Chapter 28: Shitty Prizes.

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"Pack your hair" Noah said frankly.

Yeah, he wasn't born yesterday. Alexis sighed and slipped her rubber band off her wrist. She packed her hair into a ponytail and folded her arms. Noah walked towards her to get a closer look at what was on her neck. Then he took two steps backwards to stare at her with his hands in his pockets. Alexis couldn't really tell if he was angry or confused. There was an awkward silence.

"What's that?" He asked finally.

"I burnt myself with a curling iron" she replied immediately.

Where did that lie come from? She had no idea. Usually, she was a terrible liar but when it came to things like that, she didn't even have to think too hard. It was simple survival instincts.

"Oh, it must have really hurt" Noah said.

"Yeah, but I'm fine" Alexis replied with a smile of relief.

'phew' she thought.

"Did it happen recently?" He questioned

"Yeah" she replied.

"Then why is your hair so straight tho?" He asked stepping closer to her. "You must think I'm so stupid" he added.


"Who did that?" He asked.

"Noah listen." Alexis began. "You can't keep treating me like this." She continued. "I'm eighteen. I'm an adult for fuck sake!" She added. "You don't have to look after me, I can take care of myself"

"It was that nigga wasn't it?" Noah asked ignoring her little speech.

"What?" She questioned.

"Amarr" Noah said.

Before Alexis could respond, Noah stepped out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Oh jeez" she rolled her eyes.

She picked up her turtleneck and waited for Noah to come back but he didn't. Then she left the room and went into Noah's room but he wasn't there either.

"Where's my brother?" She asked one of them.

"He just went out to do something." One of them replied.

"Yeah, something about giving Amarr a piece of his mind" another one said.

"Shit" Alexis muttered and she dashed out of the room.

He was going to talk to Amarr.

"Noah!" She yelled as she ran down the stairs and into the second floor. She saw him standing in front of Amarr's room. "Noah!" She yelled again before he could knock but he still knocked anyways.

He turned back to face her as she walked towards him.

She knew no one was gonna open the door cuz it was time for Amarr's basketball practice.

"What the fuck are you trying to do?" She asked him.

"I'm gonna tell that son of a bitch, I don't appreciate him leaving his marks on my sister" He replied.

"Are you listening to yourself?" Alexis asked him. "you're making me sound so stupid" she said.

"I'm making you sound stupid?" Noah questioned. "Alexis, you are stupid" he told her.

"I'm not a kid!" She yelled at him. "stop treating me like one. I can take care of myself, I know exactly what I'm doing" she told him.

"You know, this is so funny cuz the last time you said that was when you were with Adam" Noah began. "And how did that turn out?" He asked.

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