Chapter 22

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"Dianne!" Alexis yelled as she barged through the door of Amarr's room in the evening.

She had spent the entire day with Emanie and now she was back in the dorm ready to tell Dianne she got invited to the party.

She couldn't wait to see the look on Dianne's face when she breaks the news.

Well, Dianne wasn't in the room and she got awkward stares from  Amarr, Wayne and Blake who were in the room.

"These girls don't even bother knocking anymore" Blake said still staring at Alexis.

"Whatever" Alexis began, shutting the door behind her. "Where's Dianne, I've got a surprise for her" she added

"She lost rock paper scissors so she went to get us snacks for the movie" Wayne replied.

"What movie?" She questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"We're about to watch a movie on Blake's computer" Amarr replied.

"Oh, sounds nice, I'm in" She said walking towards Amarr's bed to take her sit.

"We planned to stay up all night watching movies and playing games" Wayne told her.

"When did we plan this?" She questioned

"Yesterday" Amarr replied "we planned so many activities to make the best of today and tomorrow since we rarely get breaks" he continued with focused eye contact. "Then you disappeared, where have you been all day?" He questioned.

"Uh..." Alexis began, racking her brain trying to figure out what to say. Something that didn't sound stupid.

Somehow she didn't feel comfortable telling Amarr she was with Emanie all day. Especially when he kissed her. She had thought about the kiss and realized how stupid she reacted to it. She felt like she under reacted and she knew that could give Emanie the confidence to do anything and get away with it. She felt extremely stupid. 

She couldn't even imagine how weird it would sound to Amarr that she was out all day with the guy he warned her about. So when he asked her where she had been all day, her heart jumped.

"What's the big surprise you have for Dianne?" Blake questioned, snapping Alexis out of her thoughts.

"It's about the October party" she replied.

'phew' she thought. Blake definitely saved her.

"Oh jeez" Amarr rolled his eyes.

"What about the party?" Wayne questioned.

"Yesterday, Dianne was so excited the party was coming up this weekend but then Amarr crushed her by telling her there was no way she could get in cuz Emanie would probably be in charge" Alexis began.

"Yeah, that's so true " Wayne said.

"But then, today I met Emanie and..." She was saying.

"Emanie?" Amarr questioned. "That's where you were all day?"

"What?, No!" Alexis replied sharply. "I just ran into him" she added.

'shit, shit, fuck my life, shit!' She thought. She had just lied to Amarr and she didn't feel so good about it.

"So where were you?" He asked.

"Would you let her finish the story!?" Blake yelled at him. "What happened when you met Emanie?" He asked turning back to Alexis.

Blake was really saving her from telling more lies and feeling even more guilty.

"He invited me to the party" she replied " and then told me I could bring my friends" she continued

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