Chapter 5: He has a crush on you

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It was a few minutes past 4pm when Alexis stepped out of the lecture complex. She didn't only feel like a mess, she knew for a fact that she also looked like a mess.

If she had known college was that stressful, she probably wouldn't have tried so hard to get in. All Noah told her about was the guys, he had comfortably left out how stressful the classes were.

After the literature 101 disaster, she had decided nothing else could go wrong cuz for heaven's sake, it was just her first day in college. She went fifteen minutes early to the other classes and sat pretty close to the front row. She mostly fought sleep cuz damn, the professors were boring.

Her mum had told her to always sit in the front row cuz that's where the geniuses sat but she knew she was far from being a genius so that definitely wasn't happening.

I can't believe I have to do this all over again tomorrow. She thought, dragging herself down the road leading to the dorm.

After the amount of stress she had passed through, she felt like she needed a two day break.

She slipped her phone out of her pocket to scroll through but before she could even wake the screen, she saw a familiar figure walking towards her.
Soon, the figure was close enough and Alexis could recognize who it was.

She was clad in a pair of black cargo pants and an oversized grey hoodie. Her long dark hair was held back in a tight ponytail dangling at the back of her head and her white sneakers perfectly matched her outfit. She held a white styrofoam cup in one hand and her phone in the other.

"Candace" Alexis called out, waving with a tired smile.

Candace's head shot up, a blank look in her eyes. The bored look on her face didn't change as she made eye contact with Kris. She just turned back to her phone, completely ignoring Alexis' existence.

"Candace" she stupidly called again but Candace just walked by like she wasn't even there.

Alexis turned to watch her walk away confusion written all over her face.

Did she just ignore me? she thought, her eyebrows furrowed. well screw her. She rolled her eyes and turned to continue down the path towards the dorm.

She slowly made her way past all the lecture complexes and finally to the dorm.
She was so glad her room was on the first floor cuz there was no way she could climb stairs with how tired she was. She would just lay at the bottom of the steps.

She eventually made it to her room and flung the door open after unlocking it. She slammed it shut with all the strength she could muster and almost immediately crashed into her bed, not even bothering to kick off her shoes. She pulled her blanket over her head and soon, she drifted off.

After something that felt like two hours. Alexis heard someone slam the door shut and it immediately woke her up.

That asshole. She thought, knowing it was Candace who had just stepped in. Of course she already hated Candace after what had happened earlier.

She closed her eyes again to go back sleep but it was almost impossible with all the noise going on around her. First, it was the sound of footsteps scurrying across the room, then it was that annoying scraping sound.

"Oh for fuck's sake" she muttered to herself now getting furious.

She tightly shut her eyes trying to sleep through the rattling but she couldn't and the scraping just wouldn't stop.

"What the hell?!" She piped yanking off her blanket.

"Jesus fucking Christ" Dianne jumped, clutching a wine bottle against her chest. Telling from the look on her face, she was startled.

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