Practise makes Perfect

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"The Reverie is the state where we are." Dominic explains while sitting cross-leg on the ground. He does not seem to be freezing, sitting on the snow directly. "Aren't you cold ?" Elizabeth curiously asks him, she continues her next question, "State, are you meaning we are in United States?" Dominic illustrates further with The Reverie, "No, we are not in America. State means mental state. The Reverie refers to creating and being in the absent minded state. Sealing your mind will allow you to create an expanse. To be precisely, this world is not physically existed. We are in my mind." He carries on when he guides Elizabeth for a tour. "I will demonstrate you how to open one. But first, The Reverie is very dangerous. Are you sure you wanna learn it ?" Dominic finishes his question, holding out his hand to Elizabeth. A floating white light is on his palm . Elizabeth sees Dominic stops at the end, the very edge of the highest mountain tip. She feels him. This place is so magical and enchanting. And the creator standing right before her, she can sense how impressive his flow of power. She is certainly be enlightened due to his answers that night in the balcony. Reaching for the light she goes. 

Dominic's eyes is flashed with a flare of satisfying when Elizabeth touches his light. "By the way, do you feel warmer ?" Elizabeth did sense her skin is not shivering as she first arrive in here. "Do not tell me that you can adjust it?" She jokes when letting out a few giggles. Dominic nods, "Yes, you got it right. I can," Her eyes widen, too stunned to speak. "In own expanse, the creator can adding whatever he desires, changing the weather, or..." The fluttering sound comes form far far away, a group go butterfly fly by like a purple cloud is hovering. Snap. All disappear. Dominic clicks his finger which everything is gone. "The most crucial, essential rule that you must remember, do not let anyone get in to your expanse. Here can be your deepest heart." Elizabeth stares back to him, "Then, you let me in ?" Dominic answers, "Yes, revealing my secret place to you," He draws out his wand from his jacket, "Because you can be trusted." Elizabeth's heartbeat is racing up for a moment as his statement. 

"Now, leaving your expanse is the same as coming in." He raises his wand and calls out the spell "Reverie sealed." Writing the his name on the palm with his wand, he puts and faces his palm straight to the space. The exact serene door shows up and out they go. When they step outside of the door, the door vanishes like it does not exist before. "The Reverie can help you achieving ease and calm mental state. Therefore, requiring those to create own expanse." Dominic's word echoing on the balcony. Elizabeth mouths, still reminiscing the scenery she seen,  "Wonder how long to take you create ?" Dominic claims with his usual emotionless face, "about five years." Elizabeth is looking very unconvinced on the sitting on the carpet practise, "I am sure I will master it after my graduation." Her ironic tone is sensed by Dominic, who assures her with his wand out, "Practise makes perfect, now wand at the ready." He reminds me of Snape, the icy poker face. There are times that she forgets he usually does not show any emotions on his face. Just, his speakings and words of advice embrace her with warmth in situation she needs hope. 

A school year is ended swiftly every time when its in exam period. Students will be given special quills having the anti cheating spells. First two weeks in June will be surrounded by exams, so as the the result released. Elizabeth is overwhelmed by all kinds of things, the exam schedule and the preparation for each subjects. She is holding a pile of parchment paper and her wands. Her scarf is messing around, keeps falling from her shoulder. And She put and wrap herself a few rounds, rushing through to her classroom for the first class. However, she hears the awful tone of someone voice at the conner of the corridor. "Diana, do tell me how you can manage so well in your fourth year, especially we got the O.W.L." Is Belle Barker, why they are here, the fourth year is not supposed to be here. At the Conner, a hollow concave space is on the wall. She hides herself in it, hoping no one will notice her. When the three girls walk pass, they are so busy to praise Diana as usual. "The note for Potions, Diana." Olivia says quietly, almost like a murmur. Diana grabs the notebook arrogantly, "Because I have great sidekicks, and I will have time to prepare the exam. Nothing is hard for me." She similes with a hypocrite rude feeling. 

So this is how she got high marks... Elizabeth still holding the breath and comprehending the fact that her elder sister secret for revision. She does not notice Joshua is after Diana and the group. Different from usual, there is no one next to him. He seems to be in a bad mood, something is wrong. He looks the same when their last meet, at the station before Christmas holiday. Hope he is doing fine. Joshua stumbles when he walks pass her, as if he senses her existent. His heading is turning to her direction, a voice breaks through the tension. "Hey, do you......?" a boy places his hand on Joshua's shoulder. She holds her breathe as this would be suspicious hiding here. The boy dresses, loosely. His tie is loose, and his shirt does not tuck in the trousers. The behaviour and attitude is um... like a charmer. She would never associated Joshua with this type since he is so Prince Charming, coming straight from Disney. But in other way, that boy helps her to get away form being discovered Joshua. 

Hermione sits in the seats below the giant shelves above. Elizabeth joins her with holding some notebooks. As she assumes Hermione is doing her revision, turns out she is reading a thick book, is very very thick. Elizabeth is peeking at the content when Hermione notices her. "Lizzy !" Elizabeth states, "this is ?" Hermione is surprised that she is interested in it. "This ?" She turns to the cover, four symbols are illustrated. "The element in Nature." Elizabeth shows interest when she hears Hermione's further explains, "So simply put, magic and elements are well connected." She stops and stares to something behind Elizabeth. Elizabeth follows her gaze, is the school badge. Hermione explains with touching the symbols on the cover, "Even for the four houses, they have each source from nature. Gryffindor is Fire, Hufflepuff is Earth....." 

All students sit at their own house table, enjoying their feast in the evening. It is seldom for all having dinner together, at the exact moment. Since today is the day, Elizabeth as well as Maddy sneak peeking at Professor Dumbledore. He is chatting with professor McGonagall. This is the end of term feast which Headmaster will announce which house wins the house cup. It is not fully illustrated in the movie, actually flag of the leading one hangs there. So far, burgundy colour is there. But anything can be flip upside down before the end. Elizabeth stares to her omelet, spacing out. "Attention please." McGonagall's speaking while tapping the glass. "Good evening everyone. This has been a year, time passes by without we notice. I, and all professors deeply wish you have a wonderful year. And as coming to the end, I will announce the house cup winner." Dumbledore gives his speech solemnly, and gives a wave. "The house cup belongs to Gryffindor !" With that, everyone claps passionately, of course expect the nemesis, Slytherin.

Staring to the steam from the express, this is the moment Elizabeth realised that she has been a student at Hogwarts. The times she spend here, lesson she had, people she knew are always be part of her. She may not be a born genius, future awaits her and she can be better day by day. Small trivial improvement is still improvement. She signs and smiles. "Elizabeth" Someone is calling her from behind. She has not seen Joshua this close a while. "Hey, is been a long time," Joshua nods, his suitcase is by his side. "Is everything alright, because I heard about what happened in Hogsmeade ?" He walks closer to her. She replies, "Is fine, now" wait not he say anything further, Elizabeth bids her goodbye. "I will see you in a few months, Goodbye Joshua." She does not stay any longer. In the crowd, she clinches her cloak and glances at Dominic. He is gazing back to her. Maybe of the distance between them, she finds his gaze is tender. 

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