Chapter 46: Confessing.

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Soon it was November. Everything was going perfectly fine for Alexis and the rest of the gang. Well, apart from the fact that Emanie began to stay away from Alexis after the mid night incident. He totally placed Alexis' entire plan on pause and everyone was beginning to doubt if the plan was going to work out at all.

Alexis was still confident tho. She had no doubt. Ok, maybe a little bit doubt but she really hoped Emanie would come back cuz if he didn't, the entire plan would fall through and she didn't really want to resort to taking his limbs. Cuz that just wasn't enough!.

She believed attacking Emanie wasn't enough punishment for all he had done. It was actually a lot but his actions carried more gravity.

Alexis sat in the middle row of an almost empty lecture hall over a week later. She had her eyes glued to the textbook in front of her.

It was around 5pm. Classes had ended about an hour ago but she stayed back to catch up on some reading cuz lately, she hadn't really been paying attention to school work.

She had been reading the same three lines for about ten minutes and she still didn't understand what it meant. She was so frustrated, she really wanted to shred the textbook into a million tiny pieces but then what would she read later when she gets over the frustration.

'aaargghh!' she yelled on the inside.

Just then, someone slipped a little note on top of her textbook.

Boldly written on it in black ink was. Hi ^_^

She just furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at the person in front of her. She immediately recognized his back view.

"Emanie?" She questioned and he immediately turned back to face her with a smile on his face.

"Hi" he said.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She asked like she wasn't happy to see him. 

"Uh... Good evening to you too Goldilocks" he replied.

"Don't call me that" she rolled her eyes.

"Been a while" he said.

"Never thought I'd see you again" she began. "What do you want this time?" She asked.

"Nothing really" he replied. "Just glad you believe i didn't drug you the other night" he added.

"Who said I believe you?" Alexis asked.

"You told Amarr"

"I only said you didn't drug me cuz I didn't want any problems" She told him. "Amarr looked like he was about to rearrange your teeth" she added.

He just adjusted himself in his seat, keeping eye contact, with a smile on his face.

"What?" She asked

"I just think it's cool you care about me" he replied.

Alexis just sighed and closed her textbook. She wasn't understanding anything before Emanie showed up so there was absolutely no way she was getting anything with him there.

"But in all sincerity..." he began. "I didn't drug you" he added.

"Bye Emanie" Alexis said getting up from her seat.

"Alexis wait" Emanie said, grabbing her wrist.

"What?" She questioned, sitting back down. "What exactly do you want from me?" She asked. "You've already done what you wanted to do so why won't you just leave me alone?" She was trying so hard to keep her voice low.

"Trust me Alexis, that was the plan" Emanie replied softly.

"What?" Alexis questioned.

"You can ask Candace if we ever talked after what I did to her" he replied. "I never go back, that's the whole point" he added.

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