Chapter 26

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Warning: there are a few sad parts in here.
With Mahiru's group.

When Mahiru had been separated from Misono in the crowd, he had run into Alex and Kouki. Together they traveled to the second safe house they had taken Youtarou that morning and escaped into the woods.

Now, they were resting on some fallen logs.

Youtarou was worried. "What now?" He asked, not even trying to hide the fear and worry that flowed noticeably in his voice.

Alex's gaze softened and she planted a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure they are all fine." She tells him as if she could read his thoughts. "But we have been separated before. We just keep moving on to the next place. The others will too. We'll meet them there."

Kouki meanwhile was tapping at his phone. "I have a message from Tsurugi. Iduna and the others have escaped. Unfortunately they had to head back to Tokyo."

Everyone looked at him.

"Why?" Mahiru asked. 'I'm sure I didn't ask them to do that. Did I?'

Kouki typed a message to Tsurugi and got a response a second later. "Apparently the SSWEA have broken their promise and have gone after the Servamps."

"Okay." Mahiru replied while deep in thought.

"What now boss?" Alex asked.

"With the promise broken and no doubt the Servamps are out of the mansion. So we need to move our plan along." He said looking down.

"So what is our next destination?" Kouki took his jacket off and placed it over Youtarou's shoulders.

Mahiru looked up. "England."

Youtarou was confused. They had just escaped from England weeks ago so now they want to go back. "Um, can I ask why?"

"Well to put a stop to something, you head for the source of its origins. Where everything began." Alex explained.

Kouki nodded. "Which is England. "She" knows we are after "her". So retreating to hide in England like the coward "she" is, is something "she" would do."

"But now it's going to be tricky since we are now all separated. But the others would get the same idea and head there." Mahiru said.

Kouki tapped on his phone again. "I'll text Tsurugi and tell him the plan. I'll also text Iduna."

"Still no word from Sakuya, Tetsu, Ryusei or Gear." Alex told them.

"We must assume they got captured if they haven't reported in by now." Mahiru said from a branch above. He was sitting in the tree as he was on guard. Watching for enemies.

Youtarou thought for a moment. "Oh. So would they move them to England?"

Kouki smirked. "Thats what they would do yes. Probably to set a trap for the rest of us."

Mahiru looked down as he climbed down from the branch and Alex climbed up to tale his place. "Exactly. So rest up everyone. Soon we will have to start walking."

"I have a question. Well I tried to ask Gear this question, but he ignored the question and refused to answer it." Youtarou hesitated.

Kouki placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. You can ask anything. It's natural to be curious. We won't be mad."

Youtarou took a deep breath. "When this is all over what will happen to you guys?"

Kouki hesitated and withdrew his hand.

Mahiru looked off into the distance trying to figure out how to answer the question.

Alex ignore the conversation below, keeping her attention to the forest around them.

Would you hate us if you knew? Part One: The Past (A SERVAMP FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now