Chapter 15: The Reunion.

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"isn't this just a nice reunion" Adam said with a smile on his face.

All the memories ran through Alexis' mind as she stared at Adam and LeAnne.

Yeah it's so easy for people to say put your past behind you, they don't know sometimes, your past just doesn't want to stay behind.

"LeAnne" she said again staring directly into her hazel eyes.

"You just love my name don't you" LeAnne replied and she and Adam just laughed.

"Hey Alexis" Adam began. "look who came visiting all the way from Stanford" he continued. "You're probably shocked to see her" he added.

"Yeah she is" LeAnne said and they laughed again.

Alexis got weak in the knees and she felt her heart sink. "I hope you guys are happy" she said and she tried to walk away.

That was a lie, obviously. The last thing she wished for Adam and LeAnne was happiness. In fact, in all sincerity, she hoped they'd get into a falling elevator or go sky diving without a parachute or you know, something like that.

"Uh, not so fast bestie" LeAnne stopped Alexis before she could even take two steps forward. "Come on, lighten up, why are you so grouchy?" She asked and Adam scoffed. "Still mad about prom?" She added with obviously fake sympathy.

"Or the night before prom" Adam added with a smile and LeAnne chuckled a bit

Alexis just stood there. She didn't even try to defend herself. Adam was the first guy she ever fell in love with and it wouldn't even have been so painful if he only dumped her for her best friend, he did way more than that. There was a lot more to the story.

She just blinked away her tears. Crying in front of them would have made things much worse.

"Come on, we should definitely put that behind us" LeAnne began "so like what are you doing tonight?" She asked "cuz Adam and I are going out to have some fun, you can definitely tag along as the third wheel, I mean, Adam wouldn't mind, would you baby?" She questioned turning to Adam.

"Of course not" Adam replied with a shrug.

"So, why not let the three of us go out and have some fun, you know for old time's sake" LeAnne said.

Alexis opened her mouth to say something but before she could even push out a word, LeAnne began again. "I see what the problem here might be" she said "you probably think you'd be disturbing Adam and I, but don't worry bestie, I'm visiting for the week so me and my boyfriend are gonna have a lot of alone time together" she added "so what do you say?"

"No thanks" she replied and she immediately started walking away.

"So some other time then?!" LeAnne yelled after her and Alexis could here are giggle immediately after.

She walked straight to her room and she barged in slamming the door behind her.

"If you're tryna rip the door off it's hinges, there's an easier way to do it Alexis " Candace said with an eye roll. She was sitting on her bed with her laptop opened in front of her.

Alexis just ignored her and flung her bag on her bed alongside the new script. She barged into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

"Hey, feel free to vent your anger on the doors as long as you're ready to pay for damages!" She heard Candace yell.

She just leaned on the door and tightly shut her eyes holding back her tears.

'Don't cry Alexis, you're stronger than this'  she said to herself. 'fuck Adam and LeAnne. You live a better life now. You've got better people.'

Then she took in deep breaths to calm herself down. She really thought she had moved on, she thought she was no longer bothered by all of that but apparently all she needed was LeAnne to help jock her memory and remember how much she was played.

That definitely beat all the other days she thought were terrible. That day was the worst.

The worst day ever.

She walked towards the basin and looked up at the mirror above it.
She stared at herself for about five minutes. Her eyes were red even though she didn't cry.


It was later that day, around 7pm. Alexis laid on her bed facing the wall.

She tried to sleep but she couldn't stop thinking about Adam and LeAnne. She had never been so sad.

She thought about all the moments she, Adam and LeAnne hung out and had so much fun together. They made her so happy in highschool, she didn't suspect anything was going on between them. LeAnne had been her best friend for two years and she had been dating Adam for five months.

It all ended at prom night.

Then her phone beeped, interrupting her thoughts.

She picked it up to see and it was a text from Dianne.

Guess who's the new star player of the female basketball team?.
Yes it's me!!!
Now put on something cute, we're going out to celebrate... all of us.

Alexis sighed and texted back:

Sorry Dianne, not really in the mood. Congrats anyways.

She slipped her phone under her pillow and just closed her eyes desperately looking for sleep. She just wanted to stop thinking about Adam and LeAnne.

She was slowly drifting into sleep, but after something that felt like five minutes, she heard the door fling open.

"Lex" she heard Dianne call as the door slammed shut. "What's wrong with you?" She questioned with concern in her voice as she walked towards Alexis' bed.

She could already tell from her text that something was up.

"Yeah I'm fine" Alexis began still facing the wall "I just want to be alone" she added and she hoped Dianne would just go away.

She wasn't in the mood for anything.

Then she felt Dianne sit on the bed, right beside her.

"Alexis are you okay?" She heard his voice and she immediately turned.

It was Amarr who sat on the bed and he looked concerned.

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