Chapter 23: Saturday!

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So it was Saturday!.

"Finally!" Dianne had screamed the second she woke up that morning.

It was shocking how she was so energetic early in the morning. She slept in Alexis' room so she woke her up immediately she awake. Alexis was so frustrated and Candace was pissed but there was no way Dianne could hide her excitement. They woke up 7am but the party was to start at 11 so by 10 they started getting ready.

Dianne had taken about three hours to figure out what she was going to wear the night before while Alexis just picked something out of her closet.

So by 11:30 they were dressed and ready to go but then something came up. Dianne got a call, Alexis didn't really understand what it was about but she knew Dianne had some work to attend to. Some nerd shit.

She was so pissed, of all days to be disturbed by school work, the day of the October party!!!??!!.

"Don't your nerdy friends know what's happening today?" Alexis asked as they stepped out of the room around 12pm.

They had decided that Dianne would quickly attend to her work and then join Alexis at the party.

"Why would they care?" Dianne shot back. "They've devoted their lives to books" she added

"Good thing you aren't like that" Alexis began "I wouldn't even be friends with you" she laughed

"I'm only friends with them cuz they're super smart they help a lot" Dianne told her. "Can't believe I forgot about this assignment, we could have done this yesterday" she added.

"Can't you move it till tomorrow?" Alexis questioned.

"Ain't no way I'm working on a Sunday" Dianne replied sharply.

By this time, they were already at the main entrance. Alexis pushed the door open and they stepped out.

"So how long is this gonna take?" Alexis asked.

"Should take about..." Dianne was saying.

"Dianna!" A masculine voice yelled interrupting her.

"Oh jeez" she sighed already knowing who it was.

She turned to face the guy who was already speed walking towards her.

"Who's that?" Alexis whispered

The guy finally got to them and he paused to catch his breath. He looked like..., Well what nerds look like.

"Hi" he said finally.

"Hi" Dianne replied, forcing a smile. "Alexis, this is Jonah" she said "Jonah, meet my friend Alexis" she added.

"Hi" Alexis smiled.

"Nice to meet you" Jonah replied.

"Hmm mmm"

"So are we gonna go now, or..." He asked adjusting his round framed glasses.

"Yeah" Dianne replied and she turned to Alexis. "I'll catch up with you" she said and she began to walk away with Jonah.

"Call me when you're done" Alexis told her.

"Ok" she replied and Alexis turned to begin her journey to the basketball court.

She could already hear the music and she wondered how loud it would be inside the place if it was already that loud outside.

She wore a short fitted flower patterned red gown with a pair of black sneakers and her hair packed into a ponytail. It might have not been the best choice but Alexis was ok with it. She wasn't such a party person until she got to Bevard and met Emanie who seemed be invited to all the parties. Noah would freak out if he knew what she had been up to, so would her mum and a part of her felt like it wasn't a good idea but another part wanted to make the most of college. She didn't want it to be like highschool.

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