Chapter 11: Body Count and Weed

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"Fuck my life" Alexis muttered leaning on her room door.

Fast forward to two weeks later. She was getting used to Bevard, the stress and the people there.

She bumped into Adam literally everyday and she never forgot to give him dirty looks each time they met.

She barely saw Noah but he texted her frequently, sometimes to check up on her and most times just to tell her he spotted her somewhere and then interrogate her. He was being super protective and Alexis was finding it a bit annoying.

She and Dianne became so close you could call them best friends and she had a great relationship with Amarr too. The three of them hung out a lot. Candace still wasn't warming up to Alexis.

Emanie kept showing up in random places. He and Alexis got to know each other better and they talked a lot but never really got to hang out. Alexis still didn't know how she felt about him but she was trying not to catch feelings cuz of what Dianne said.

She didn't really bother to make friends in her class cuz she already had Dianne and Amarr.

'I don't need any more friends' she had repeated to herself severally.

That day she had just come back from class and the room door was locked.

Candace wasn't back yet.

She tried looking for her key in her bag but she couldn't find it. She had left it in the room that morning.

"Why today" she grumbled banging on the door with her foot. "Arrgh!"

She huffed and turned to start walking towards the stairs.

'Normally, when things like this happen, you call your roommate to ask where she is so you can get her key, but my stupid roommate!, hates my guts for reasons known to her only!, so I don't even have her stupid number!' She yelled on the inside as she marched up the stairs.

One would think she was so angry cuz she had a terrible day.

Nope, her day was totally fine but she was so frustrated for some reason.

She soon got to the second floor and she walked straight to the second door by the left, room 204.

She took in a deep breath, trying to let all her anger out and calm herself down. Then she knocked.

"What!?" She heard Wayne yell from inside.

Wayne was Amarr's roommate. He was fun to be with but annoying sometimes.

'this mf' Alexis rolled her eyes and she knocked again ignoring him.

"I said, what!?" Wayne yelled again but Alexis just kept on knocking.

She wasn't ready to yell back at him.

Soon the door flung open and for like the first two seconds, Wayne was red with anger but seeing it was Alexis, his flushed face loosened up.

"Bad timing..." He began "Amarr is high" he added with a straight face.

"What the fuck Wayne, who's that!?" Amarr yelled from inside before Alexis could reply.

"Alexis" Wayne replied turning to face him "see, totally high" he said turning back to Alexis.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I just came to hang here till Candace gets back, I think I left my key in the room" she explained stepping in.

Wayne closed the door behind her.

Amarr was just laying on his bed staring straight at the ceiling, it looked like he was forcing his eyes to stay open and as always, the room smelt like weed.

"Yeah I don't think Candace is coming back anytime soon" Amarr said sitting up on his bed.

"Why?" Alexis asked crashing down on Wayne's bed. Yeah she was already that used to them.

"She's at a tutorial" Amarr began "outside campus" he added getting up to open the windows. Yup, needed all that weed smell to get out.

"Oh jeez" Alexis muttered. "So where's Dianne?, I thought she would be here" she said.

Everytime she went to Amarr's room, Dianne was always there. She basically had no other friends. Maybe she did and Alexis didn't know but she was always with Amarr, so many people thought they were dating.

"She's at the library" Amarr replied.

"Dianne?" Alexis questioned sharply turning to face Amarr. "At the library? Doing what?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Taming a pride of lions" Amarr replied with a straight face. His reply was so fast, it was like he was waiting for Alexis to ask that question.

You couldn't blame him for the sarcastic response.

"Nice one bro" Wayne said with a short laugh as he took a seat beside Alexis on his bed.

"Haha, very funny" Alexis rolled her eyes.

"What else do people do at a library?" Amarr questioned.

"Just never thought Dianne and studying could go in the same sentence" Alexis replied.

"She majors in civil engineering" Wayne began "what did you expect?" He questioned

"Never seen her study!" Alexis exclaimed justifying herself.

She majored in theatre arts.

"Well, this might shock you but Dianne is kind of a nerd" Amarr began "but like the cool kind of nerd" he continued "you know the kind of nerd that attends so many parties, drinks a ton of alcohol and sometimes smokes weed" he explained. "By the way, Wayne can you please turn on the fan?" He asked turning to him.

"Why?" Wayne shot back.

"Just do it please" Amarr replied.

"The fan won't get out the weed smell Amarr" Wayne said with a smile obviously taunting him.

"Shut the fuck up Wayne, who said anything about weed?!" Amarr yelled at him.

"You smoke way too much bro" Wayne said still with that mischievous smile.

"What!?" Amarr exclaimed "I rarely smoke" he added.

"You literally smell flammable right now" Alexis said slipping out her phone trying to avoid Amarr's gaze.

Then there was an awkward ten second silence as he glared at her with his eyes narrowed. "How dare you" he began holding back his laughter. "Ok maybe I smoked today..." He was saying.

"But you put it in your food like almost every day" Wayne said cutting him short.

"You put in our food!" He yelled back with emphasis on 'our'. "You son of a bitch" he continued, picking up a pillow and flinging it at him. "And so what I take weed, everybody does" he added leaning on the wall.

"I don't" Alexis beamed.

"Oh so you're trying to tell me that you've never in your life taken weed" Amarr began "not even once" he added

"Ok maybe I did, like once or twice in highschool, but that doesn't count" Alexis said

"Uh.., yes it does" Wayne told her

"I thought we were on the same team bro" Alexis said sitting up on the bed to properly face Wayne.

"Sorry" he laughed.

"That settles it, everybody takes weed" Amarr declared.

"Yeah, but you take the most" Wayne shot back.

"Shut up, your body count is so high you probably have low sperm count" Amarr fired and Alexis gasped, her eyes glued to Wayne.

"You did not just say that" Wayne said holding back a smile.

"Yes I did Wayne" Amarr replied with a smirk.

"Daaamn" Alexis said right before she crashed back into the bed.

'Well that escalated really quickly'.

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