Chapter 49: Not So Happy Birthday.

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"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me me me me meeeee" Alexis sang, dancing around the room.

It was around 11am, finally her birthday. She wore a pair of yellow pants and a white sleeveless top over it with a tiara Candace had given her as a present earlier that day.

"Do you really have to keep singing that song?" Candace asked her.

"Yes cuz it's my birthday!!!" She yelled and Kimberly just laughed.

"I got you something Alexis" She said, picking out a gift bag from her unpacked suitcase.

Yeah, of course Kimberly knew about her birthday. They based their entire plan on it.

"Yay, more presents" Alexis twirled. She was really happy.

"Here" Kimberly smiled, handing her the gift bag.

She took the bag from her and immediately peeked into it.

"Sneakers!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, I didn't really know what to get you" Kim replied.

"I love it" Alexis squeaked. "I would have totally hugged you but I don't know you that well" she added.

"Why the fuck would you even say that?" Kim laughed, getting up from the bed. "Come on" she added, pulling Alexis into a hug.

"We need some music" Candace said, bringing out her phone and a portable mp3 player.

"Yessss" Kimberly yelled out, doing a little a dance.

She was getting excited.

"Y'all ever heard of Justice?" Candace asked, putting on the music.

"Who?" Alexis questioned.

"Next generation music god"  Candace replied, getting up from her bed to dance. "Do you hear that?" She asked. "Do you feel the music?" She added.

"No, no I don't " Alexis replied. "Please play some normal music" she added and Candace just stopped dancing.

"You're lucky it's your birthday today" Candace told her and she turned back to pick up her phone. Before she could change the song, her phone began to ring. Blake was calling. "Oh, it's Blake" she announced. "I think they're finally done setting up for the party" she added getting excited again.

"Yessss" Alexis yelled out.

"Hey, what's up " Candace said immediately she picked up the phone.

"Something is wrong with Dianne" Blake replied sharply.

Candace's phone was still connected to the mp3 player so they all heard.

"What?" Candace questioned, her excitement immediately faded away.

"She's been crying for about fifteen minutes now and she won't even talk to me" Blake replied. "I don't know what's wrong, can you guys just come up here and see if she'll talk to you?" He questioned.

He sounded really worried.

"Ok" Candace replied right before Blake hung up. "Blake said something is wrong with Dianne" she told Alexis.

"Yeah, I heard" Alexis replied. "let's go see what's up " she added, beginning to walk towards the door

"I'll just wait here for you guys" Kimberly said and she took her seat on Alexis' bed.

"Ok" Candace replied.

They walked out of the room and stepped into the hallway. Candace looked really worried, so did Alexis. They got to the next floor and soon they were at Blake's door.

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