Chapter 42: Whenever You're Ready

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Amarr sharply opened his eyes around 2am that day. He had just jerked out of sleep. He sat up on his bed and looked around.

The room was dark and the only source of light was the security light outside that reflected through the window, partially illuminating the room. Everyone was fast asleep.

Wayne ended up sleeping off on the floor so Candace was alone on his bed. Blake and Dianne were fast asleep on Blake's mattress and Alexis was curled up under her blanket right beside Amarr. 

Amarr tightly shut his eyes as he rubbed his forehead. He had a terrible headache and he was feeling nauseous. He laid back down to continue sleeping but before he could pull up his blanket, he gagged. "Crap" he muttered, springing out of bed.

He rushed towards the bathroom door and carefully opened it, trying not to wake the others. He stepped in, closing the door behind him. He turned around and immediately puked into the toilet. He coughed and squeezed his face as he looked into the toilet. He felt so dizzy, it was like he was going to pass out. He just sighed and flushed the toilet. Then he turned to walk towards the sink. He turned on the water and rinsed his face and mouth.

He took in a deep breath and he raised his head to face the mirror above the sink. "Shit" he muttered to himself.

Then he stepped out of the bathroom and walked back to his bed. He sat down and pulled out a drawer in a cabinet by his bed.

He was about to pick out something when he felt someone touch his shoulders.

"You ok?" Alexis asked quietly out of nowhere.

"Fuck" Amarr tried not to yell. He was startled. He pushed the drawer back in and turned to face Alexis. "Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked her.

"I can't" she replied. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" he replied.

"Are you sure? cuz I heard you coughing in the bathroom" she said.

"I'm ok" he replied. "So why can't you sleep?" He asked staring directly into her eyes.

"I don't know, I've just been thinking" she replied, laying back down.

"About what?" He asked, lying down beside her. They both stared at the ceiling

"Emanie" she replied.

"Really?" he questioned with a sigh.

"Yeah" she replied. "I mean, what if this plan doesn't work out?" She questioned.

"Then we do what we should have done in the first place" Amarr replied pulling his blanket over him. "Pummel him" he added.

"Ok, so what if the plan comes together?" She asked.

"Then cool"


"What?" He questioned.

"Getting revenge on Emanie doesn't change the fact that..." She began and then she paused, finding it hard to finish her sentence.

"That he slept with you?" Amarr asked.

"Yeah" she replied with a sigh. "I mean, so many people probably still have that picture" she added.

"Trust me Alexis, if your plan actually comes together, nobody's gonna be talking about what he did to you. " he told her. "Your story is gonna fade away it's gonna be like it never even happened" He added.

"Yeah, but..." She was saying and then she paused to think. "It still happened, nothing is going to change that" she continued.

"It seems to me like you have an issue with getting over this" he said.

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