Chapter 31

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The silence lasted a long time.

Doubt Doubt sat with his back against the wall with All of Love.

The Mother sat on the edge of the train station dangling her legs over the edge of the platform.

World End was busy panting above the hole he had made in the ground, when he took his anger out on the ground.

Lawless was sitting next to his older sister.

Old Child sat on the roof of the platform chatting on the phone to his subclasses.

Sleepy Ash just stood on the edge of the platform looking into the distance.

Whose Coming had stepped out to call his own subclasses. When he returned Old Child had finally came down from the roof.

"Well?" Sleepy Ash asked, not glancing at him.

"I called all my subclasses that are stationed in England. And they spotted Mahiru, Youtarou, Kouki and Alex. So Shuhei was telling the truth. They are in England." Old Child answered, pocketing his phone.

"So, we know where they are. But what do we do? Do we go after them or do we stay here?" Lawless asked with an emotionless voice.

"I'll leave that decision up to you guys." The oldest Servamp told them.

"What do you mean big brother?" All of Love asked surprised.

"I don't want to force you and also I don't want to repeat the past, by voting again. But I'm going. I want to know the truth even if it hurts. I also want to know who the real Mahiru is." Sleepy Ash explained as he went to walk away.

"I'm coming."

Everyone turned to the one who spoke. Whose Coming was standing behind Sleepy Ash.

"I'm going. Whatever Sakuya did in the past doesn't matter to me. Besides he is and has always been my most loyal friend. During the battle he risked his life and betrayed me, just to save me. And even then I couldn't see that he was suffering. I want to make it up to him, by being there for him when he really needs me." Whose Coming explained why he was going.

"I have known Misono for a long time." All of Love said, gaining everyone's attention. "But even now he surprises me. I thought he was only suffering from what happened with Mikuni, I never imagined he would be suffering even more from something else. But he was able to hide his suffering which is something I would never be able to do. He forgave me even after all those years lying to him. So in turn I forgive him. As I once told Misono, everything is done out of love." The blonde servamp said as he stood.

Lawless was the next one to stand. "Licht taught me to not dewel on the past. But reach for the future. I don't exactly care what Litch did. After all if he hadn't done whatever he did we wouldn't have met. As long as he loves me like I love him, his love is all I need. He helped me, so it's my turn to help him."

Doubt Doubt stood up beside All of Love. "Why worry about the past. It's history, unless you have a time machine, you cannot change the past. I'm okay with whatever Mikuni did. As Lawless said, if he hadn't done it we would never have met. I also want to apologize for not realizing how much he was suffering."

"I betrayed Tetsu once. And yet he forgave me. I still don't know why. But now I do. When he forgave me he said, your not the first to betray me and you won't be the last. I didn't understand it so I paid it no mind. But now that I've learned so much, I want to be there for Tetsu. If he truly is going to die, then I would like to be there when he does. It's the least I can do." Old Child stepped forward.

The Mother stood. "Iduna saved me that day, when C3 was destroyed. If she truly was apart of the SSWEA then she would have known who I was, even after we made the contract. It would have been pretty obvious that I was a Servamp. But still she was kind to me, she kept me around, she enjoyed my presence. She wouldn't have done that if she considered me an enemy. That tells me that she probably didn't want to be in SSWEA. So I wish to know the truth, and I want to be the last thing she sees when she dies, so she can die in peace."

"How about you little brother? Are you coming?" Lawless asked World End who hadn't spoken or moved.

"Why should I? I couldn't even tell that he was suffering. I must have been a terrible servamp if he couldn't even tell me."  World End said as he began crying.

"None of us knew. They were just to smart. They hid what they were truly feeling." Whose Coming reminded him.

"And I don't think Niccolo thinks your a terrible servamp." The Mother assured him.

"How do you know?" The white haired looked up.

"Did Niccolo ever say or act like he thought that?" Sleepy Ash asked.

"Well that's the thing, he hid his suffering, he probably hid what he was thinking." World End muttered.

"Okay think of it this way. If you come you can ask him yourself." The bluenette smiled.

"I guess. Alright you've got me convinced. And besides where we are going, I have a feeling that there will be alot of fighting, they'll need all the help they can get." The Servamp stood.

All of Love chuckled. "Although something tells me they can handle themselves quite well."

"Ah, question big brother, how are we gonna get there?" Whose Coming asked.

Then Sleepy Ash saw something shine out of the corner of his eye. There on the ground lay a key. The Servamp picked it up. "This is how we will get there."

"A key?" Lawless said confused.

"How is a key gonna help?" World End yelled. Sometimes their older brother really got on his nerves.

"Do you really think C3 has only one jet?" Sleepy Ash said bluntly.

"Well then say it's a key to a jet the first time. We aren't mind readers you know?" Lawless and World End shouted in frustration.

"Your so loud, what a pain!" The oldest Servamp yawned.

"Okay let's not fight. How about we get going?" All of Love suggested.

"What Love just said." Doubt Doubt said agreeing with his younger brother.

"I'll call my subclasses and tell them to keep an eye out for any of the others." Old Child decided as he took out his phone to text his subclasses.

"Okay well let's get going!" The Mother said as they followed Sleepy Ash, one by one they jumped onto the roof and made their way to the other jet.

"Can I?" Lawless whined.

"No." The oldest, 3rd oldest and 4th oldest all declined his request.

"But why?" Lawless and World End both complained.

"Cause neither of you know how to fly a jet. And even if you did give us one good reason why we would trust you two!" Whose Coming asked.

"I'll fly." Sleepy Ash said. And with that he walked onto the jet without another word.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

In the beginning they were all once strangers.

But they were able to become great friends.

They all laughed, cried, got hurt, talked and fought together.

But above all else they were there for each other, even in the darkest of times.

Then they found something called love, that they will go to great lengths to cherish and protect.

Now as some walked through forests, flew through the sky, traveled in the dead of night, or patiently waited, they would all be together in the end.

For the upcoming battle in England.

To finish evil.

To break the curse.

But whatever the outcome, there is always a price.

At the end of the Servamp war, everyone went home safe and sound.

However this time some people have to be stronger than ever.

Let's just say not everyone will be making it home safely this time.
Another chapter complete.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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