Chapter 1: First day

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"It says here that my room is right down the hall" Alexis said, staring down at the slip in her hand as she walked down the hallway with Noah by her side.

"Good, cuz there's no way I'm going up those stairs" he replied, a scowl plastered on his face.

He was so pissed but you couldn't really blame him. Their mum had ditched them immediately she dropped them off and now he had to carry Alexis' bag all the way to her new room like he didn't have other stuff to do.

It was Alexis' first day in college and her older brother, Noah, wasn't the slightest bit happy about it. The sole reason being the fact that she still decided to attend Bevard University even after all his warnings.

He had spent all summer giving her reasons why she should go somewhere else but they all fell on deaf ears.

Noah was already in his senior year. Attending Bevard for three years, he already knew everything and he could tell it was best if Alexis didn't go there.

"I hope my roommate is a hot senior" Alexis grinned, staring up at him.

A part of her was just joking and another part might have actually wanted a hot senior roomie. I mean, why not?. She was beyond excited about finally being in college.

She was so done with highschool.

"If your roommate is a guy, I'm calling mum immediately and you're switching schools" Noah didn't even spare her a glance.

It was bad enough that Alexis was attending Bevard, then she was going to get a male roommate?

Hell no!

"Or I could just switch rooms" Alexis rolled her eyes, turning away from him.

He had been grouchy all morning and she knew why. She just didn't care.

"I honestly don't get why you chose to come here" Noah began, staring straight ahead.

"Can you stop bringing that up?" She groaned.

It was like the third time he was bringing up the topic just that morning and she was getting sick of it.

"No" he piped. "I mean, you got an admission into Stanford, why didn't you go there?" He questioned, finally turning to face her.

"Cuz I didn't want to ok? I'm here now and whether you like it or not, you're gonna have to accept that" she snapped, clearly uninterested in the conversation.

"Most of your high school friends are going to Stanford" he said.

"Yeah, including Adam and LeAnne" Alexis shot back.

At that statement, Noah stopped in his tracks and he slowly turned to face his little sister with his eyes narrowed into slits. Realization had just dawned on him.

"Is this about them?" He asked and both his eyebrows shot up. Alexis just kept walking, dragging her suitcase behind her. "Alexis, did you turn down Stanford because of those two?" He asked again, catching up to her, genuinely curious.

"So what if I did?" Alexis questioned without sparing him a glance. "it's my choice" she shrugged.

Noah scoffed, staring at her in disbelief. "Unbelievable" he muttered.

"Yeah whatever" She rolled her eyes again.

One thing Noah didn't realize was that, Alexis didn't even want to go to Bevard either but she would do anything to get away from the two people who made the past two months miserable for her.

"Oh look here we are" Alexis announced,.stopping in front of a door, the corners of her lips lifting into a smile.

Boldly written above the door in black paint was the number 118. Her first room in college. She was almost shaking with excitement.

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