Chapter 48: Reinforcement.

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"Are you sure about this?" Dianne asked as she walked down the corridor on the third floor of the dorm with Alexis by her side.

It was the next day.

"One hundred percent" she replied.

"It's not so necessary tho" Dianne shrugged.

"Of course it is" Alexis began. "It's all planned out" she added.

"I'm really surprised how well this whole scheme of yours is going" Dianne said. "Sincerely, I didn't think you would make it this far" she added.

"Hater" Alexis rolled her eyes.

"No" Dianne laughed. "it just sounds too good to be true" she continued.

"Well, that will teach you not to doubt me again" Alexis said, halting in front of a door. "322, this is it" she said and she knocked on the door.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Dianne muttered to herself. She was so reluctant.

Almost immediately, the door flung open and a girl stepped out of the room. She just stared at both Dianne and Alexis in confusion. Like the rude kind of confusion.

"Uh.. who are you guys?" She asked, chewing loudly on the gum in her mouth.

"I'm Al..." Alexis was saying.

"We're here to see your roommate" Dianne said cutting her short.

"Oh" the girl began and she turned back to walk into the room. "K, some chicks say they're here to see you" she said.

"Come in" she called out and Alexis and Dianne stepped into the room, closing the door behind them.

Kate was on her bed with her phone in her hands. She raised her head immediately Alexis and Dianne walked in.

"On second thought..." Kate began, getting up from her bed to face Alexis and Dianne. "get out" she said.

"Oh jeez" Dianne e sighed. "I did not sign up for this bullshit" She added, turning to walk out.

"Hold on " Alexis said pulling her back. "Kate..." She was saying

"What do you want?" She fired back.

"Just to ask you if you still think Emanie is your boyfriend" Alexis replied.

"Oh wow, you came all all the way from your room to insult me" Kate began. "Real mature" she added, folding her arms.

"No I didn't mean it that way." Alexis said quickly. "I really want to know if you're still into him" she added.

"Of course I'm not!" She yelled back. "After all he did?"

"Oh so now you know " Dianne muttered to herself.

"I could have warned you Alexis" Kate began again. "But your friend here was being a bitch to me" she added turning to Dianne.

"I was being a bitch?!" Dianne exploded "you're racist!" She added.

"Ok!" Alexis yelled before Kate could say anything back to Dianne. "Kate we're here  with an offer" she said.

"And what could you possibly offer me?" She asked

"You're over Emanie right?" Alexis questioned.

"Of course" she replied.

"And you've gotten over what he did to you?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah" Kate replied. "It's been about a year now" she continued. "I couldn't believe it at first but when I later came to accept the truth, I completely broke down." She said. "But I'm over that now, I've moved on with my life. There's no use moping" she told them. "I've come to realize Emanie is just a terrible person and he's not going to stop being a terrible person" he added.

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