I was about to get off his car but he stopped me.

"I will lift you" he said and got out of the car.

My eyes widen, It feel awkward whenever he carry me.

"Huh? The door of the house is near, I can just walk" I whispered to myself.

He opened the car door and lifted me up in more like bridal style. We entered the house and he laid me down on his bed.

I wonder why he took me to his room even we both agreed that I'm going to sleep in the.

"Sir? I'm sorry for my inconvenience to you. Instead of doing nothing.. look--" again he did not let me finish speaking and he answered immediately.

"It's all here and we can't changed what already happened, my son needs me so I also need to take care of you" said Sir while arranging things from hospital.

"I'll just cook lunch, please don't be naughty and listen to me. Do not stand up, just lay down" Sir said and left.

"Where is my cellphone?" I asked myself.

Yesterday I left it in the bathroom.

"Sir! Sir John! SIR!" I shouted.

"What? Are you missing?" Sir John asked me irritately.

"I'm sorry! It's just... Where's my cellphone?" I asked.

He went to his drawer and took my cellphone out there.

"Sir John, can I borrow your cellphone? Just want to try to hold an Iphone ten" I said and smiled sweetly at him.

"All right, but don't ever open my gallery--" I didn't let Sir finish speaking and I laughed at him loudly.

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