Chapter 38

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Licht, Niccolo and Iduna hurried down the corridor. Licht suddenly stopped and placed Niccolo on the floor.

"Everything okay?" Iduna asked as she hurried over.

Licht was examining Niccolo's injury. "It looks like his leg is broken. He needs medical treatment. He needs Junichiro. Fast." Licht stands.

"If we can get him outside. Though a window. Our C3 friends should be outside by now waiting for you." Licht continues.

"Us? You mean? You're coming with us right?" Iduna was now panicking. 'Please say you're not staying behind! I can't make it on my own!'

Licht placed a hand on Iduna's shoulder. "I have to make sure no one follows you. First we find a window. Break the glass. Then you and Niccolo get outside. You don't look back. You run and find the others."

Iduna felt tears slowly making their way down the pale cheeks. "You're coming with us right? I mean you have to carry Niccolo cause I can't."

Licht sighed. "I have to stay behind so no enemies come after you. I won't be coming with you."

Iduna collapsed in tears. "After everything we've been through, and you are just gonna throw that all away?"

Licht crouched down next to her. "Hey remember how we met?"

"It was 189something. I was just living on the streets because my parents kicked me out as they wanted me to be a model but I wanted to be a hacker." Iduna sniffed.

"And I was a violinist who wanted to be a pianoist. I secretly played piano and one night you heard. And you followed the music."

Iduna looked up. "I followed the music down an old alley way and down to the abandoned music studio where you played."

Licht smiled. "I remember turning around and screaming."

Iduna returned the smile. "You fell off your chair and said..."

"'Who the hell are you?'" Licht laughed.

"That's when I said 'Don't hurt me I'm just a young girl who doesn't deserve to die!' And you laughed." Iduna leaned back against the wall.

"After that I let you live in the studio. I got you food and water. A place to sleep. Then when my parents found out and they adopted you into the family. And let me tell you something. I regret that. I wouldn't have involved you if I knew what kind of person my dad was. I'm sorry." Licht admitted sadly.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have known. And what you did wasn't murder. It was self defense. You saved my life. If you didn't do that then I would probably be dead." Iduna said hugging her friend.

"Yeah. And you survived. You got through all the pain. You're a fighter, Iduna." Licht looked Iduna dead in the eye.

"I'm a hacker not a fighter. I went to C3 because I knew I wouldn't have to fight. I knew all I could do is sit in my workshop. Creating things and hacking. I hated to be out in the field fighting!" Iduna began to panic. To her this was something she had seen before. After this someone was gonna die. But this time, she was gonna get everyone out alive. For their Servamps sake.

"Iduna listened to me. You are the best hacked I've ever met and the badest girl I've ever met. You can do this. We survived through the SSWEA's torture and the Servamp war. You can survive this." Licht told her as he suddenly turned his head down the hall. He leaped up. Once he was on his feet he picked up Niccolo. "Iduna let's go. Remember find a window."

Then before Iduna could move there was an explosion. Iduna hit the ground hard. She coughed in the dust. "Licht! Niccolo! Licht! Can anyone hear me?"

There was no answer. Iduna then felt something grab her hand and it was Niccolo. Niccolo locked gaze with her then turned his head to the window. Iduna swallowed and helped Niccolo onto her back. And she crawled slowly over to the window.

Would you hate us if you knew? Part One: The Past (A SERVAMP FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now