Chapter 43: Date Night.

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"oh my God, this place looks expensive" Alexis said as she stepped out of Emanie's car later that night.

It was around 8pm. Alexis looked up at the beautiful structure. Boldly written above it was Betty's Place in beautiful lights. She had never seen or even heard about the place until then.

"It kinda is" Emanie replied after he locked his car. "But it's fine" he added, walking towards Alexis.

She just rolled her eyes and turned back to face him. "So..." She began. "You bring a lot of girls here?" She questioned.

"Nah" he replied walking past her and towards the entrance of the restaurant. "I don't take girls on dates." He continued and then he turned back to face Alexis. "I take them to my room" he added staring straight at her with an expressionless face. Alexis immediately felt uncomfortable and he could see it on her face. "I'm sorry" he laughed pushing open one of the doors. "after you" he said.

Alexis walked into the restaurant and Emanie followed behind her. They immediately found an empty table not too far from the entrance and they took their seats.

Alexis looked around at the place. It was really classy. Not just any restaurant. The tables were set and classical instruments were softly played in a corner. The atmosphere was cool and people chatted indistinctly. The place was also kinda quiet, Alexis felt like everyone would turn to look at her if she dropped a fork or something.

Almost immediately they took their seats, a waiter walked up to them. Alexis looked at his shiny black tuxedo and immediately asked herself.

Should waiters wear tuxedos?

He was really good looking anyway. He had his hair parted on one side of his head and he looked like he would speak in a magnificent British accent that would make Alexis weak in the knees.

But then,

"Sup dude." He said, playfully giving Emanie a punch on his shoulder.

Alexis was beyond disappointed. He sounded nothing like what he appeared to be. He sounded like a hippie.

Emanie just sighed and forced a smile. "Hey" he replied. "Thought you had the morning shift" he added.

"What do you mean? You knew I would be here" he replied. "You literally called me dude" he added and Emanie just glared at him. Something was definitely up. "Who's the chick?" He asked like Alexis wasn't sitting right there.

"Just take our orders Dave" Emanie shot back.

"Ok, ok, cool, cool" Dave replied slipping out a little note book and pen. He sounded drunk. "So, what do I get you?" He asked.

"The chicken parmesan" Emanie replied. He already knew what he wanted.

"And what can I get you to drink with that?" Dave asked scribbling down on his note book.

"I don't know, you got any wine?" Emanie replied.

"Cool, I'll get that" Dave replied and he turned to Alexis. "And what can I get for the lady?" He asked. "The usual?" He added.

"What?" Alexis questioned with furrowed eyebrows. "I've never been here" she replied.

"Oh, shit sorry" Dave apologized, laughing a bit. "So what can I get you?" He asked. "we got a lot of options you can choose from. We got chicken, we got rice, we got..." He was saying.

"Uh can I get a menu?" Alexis asked.

"Oh, right, fuck" Dave began. "My bad, I should have brought that along. I definitely knew I was forgetting something" he continued. "I'll go get it and I'll be right back" he added.

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