Chapter 30

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(A warning this chapter may be a bit sad!)

"Please tell us what's going on!" Old Child begged.

Shuhei blinked as he was pulled out of his thoughts. He sighed. This was gonna be troublesome, but he knew what to do. He was gonna tell them where their former Eves are, however he will also tell them why they shouldn't go.

"I promised my friends I wouldn't tell you but it looks like I have no other choice." Shuhei decided.

"So, where are they? We'll get them to explain everything to us!" Whose Coming stepped forward, ignoring Sleepy Ash's warning glance.

Shuhei shook his head. Here goes nothing. "That is not a good idea. They are in England, but I recommend you not to go. The reason why they wanted you to stay here, no matter how much they want you by their side, was because they want to protect you. Also they don't want the last thing they see are your guys' saddened faces."

All of Love's hands flew to his face in shock. His eyes started to water. "Last thing they see? You make it sound like they are going to die."

Lawless eyes widened. His angel die? He must be joking. Right? "No that can't be possible. Are they truly going to die?"

Shuhei sighed. He really didn't have time to explain. Which was fine. The battle probably won't occur until all their friends were there which could take days. But making him repeat himself is just annoying him. "You heard me. Don't make me repeat it!"

"Yes they are. And don't make us repeat it."

Shuhei turned around to see Yumikage, Junichiro and Johannes standing in the doorway to the C3 building.

Whose Coming stepped backwards bumping into Sleepy Ash who placed a hand on his shoulder. "What did you say?" His voice trembled as his eyes began to water.

Junichiro felt sorry for the vampires. They should have known from the beginning, but if they had, would they have been able to let go of their Eves? He didn't think so. "There is something deep in their pasts that they could not tell you. Something that they were even scared of. And to stop and fix everything they are going to sacrifice themselves to save thousands of people."

The Servamps gasped. So it was true... They were gonna die.

World End fell to the ground. "Why? WHY?" He shouted. The Mother bent down and placed a hand on his shoulder. She knew that this was the only way she could comfort him without going berserk herself.

"You have known our friends in the past. They have also done terrible things to you in the past. Things they can't forgive themselves for, that have haunted them all these years..." Junichiro trailed off. He couldn't take it anymore and went back inside.

Yumikage and Johannes watched their friend go inside. The blonde went to follow but paused. "It's none of your business, that's also why they wanted you to stay. They didn't want you involved and risk seeing you get hurt." He told them before following Junichiro inside.

"All they want is a normal life and dying is how they will get it." The scientist said sadly before going back inside.

"What you do now is totally up to you." Shuhei began looking back at the vampires. "But trust me, your former Eves have felt pain that only you could imagine. They have lost everything. Even their parents and for some they had to lose them twice. They have wanted to die for years, but were unable to. They stayed with you despite the danger of being with you for them as well as for you. They thought they could forget everything and start over with you guys. They even fell in love with you. It hurt them so much that night, getting your hopes up and then suddenly leaving with no explanation. They promised they wouldn't hurt you and they did. They wanted to tell you, be with you and keep everything buried. But some things rise to the surface, no matter how hard or how many times you push it down. They decided to do what was right."

Would you hate us if you knew? Part One: The Past (A SERVAMP FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now