Chapter 16: The Night Before Prom.

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Amarr stared down at Alexis with concern in his eyes. After about ten seconds of silence, Alexis sighed and sat up on her bed.

"You good?" He questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah" she replied with another sigh. Apart from the fact that she felt, sharing her problems with people was going to bother them, she also didn't really want to talk about Adam and LeAnne.

"Really?" Dianne questioned "cuz Candace just told us in the hallway that you came in really mad" she added and Alexis turned to face Candace bed, she wasn't there. She had left the room and Alexis didn't even know.

"Yeah, something about ripping the doors off their hinges" Amarr said.

"It's fine guys" Alexis told them cuddling her pillow.

"But you don't look fine" Amarr began.

"I could even sense it through the text, that's how not fine you are!" Dianne exclaimed "come on Lex, just tell us what the problem is" she continued "trust me I'm very good at problem solving, and I'm not even trying to brag" she added.

"It's just..." Alexis began and she sighed again "nevermind" she added crashing back into her bed.

"Come on Lex" Dianne said "is this about some bitch in your class, cuz I could definitely help with that" she continued "I could pummel a bitch anytime any day" she added.

"It's a guy" Alexis said softly.

"A guy?" Amarr questioned

"Oh then Amarr could take care of that" Dianne said "right Amarr?" She questioned turning to him.

"Let's listen to her Dianne" he replied.

"You don't get it" Alexis began "his name is Adam and we dated in highschool but things didn't quite work out" she continued.

"Oh, love issues" Dianne muttered and she took a seat on the bed.

"Well, things didn't work out for me" Alexis said "I mean, he left me and moved on to my best friend" she added.

"So what brought this up again?" Dianne questioned.

"He's a student here" Alexis began. "The first time I bumped into him, I was shocked. I had no idea he got an admission into Bevard" she continued "he told me he realized his mistake and tried to talk me into getting back with him" she added

"But you said no right?" Dianne questioned with absolute curiosity.

"Yeah" Alexis replied. "I shut him down immediately" she added. "I really thought I was over him, I thought I had put all of that behind me..." She continued and she sighed "until I saw him with LeAnne tonight" she concluded.

"Oh shit" Dianne muttered.

"They looked so happy being together and it's just not fair..." Alexis began, raising her voice. "I used to be happy but they took that away from me!. They took my happiness and my dignity!. I feel so sad, shattered and heartbroken!." She continued "and what? They get to be so happy?.Why!? For what!?" She questioned, tears forming in her eyes. "What happened to karma uhn? You know what, Fuck karma!" She yelled and she buried her head in her pillow.

"Girl don't you dare cry" Dianne began, placing her hand on Alexis' shoulder. "You're so much better than that" she added.

"That's messed up" Amarr began with anger obvious in his voice. "I say we fuck those guys up" he continued "why not give karma a little boost, you know, give them exactly what they deserve" he added.

"Relax, all in due time" Dianne told him in a surprisingly calm voice. "You sure that's all that happen Lex?" She questioned turning to her. "Cuz your reaction seems a bit much for the story" she added.

Alexis raised her head. Her eyes were red, she looked messed up. She just stared at Dianne with an expression that made her look sorry for herself.

"Something else went down between you and Adam" Dianne said, more like a question.

"It was the night before prom" Alexis began after about ten seconds of dead silence.  "My mum was working a mid night shift so I threw a party at my house cuz.., why not?" She continued "I mean, I was never really the cool girl or the party type. I was the girl who only had one friend and cared a lot about my studies but still got average grades. I was literally invisible to most of my mates. When I told Adam and LeAnne about my mum's shift, they told me to have a party and I agreed, you know just to fit in, even at the last minute." She went on "almost all my mates were there,even those who never spoke to me throughout highschool. The party went really wild thanks to Adam and LeAnne who helped plan everything. I even took drinks I had never seen until then. Alcohol everywhere." She explained. "The party died down around midnight. LeAnne left with everyone while Adam decided to stay over." Then she paused. "That was when it happened" she added and she felt her heart sink.

"What?" Dianne questioned and Alexis just stared back with no response. "You screwed?" She added and Amarr's eyes grew wide open. He stared at Alexis with focused eye contact.

"It was my first time ever" Alexis replied and Amarr sighed, burying his head in his palms. Dianne didn't really seemed surprised. "I was kinda scared but with the alcohol and the way he told me how much he loved me, I couldn't resist him." She explained. "Then it was prom night, I was dressed up in the prettiest green gown ever and I was so happy. But when I entered the hall, I saw Adam dancing with LeAnne. I didn't really take it as anything so I approached them with a smile, still very happy, then..." A teardrop fell from her eyes and she immediately wiped it off. She paused to blink away the tears and pull herself together. "Then he dumped me in front of everyone saying LeAnne  had always been the girl of his dreams" she concluded.

"That is fucked up" Dianne began. "And there's no way he's getting away with that" she continued "he needs a taste of pain. He broke your heart and we're gonna break his bones. Right Amarr?" She questioned.

"Yeah ok" Amarr replied, his head still buried in his palms.

He couldn't believe his ears.

"Don't worry, Lex, we've got your back, always." Dianne began "so we're not just gonna stand around and watch some jackasses treat you like garbage" she continued. "We're gonna hit them back, hard" she added.

Alexis just kept mute.

"Look, I don't want you to beat yourself up for letting Adam have his way." Dianne began in a lower tone. "People make mistakes ok?" She continued "as a matter of fact, I specifically know someone with this same story, you know, betrayal and all of that, except I can say hers was kinda worse, but she's over it now" Dianne and concluded and Amarr finally raised his head.

"Is she tho?" He questioned.

"Yes she is" Dianne replied through gritted teeth "the point is Lex..." She continued, turning back to Alexis. "You can't just keep sulking, you need to brighten up!" She said. "Which is why you're gonna go into your closet and pick out the cutest outfit so we can go out and have the best night ever" she told her. "Screw Adam and LeAnne, everybody is gonna get what they deserve in due time" she smiled. 

"In due time" Amarr replied clutching his fists.

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