Chapter 21

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~With Iduna, Niccolo, Licht and Lucky.~

They screamed.

Iduna and Niccolo had been whipped first. Tied to a wall. Two agents held Licht and Lucky to make them watch.

Then it was their turn. They screamed. But they refused to say anything. Then they passed out. Next thing they knew they were back again in their cells.

Iduna groaned as she sat up. "Are you guys okay?"

Niccolo replied first. "Sure. Like yourself I'm used to this. Plus I have had worse. Licht, Lucky you guys okay?"

Licht gasped as he sat up. "I'm good. How dare they torture an angel like me!" Licht growled.

"I'm okay." Lucky assured them. "Do you think they are finished?"

Iduna shrugged. "Not even in the slightest. They'll be back."

Then came the noise of a door opening. Followed by several voices. Then by the sound of footsteps, which get louder as they came closer.

Then four people appear. They wore masks so they didn't know who they were.

Two enter one cell while the other two entered the other cell. They began taking the chains off.

"What is going on?" Iduna and Licht demanded in unison once the chains were off and scrambled to their feet.

"Woah! Its okay. It's just us." One of the people slowly took off their mask. "See. It's only me, Pandora."

"And Violet!" One said as she stood guard in the corridor.

"Star is also here!" The girl who had taken Lucky's chains off had reappeared with two bags and inside were their clothes. Passing the bags to them. The four stepped outside while they changed  out of their orange prison suits and into their clothes.

When done they stepped outside and they began down the corridor.

"We are your tickets out of here!" A girl called snow exclaimed. As they made their way out the door and they all ran.

"Mahiru called all of us out of retirement." Violet explained as they ran for the secret passage.

"All of us that were on your side back then." Star corrected Violet sending her a glance.

"You all quit?" Lucky asked in surprise.

"But of course! You are our friends. Plus we all agreed that the SSWEA should no longer exist anyway." Snow exclaimed.

"We wanted to go with your friends, but Mahiru insisted that we rescue you!" Pandors told them.

"Then what?" Iduna asked.

"You won't be able to go to your friends immediately. Mahiru gave us instructions. We are to go and round up the rest of our allies that quit back then and stand by and wait for further instructions." Star told them.

"Yup. That sounds like our Captain." Niccolo chuckled. As they reached the secret passage and began to run one by one down the passage.

Violet ran first follows by Iduna, Niccolo, Licht and Lucky. Star taking up the rear.

Pandora and Snow said that they would go out the front door.

"Why do I feel like we are planning for war?" Licht complained.

"Cause whatever you do they will attack the Servamps." Star shouted. As they ran.

Then Niccolo stopped. And everyone stopped. Licht, Lucky and Iduna realized why he had stopped.

Would you hate us if you knew? Part One: The Past (A SERVAMP FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now