The Warm Welcome

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Elizabeth tends to break this sudden intimate atmosphere in the room, someone announces with loud voice, "Curfew, Curfew. Everybody be back at their room..." It comes from the corridor outside Dominic's room. Couch Wardwell, she forgets the time passes, "What if he finds out that I am not in my room? " Once she speaks out the conner, it is like jinxing it. "I am entering." Couch knocks the door and barged in Dominic's room. Only Him seeing Dominic studying, sitting right in front of his study desk. "Couch" He greets him with a short glance. Couch watches the room skeptically, "I don't think you possibly will allow any girls be in your room, right Dominic ?" He catches his eyes confidently, as if nothing to hide here. Couch insists to wander at his room, heading towards his closet at the upper right conner swiftly. Nothing there, His triumph faces turns to frustrated as he keeps searching every places. Elizabeth holds her breathe, trying to not make any sound by accident. This is just like she hides form Diana and her sidekicks last time. This is scarier than horrified movies. Hearing Couch footsteps are distancing and approaching, at last Dominic says, "Couch, If my room is clear, would you mind leaving as is getting late, and I want to rest." 

Couch Wardwell's leaving in disapproval and disappointment, the door is closed in rumbling sound. Elizabeth pops her head out in short while, "That was close, Thanks for covering me ". She jumps herself from where Dominic sat that near the window. Dominic giggles softly, "Like we always hiding." Elizabeth does not quite comprehend what moment is he referring to,  "Anyway, I really should get back. Just a moment he will check girls' side." She gets to the door and mutters when closing the door, "Goodnight, Dominic." Dominic rejoins smoothly, "You also support me in plenty, so.." He rises from the chair, moving to her direction, presses his hands over the door handle, "Goodnight, Lizzy." His voices trails off with turning the handle for her. 

As she closes her door, the heartbeat sound is thudding, echoes in her body. That distance is too alarming, she knows how attractive Dominic is. She tells herself to calm down and should get ready for the final tomorrow. Like predicted, the death eaters interrupt which everyone is dismissed earlier than planned, except Harry. Overall, professor McGonagall simply asked everybody be careful and reunited when school starts next month. Considering Triwizard tournament will be holding this year, Hogwarts requires the whole school to come back a week earlier. She wanders the castle in the afternoon, not every student here as two days left for the actual deadline. Strolling down the corridor in the teaching buildings, "Hello again." Elizabeth recognises the voice, is the portrait near the ancient rune classroom. 

"Greetings, Mr.." The portrait adds, "You can call me Sir. Bradman." "Sir. Bradman, do you still remember me ?" She asks humbly. He answers, "Surely, you are the girl who possess dark hair that is quite unusual." Elizabeth states out where she can find Helena since figures in portrait can have access the almost anywhere as long as there is the frame. "The Ravenclaw tower and the abandon garden in the east wing, I suppose." Elizabeth thanks him for giving the information and off she goes. 

Ravenclaw Tower may be the better option for Elizabeth at the moment, is mostly quiet place which ghosts love most. It is in the Ravenclaw common room, the tallest buildings among others. At the top of that, is where the open area for astronomy which still exclusive for Ravenclaw. Elizabeth steps on the wooden stairs to there, no one is here. In Hogwarts, ghosts are like companion instead of scary figures. They can pass through the walls or any physical objects.  "Miss Helena ?" She tries to search the presence of Helena, "I came here is because of my mother and my family," Elizabeth small single voice echoes within the small area. In her heart, she hopes Helena listening to her and even showing herself. "You see, there are some questions I have with my origin. The bloodline of my family, sometimes there is like a disparity between me and my sister and mother. I wonder you can show me some light." She waits for moment, "Miss Helena ?" Dismally, only sound of breeze brushes and answers Elizabeth. There is a grey haze floating in the air when she turns around to go. 

Well, everything has a start. I will search for her next time, Do not be frustrated. Elizabeth encourages herself mentally with squeezing her hands. Every teacher is hurrying into their position for welcoming the guests tonight. Today is the Start-Of-Term-Feast that for explicitly the opening ceremony for Triwizard Tournament. Elizabeth passes along the entrance hall and see Hagrid with two giant fans in his hands. He is instructing the runway for Beauxbatons, sadly the landing is a bit off. She gazes with full concentration, not noticing someone stands next to her quietly. "Elizabeth," Joshua murmurs, "You scared me, I cannot sense your presence at all." Elizabeth reaction amuses him. Joshua giggles, "Sorry about that." His sorry does not feel sorry at all, Elizabeth finds a white armband wrapping on his arm. "I am in the committee for the Triwizard tournament, my position is to assist Beauxbatons' student." She cheers, "That's wonderful, I've heard those ladies are beautiful." Elizabeth grins to Joshua, he says with a faint simile, "I will see you in the feast then ?" She departs with Joshua, and enters the the Great hall.

"Welcoming the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons...." Ron and his friends are so thrilled when seeing the girls as if they had never seen a female before. Ravenclaw is tranquil in sounds of "blimey" and "Bloody Hell". Elizabeth claps along the crowd, she speculates "is everyone good at dancing in that school?" Ambrose joins her thinking, " Maybe dancing is the compulsory subject" The boys from Durmstrang did awesome entry as well. She asks Ambrose, "Will our school do the entry too?" Ambrose answers, "I think so but I hope is not what I think it will be."Dumbledore roars at the middle and leaps off, "Let us entertain our friends in the best way we can, ALL STAND !" Elizabeth does not know anything after all not any rehearsal she recalls. Ambrose utters, "Oh no. Not again." HOGWARTS, HOGWARTS HOGGY WARTY HOGWARTS...... Elizabeth jaw drops, to prevent being catched that she does not sing the school song. She opens and close her mouth with a pretentious simile. IS that our school song? Why it sounds so awful and the point is everybody sings in different tunes. Since Ravenclaw is in the middle of Gryffindor and Slytherin, Elizabeth checks on Harry and Malfoy reaction. Harry waving his hands rigidly and Malfoy staring at Crabbe supportively, Dumbledore using the elder wand as "Sing With Me" are the chaos that Elizabeth will permanently save in her memory. 

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