Chapter 42.

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Read at your own risk.
The Envy, Pride, Wrath and Melancholy pairs have all made up and the Servamps have forgiven them.

Mikuni has already talked to All of Love about Misono, and the Servamps cried yes, but Misono had loved him. And knowing made him happy.

Mahiru hadn't spoken a word to Sleepy Ash but letting him sleep on his lap was enough for now. Sleepy Ash didn't want to ruin it.

The Gluttony pair still hadn't returned.

Iduna was more worried about Lawless. He had stopped crying but he hadn't said anything and was very pale. Her hand curled in her pocket around a cold shiny object that Licht had given her. She sighed and stood.

The wolf that had been lying next to her woke from her nap watch her eve walk over to her little brother.

Iduna crouched in front of the Servamp. "Hey, Lawless. Are you okay?"

Lawless didn't answer.

Iduna sighed and sat next to him. Freya ran over, still in her animal form and lay down placing her head in her eve's lap. Iduna smiled and started patting the wolves head. "Let me tell you something Lawless, I knew Licht longer than anyone else here, I knew Licht truly loved you."

At that Lawless lifted his head. ".....Licht loved me?"

Iduna nodded. "His nicknames were how he showed his love. Also...." Iduna pulled out the object from her pocket and handed it to Lawless.

Lawless's eyes widened as he immediately recognized the object. A chain with a dog-tag on it that has 'Hyde', his current name, engraved on it. It was his old contract item.

"Licht held onto that the entire time. He truly loved you. Always had and always will. He didn't mean to kill Ophelia. It was my fault." Iduna said sadly.

"Iduna don't blame yourself." Mikuni pointed out, joining the conversation as he watched Jeje curled up and around his fingers of his hands. "Your friendship meant everything to Licht. And when the SSWEA started to threaten you, and as your first friend, Licht promised that nothing would ever happen to you, and he kept his promise. Even after a week of torture."

Lawless looked at Iduna. "You were friends with Licht?"

The young blonde nodded. "Way before we entered C3. We were best friends and that never changed."

"Well I'm glad Licht had someone like you." Lawless smiled.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚(this is where the torture conversation starts. Read at your own risk)

"I was wondering, I didn't want to ask but, what kind of torture did you guys go though?" Hugh asked.

Upon hearing the question Mikuni paled.

Iduna wrapped her arms around Freya's waist when she transformed back into human form, and buried her face into her lap.

Mahiru did something unexpected, he picked up the black cat in his lap and hugged him to his chest. Sleepy Ash was glad he was black or else he wouldn't hear the end of this when his siblings are back to normal, as he was blusing like mad.

Sakuya went silent from where he was sitting in Tsubaki's lap.

Alex who had woken up was shaking from her spot next to Gear.

"It started with assaults and beatings." Sakuya started. "But as soon as they realized that it wasn't gonna work on us... Let's say they evolved to new strategies."

Would you hate us if you knew? Part One: The Past (A SERVAMP FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now