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Sophia hears the sound of Owl at her front door. She quickly gets off her seat and rushes to get the mail. She takes the newspaper back to read it as soon as possible. She pulls the wooden chair, lay out the newspaper to have a better view of it. In the front page, the headline is written as, "EXCLUSIVE: 10 YEARS LATER Potter sneaks out the downfall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named". The picture of the three heroes of the battle of Hogwarts is there, right next to the article. Their faces are so recognisable. Standing at the back are The Weasley, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger Weasley. Both amazing at their own speciality, Ron's bravery and Hermione's wit. Whereas at the front, surely no need any other introduction, Harry Potter, the chosen one. 

"The editor knows how to make a scene. Why they still reporting some old news?"  Sophia's brother complains while walking into the dinning room. "Come on, is The Harry Potter. He saves everyone from You-Know-who." Nine year old girl face is filled with excitement and admiration. "Sis, you need to chill. I am sure there must be another hero is saving the world. Just we don't know. Wait, Professor Venti is on the newspaper too?" 

And here is our story begins. Hogwarts: The Unfound Descendant 

Information for the timeline: So the main character, Elizabeth is living in our modern world. And she is sucked into the wizarding world and time travel back to when Harry Potter was having his third year. So this prologue is a flash-forward. Please enjoy. 

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