Chapter 27: Happy Birthday Noah

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It was around 4:30pm the next day, Monday. Alexis had just gotten back from class and she had decided to visit Noah in his room to wish him happy birthday. She hadn't seen him or even spoken to him that day. Sincerely, she was scared to.

He probably thought she forgot or something.

She stood in her bathroom, opposite the mirror, observing herself to make sure everything looked ok. She wore a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a white turtleneck over it.

It should be stated that, that day was actually a really hot day and Alexis was dying in the turtleneck but she would do anything to hide the hickey from Noah. She knew if he sees it, her life would be over. He would probably scream at her and then call their mum to tell her everything and he had a bit of anger issues so she was really scared of him. He used to get so angry and hit her. Then when he got calm he would regret hitting her but it had already been done.

The turtleneck completely concealed the hickey so the only problem was the terrible heat. She packed her hair into a ponytail and hoped nothing went wrong.

She soon left her room and headed straight to the third floor. She had only been there about four times to get something from Noah. She never really visited and neither did he.

She stopped in front of his door, written above it was 316. She took in a deep breath and then knocked.

"Come in" An unfamiliar voice said from inside the room.

Alexis carefully opened the door and she stepped in. There were about eight guys in the room. Alexis immediately felt uncomfortable. The room was kind of messy and there were like ten pizza boxes just lying around.

"Heyyy, Alexis" Noah said getting up from his bed to walk towards her.

"Happy birthday" she smiled.

"Thank you" he replied. "I really thought you forgot, I was about to come down to your room and throw some hands" he added with a short laugh. "Guys this is Alexis, my sister" he introduced her to the other guys.

"Hey" "sup"  they replied

"Hi" she smiled. She was familiar with only three of the guys.

"Why are you wearing a turtleneck?" Noah asked and Alexis felt her heart jump. "it's so hot outside" he added.

"Uh, I'm not just really feeling good about myself right now" she replied in a low tone.

Noah looked back at his friends and then back at Alexis. "ok" he began. "Come on, sit down and have some pizza" he added walking back to take a seat on his bed.

One of the guys passed Alexis a chair and another passed an almost empty box of pizza.

"Thanks but I'm not really in the mood for food right now" she said, rejecting the pizza as she took her seat.

Noah stared at her for a while as the other guys went on discussing among themselves. Somehow he already knew something was wrong.

Alexis felt so uncomfortable sitting among the boys so she just found something to do on her phone. She wondered why she even sat down, what exactly was she doing there?. All she really came to do was wish Noah a happy birthday and tell him she didn't get him anything.

She just sat there and watched them talk and laugh among themselves.

About five minutes passed and Alexis decided she was leaving. She had had enough.

"Noah" she called getting up from her seat, calling Noah's attention.

"Yeah" he replied.

"I think I'm gonna leave now. " she told him

"What's the rush?" He asked getting up.

"I just have something to do" she lied

"Can you wait a bit?" He asked. "Some girls are coming over and we're gonna hit the pool" he continued. "I know how much you love swimming" he added.

"Uh..." Alexis began, laughing nervously. "I'm not really down for that" she added.

"Oh" Noah smiled. "Give me a minute guys" he said to his friends and he flung open his door. "Come on" he said to Alexis.

"What" she mouthed.

Noah just grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Noah..." She was saying.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked cutting her short.

"Nothing" she replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Look at me" he began and Alexis turned to him. "What's wrong?" He asked.


"Then why are you wearing a turtleneck in eighty degree weather?" He asked. "and you don't want to swim? When have you never wanted to swim?" He questioned.

"I'm fine, ok?" she replied.

"Oh, I know you're fine." He began. "You know what else I know," he continued. "You're hiding something under that turtleneck" he added and Alexis just looked away.

Her heart was pounding and she didn't even know what to say. Noah had known her since she was born, of course he knew something was wrong.

"So are you gonna tell me?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She shot back.

Noah just stared at her, hoping she would say something but she didn't. All she did was avoid eye contact and that was really pissing Noah off.

"Wait here" he said and he turned to walk into his room.

About thirty seconds later, he came back outside with a key and an orange shirt in his hand.

He unlocked the door opposite his room and turned back to face Alexis. "Get in" he ordered.

"Why?" She asked but Noah didn't give a response. He just glared at her like he was counting to ten in his head and he when he reached ten he was going to murder her.

Alexis reluctantly stepped into the room and Noah stood at the door.

"Are you gonna tell me?" He asked again but Alexis didn't respond. She just folded her arms and stared back at him. "You have one minute to change" Noah said, tossing her the shirt in his hand. Before Alexis could even say anything, he slammed the door.

"Noah!" She yelled but there was no response. "Noah!" She yelled again.

"Don't piss me off more than I already am Alexis" he replied from behind the door.

"Shit" Alexis muttered as she looked down at the shirt. It was a sleeveless V neck.

She looked around the room hoping she would find something, anything. Well, she could have used concealer to cover it up but it was a guy's room so there was no way that was happening.

She also thought about jumping out the widow but they were on the third floor so she was gonna die and then Noah would then see the hickey on her lifeless body. Also, running away was a stupid idea.

She took in a deep breath and finally took off her shirt. She flipped on  Noah's shirt and turned to look at herself in the mirror in a corner of the room.

'oh shit' she thought as she stared at the hickey on her exposed neck. There was only one thing she could do.

She pulled out her rubber band and her hair fell down to her shoulders.

"Are you done?" She heard Noah ask.

"Yeah" she replied.

The door flung open and Noah stepped in, closing the door behind him.

She was sure she could hear her heart pounding in her chest.

Then just to make things worse, "Pack your hair". Noah told her.

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