Chapter 21: The October Party

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"Shouldn't you be at the library right now?" Amarr asked Dianne who was still perplexed.

It was the last thing she expected to see, barging into his room. Amarr and Alexis about to kiss?, That was on another level!.

"You know what..." Dianne began, breaking the awkward silence. "What y'all were doing, is a story for another day." She continued. "Yeah, you're gonna tell me everything cuz I know you're not about to leave me in the dark" she added and she finally closed the door behind her.

Amarr sat down and Alexis adjusted herself on the bed. That was literally the most awkward situation for her.

"Now did you guys here the news?" Dianne questioned bringing back the excitement she came in with.

"About the break?" Amarr questioned.

"No, not that news" Dianne replied immediately "the October party!" She exclaimed.

"Oh jeez" Amarr rolled his eyes, already knowing where she was going.

"Why are you rolling your eyes, it's the biggest party of the year!" She said, still yelling. "And it's this weekend!"

"What's the October party?" Alexis questioned.

"It's a wild party the seniors throw every year" Dianne replied.

"I don't know why you're so excited" Amarr said.

"Are you kidding?" Dianne began. "Do you know how big the party usually is?" She questioned.

"I got into this school before you" Amarr shot back.

Of course he knew all about the October party and all the shit that go down there.

"I won't let you kill my joy"Dianne told him. "Cuz I know that's what you're trying to do" she added sternly. 

"How big is the party?" Alexis asked.

"Last year, they brought Justin Bieber" Dianne replied.

"A Justin Bieber look alike!" Amarr yelled. "The guy couldn't even sing!" He exclaimed

"Yeah whatever" Dianne began. "I know that, you know that but the internet doesn't. If I post a picture with a Justin Bieber look alike, everybody is gonna think I met Justin Bieber" she continued. "I didn't get invited last year but this year, I'm going. I just have to go" she added.

"Are you kidding?" Amarr began with a scoff. "There's no way you're getting into that party" he added.

"And how would you know that?" Dianne questioned.

"You had a better chance getting in last year" Amarr began. "You think you're gonna get into a party with Cavalero?" He questioned. "Yeah, fat chance" he added with a scoff.

"That dip shit" Dianne growled.

"He's never gonna let you in" Amarr told her. "Don't worry, you'll be a V.I.P when we throw our party next year" he assured.

"Y'all better bring Beyonce" Dianne said taking a seat on Wayne's bed, she was already loosing all hope of going to the party.

"Beyonce at a college party?" Amarr questioned. "Yeah right" he added with a scoff.

"Whatever" Dianne rolled her eyes. "Now..." She began, focusing all her attention on Amarr and Alexis. "What is going on between you two?" She asked. "And when were you going to tell me? I want to know everything" she added firmly.

* * * * *

Alexis stepped out of the dorm around 3pm the next day. She was heading to the senior complex to meet Emanie. He was meant to wait for her in front of the dorm but apparently he had a tutorial so he just told her to meet him in class whenever she was ready to go out.

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