Chapter 9: Everybody Knows Candace

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Alexis' didn't care that it was so early in the morning. She was screaming so hard, her throat was beginning to hurt. It was 5:43am and she really wished she had just said no when Emanie asked to 'hang out'. "Emanie it's almost 6am" She basically whined, banging on the door of his room.

She had been knocking for over three minutes and she was sure Emanie was awake, he was just ignoring her. There was no way he could have slept through her incessant knocking.

She paused for about thirty seconds to catch her breath, already frustrated. Once again, she raised her hand to continue knocking but before her hand could land on the well polished wooden door, it flung open and her fist crashed into Emanie's hard chest.

"Ow" he said in a monotone, leaning on the door post, his face void of expression. His hair was even messier than it was a few hours earlier. "What?" He asked, pushing aside a few strands of hair that fell over his face. He was struggling to keep his eyes open and his voice was deeper than usual.

"It's almost 6am, I need to get to school" she replied, adjusting the oversized pajama shirt she had on.

Emanie took a second to run his eyes over her before dropping his head to mutter something to himself. "Didn't you sleep?" He asked, slightly raising his eyebrows.

"I didn't" she replied sharply. She seemed pretty awake.

"Why?" He questioned, now raising his head to fix his gaze on her.

"I wanted to make sure I get to school early" she replied and almost immediately cringed at her words. It was such a nerdy thing to say and she believed she was far from being a nerd.

Emanie sighed again. "How important is this class you're interrupting my sleep for?" He asked.

"Very important!" She fired. "I can't miss a class again. I did on my first day and it was terrible, I had no idea what was discussed and..." She rambled on.

"Goldilocks" Emanie called, cutting her short. His voice was raspy and his eyelids were drooping.

"Yeah?" she raised her eyebrows.

He brushed aside the strands of hair that fell over his face and stared straight at her with his blood shot eyes. "Shhhh" he placed his index finger on her lips.

"Emanie..." She managed to say with Emanie's finger still pressed against her lips.

"Shhhh" he cut her off again.

She huffed, finally staying quiet and she just stared back at him. He then took a step backwards, taking his finger off lips and maintaining focused eye contact. He actually looked and acted more high than sleepy.

Then with one movement of his arm, he shut the door.

"Emanie!" Alexis yelled.

"Give me thirty minutes" he murmured.

"No, we don't have thirty minutes," She shot back "Emanie, you need to hurry up!" She yelled.

"Oh jeez, Ryan!" Emanie finally raised his voice, frustration in his tone.

The door to Ryan's room flung open at his name .It was like he had been patiently waiting for his name to be called. He stepped out of his room, looking even more tired than Emanie. Alexis just stared in confusion as he pulled his door shut and began approaching her, using a hand to ruffle his hair as if to get himself to focus.

"What the..." She started but she didn't get the chance to finish her sentence.

"Enough yelling" he mumbled right before scooping her off the floor and roughly placing her on his right shoulder.

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