Chapter 25: Falling Apart.

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Candace stepped into the room confused as hell, wondering why the door was left open. Unconscious of what was going on in the room, she turned on the lights.

Alexis froze. Her heart probably stopped or skipped a beat or something cuz she scared to death. If that was Amarr, she knew her life was over. Emanie turned back to see who it was and it gave Alexis a chance to see too.

'Candace?' she thought. Her life was still over. So many things ran through her mind. What the fuck was she doing? Why didn't she stop him? Dianne was so right about Emanie. Was her zipper down?.

She just froze and forgot how to move or even talk.

'What the actual fuccccckkkk?' was the first thing that ran through Candace's mind but she wasn't the type to voice out her thoughts so she just stared at them.

There was a terribly awkward silence. Candace just closed the door behind her and walked towards her bed to take a seat, totally forgetting the reason she came to the room in the first place. She still kept her eyes glued to Alexis and Emanie, just to make them uncomfortable. It was really working for Emanie but Alexis would have been uncomfortable with or without Candace staring.

Candace just couldn't believe Amarr was so worried about Alexis and there she was, getting screwed by Cavalero. Candace found it kinda funny but uncool at the same time.

'Damn, this bitch'  Emanie thought, desperately thinking of a way to get out of the terribly awkward situation.

"Shit. " he heard Alexis mutter and he turned back to face her.

She ran her hand through her hair, slightly brushing off the sweat that formed on her forehead. She looked so scared and nervous at the same time, it was so obvious in her eyes. She was aware of how much trouble it could cause and she was scared of the consequences. She barely noticed Emanie was staring at her.

"Alexis" he said softly and she finally noticed he was staring. "Relax" he added like it would totally calm her down.

She couldn't even find her words.

"I'll see you later" Emanie said and she just nodded. He turned and walked towards the door. He opened it and turned back to face Candace. "Hi" he said without a smile.

Candace of course just glared at him with no response.

"Ok" he muttered and he stepped out, carefully closing the door behind him.

"Shit" Alexis muttered again and she finally pulled herself off the wall.

She could not believe what she had just done. She constantly ran her hand through her hair like it would calm her down and solve all the problems she had probably just created for herself.

"You are so naive" Candace began and Alexis raised her head to face her. "Playing shitty games with Cavalero?" She questioned and her voice echoed in Alexis' head. "you probably think me walking in on you is bad, wait till Amarr hears about this"

As Candace said that, Alexis shut her eyes to prevent tears. She couldn't imagine how Amarr would feel.

'what have I done?'  she asked herself.

"I don't even care about your relationship with Cavalero" Candace began again. "I care about the fact that you're comfortable here, getting screwed by him after what you did to Dianne" she continued, raising her voice. "You know what that makes you?" She questioned "a piece of shit" she concluded.

Usually Alexis would fight back after what Candace said but at that point, she just couldn't. She was a piece of shit and she knew it.

"And I know I said I don't care..." Candace began again. "But what you're doing with Cavalero is very stupid" she added, sitting down.

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