Chapter 47: Payback On Dianne.

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Soon Alexis got to the dorm and walked straight to her room. She knew Candace was going to in already so she just flung the door open.

"Girl, you will not believe..." She was saying but then she was cut short by the sight before her. Someone was sitting on Candace's bed but it wasn't Candace. "What the fuck?" She questioned, flinging her textbook to her bed. "Noah, why are you here?" She asked.

Noah just sighed and he pointed to the bathroom door. Just then, Candace stepped out of the bathroom.

"Oh" Candace began "hi Alexis" she said with a nervous smile.

"Well this is awkward." Alexis began. "And I definitely don't want to be a part of whatever the fuck is going on here so I'm just gonna leave" she continued. "Where's Dianne?" She asked.

"Blake's room" Candace replied.

"Good, I'm going to be in Blake's room" she said, turning back to the door. She finally stepped out and she turned to grab the door handle. "Oh and Noah" she called.

"Yeah " he replied.

"You've never visited me" she told him and she slammed the door.

Yeah, he had never visited her but there he was, doing God knows what with Candace.

She began to head towards the stairs. She was really excited to tell Candace all about Emanie but Noah just had to be there and ruin everything.

Anyways, she was now going to tell Dianne all about Emanie and all about Noah and Candace.


Blake sat shirtless on his bed with his eyes glued to his laptop. He was watching another movie and he was so engrossed in it. He was already half way through the movie and they were making some shocking revelations.

"What!!?!" He exclaimed, dramatically grabbing his chest. "No way" he added and he paused the movie. "Dianne you will not believe Nigel and Jeremy are actually brothers" he told her.

Dianne stood in front of a cabinet, searching through with her back turned to Blake. She wore a black oversized t shirt and a pair of black and white sport shorts. She had on a pair of flip flops and her braids were packed into a bun on top of her head.

"Oh really? That's crazy" she replied without bothering to turn back to face him.

"What are you doing?" Blake asked.

"Nothing" she replied sharply.

"Well, how am I the only one watching this movie, you suggested it" he said.

"Sorry" she replied, still searching through the drawer.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, getting suspicious.

"Nothing" she replied, pushing in the drawer. Then she began to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Blake asked.

"No where" she replied and she picked up her pace.

"Dianne" he called.

"Relax, I'll only be gone for like a minute" she told him.

"Come back here" he said.

"Soon" she replied and she opened the door.

"Dianne shut that door" he ordered and you could sense the seriousness in his voice.

"Shit" Dianne muttered. She knew that tone. "You know, you're so controlling" she said, shutting the door.

"I'm controlling?" Blake questioned, getting up from the bed to walk towards her. "You never listen to me" he said.

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