Chapter 18: One Big Thug Family.

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"That's literally the closest I've ever been to getting arrested" Wayne said taking a bite out of his slice of pizza.

"I've been arrested a couple times," Blake shrugged. "But not for serious reasons tho " he added.

"Me too" Amarr nodded.

"Never" Dianne said with pride in her tone.

They had just gotten to school about ten minutes ago and they were all in Amarr and Wayne's room. Amarr and Alexis sat on Amarr's bed while Blake and Wayne sat on Wayne's bed and Dianne sat on the floor. There was actually a chair in the room but she preferred to sit on the floor for no specific reason.

"What about you Alexis?" Blake questioned "ever been arrested?" He added.

"I've never even been in that kind of situation" she replied.

She was already in a good mood. Although she wouldn't admit it, seeing Adam and LeAnne in pain actually made her happy. It's not sadistic, just revenge.

"Always been such a good kid uhn?" Dianne questioned

"Yeah, did even have that many friends" Alexis replied taking a bite out of her slice of pizza.

"I think it's crazy how we drove past the cop car on our way to school" Wayne said

"Right?" Blake questioned, his eyes widening. "Like, that was too close" he continued "and they had no idea" he added.

"I'm sure they weren't really willing come, they just didn't want it to seem like they were ignoring emergency calls " Amarr began "I mean, who cares about a fight between college students?" He shrugged.

"Wasn't much of a fight tho." Alexis said

"We didn't even really beat them up" Dianne began "That's the sad part" she added.

"I'm sure they got the message" Amarr told her.

"By the way," Blake began waving his arms in the air, grabbing everyone's attention. "What was it all about?" He questioned.

"Yeah, you guys still haven't told us what those guys did to Alexis " Wayne added.

"Not necessary " Dianne replied sharply.

"Yeah" Amarr nodded.

"Thanks for having my back guys" Alexis smiled.

"That's just what we do" Wayne shrugged.

"Yeah, you are a part of the gang now" Blake added

"And we're one family" Dianne said turning to her. "One big thug family" she added.

"Don't call us that" Wayne immediately protested.

"Whatever" Dianne shot back.

"Anyways Alexis," Amarr began, turning to stare at her with focused eye contact "we will always have your back" he added with a smile.

She just smiled back and she felt her stomach do a summersault for some reason.  Soon she got lost in his eyes. His brown eyes that she never really noticed until that moment.

Then she felt something land on her face, snapping her out of it. She shook her head and then caught the sight of the slice of pizza that slid down her shirt. That was when she realized she had been staring at Amarr

"Seriously?" She questioned picking up the pizza slice and turning to Dianne who just glared at her.

"Yeah" she replied sharply.

"I don't know what's going on here..." Wayne began "but I approve" he added with a slight shrug.

Alexis just rolled her eyes and turned to face Amarr who was silently laughing as he stared down at his phone, obviously avoiding her gaze.


Alexis skipped down the hallway towards her room the next day around 4pm, after lectures. The day went great and she was in such a good mood.

'No sight of Adam, no sight of LeAnne'.

Nothing had happened that day but it was one of the best days.

She got to her door and tried to open the door but it was locked so she slipped out her key. She pushed into into the key hole and turned it to the left, immediately unlocking the door. She kicked it open and stepped in closing the door behind her.

She hummed her favorite song and twirled as she tossed her bag into a corner. Then she crashed into her bed.

The day had been awesome so far. She woke up early feeling good and refreshed, classes went great, She had only seen Candace once, well, that was one too many times she wanted but she could put up with it, and the best part of it all, no sight of Adam!.

Usually, she would see him in the hallway or most times, bump into him. It was getting so regular, Alexis was beginning to think Adam was doing it on purpose. He probably was.

She turned on her side to take a nap but before she could close her eyes, she caught the sight of a sheet of paper sticking out from under her pillow.

She sighed , already knowing exactly what it was. She sat up on her bed and pulled it out.

She sighed again"Just can't have a perfectly great day, can I ?" She muttered to herself, staring down at the script in her hand.

It was the new script the lecturer handed out and she had totally forgotten about it.

Then she raised her head and stared at nothing exactly as an idea popped into her head. She thought it over for a while and her lips slowly formed into a smile as she concluded in her mind.

"Yeah" she nodded.

She hopped off her bed with the script in her hands and she walked towards the door. She flung it open, stepped out into the hallway and locked the door behind her.

Still happy as ever, she skipped down the corridor and up the stairs.

She stopped on the second floor and walked straight to the second door by the left.

Room 204.

Then she knocked. There was no response but she heard the door unlock and it slowly creaked open.

Amarr stood there at the door post in a blue, sleeveless jersey, a pair of black shorts and slides.

"Hey Alexis" he began with a smile. "You look happy today" he added.

"Yeah" she nodded and she stepped into the room, walking past him.

Wayne was lying down on his bed with his eyes glued to his phone and the room actually looked messier than usual.

"Wayne" Alexis called.

"Hi" he replied without taking his eyes off his phone.

"So what's up?" Amarr questioned, closing the door behind him. "You got locked out of the room again?" he asked.

"Actually no" Alexis replied turning to him. "I got a new script" she continued.

"Oh" Amarr said and his face immediately lit up.

"Yeah" she began "and I was just wondering if you would help me practice, cuz you really helped with the last one" she added.

"Seriously?" Amarr questioned trying to hide his excitement. "You want me to help?" He added

"Yeah, with the script " Alexis replied, furrowing her eyebrows at his excitement.

"Well, that's cool" he began "sure, I would love to help" he told her

"Cool" she smiled

"But I have basketball practice in about thirty minutes" he said

"Seriously?" Alexis questioned, her smile fading away.

"Yeah, but we can head over to the court now and I can help you till the other guys get there" he told her.

"Oh" Alexis said, her face lighting up again. "That's nice" she added.

"Yeah..." Amarr began with a nod. "Nice".

'Very nice' he thought.

He knew what he was doing.

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