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Elizabeth goes with the Ravenclaw teammates, entering in the khaki colour tent. She has mentally prepared for the extraordinaries, it is huge and has rooms. "We are staying here for the rest of the month. This is the schedule for training and we will watch some contests, so please remember the time and do not be late. As usual, girls' on the right whereas boys at the left...." As couch Wardwell is mentioning the details, his tone changes to funky. "Do not step outside of your room as soon as curfew, especially the opposite sex." Elizabeth at the back realises several boys and girls raises their eyebrows. Wardwell also notices that too and rolls his eyes, "Ask our captain anything if you cannot find me." 

There are five girls and seven boys in the team so there are plenty spaces compared to Gryffindor. Elizabeth sense that the absence of Dominic, she cannot help but scanning the gleaming white snowflake in the crowd. He is not here or maybe he is late. As Elizabeth glancing the room and trying to make herself comfortable, unpacking her clothes. The white ribbon silently reminds her promise, how she confidently believe she can get in own reverie. It's better he is not here, she can foreseen the embarrassed situation ahead. With the familiar whooping sound at the window signifies Quinn has arrived, "Hello girl." 

Quinn flys by alone since Quinn is her secret companion, like the familiar who serve their masters. It is not exactly like servants relationship in the Wizarding World. Witches can decide whether to train their pets or not, like Harry 's Hedwig. Training starts in short, Maddy teams up with Elizabeth in the first section. It is basically acknowledging which players at which positions. Plus they all need to study the field and memorise any specialities. Both are along side the left conner, Ravenclaw captain happened to be next to them. "Humidity is quite low compared we are in summer now." Ambrose comments while run a thumb over the grasses, "Is that low? , I assume it is still high." Elizabeth crouches as well. Ambrose says, "Good afternoon, Elizabeth. How is your summer ?" Elizabeth answers with rising tone, "Rather good, and I am glad I am invited to the tour." "I am glad hearing this and maybe we will have some late comers." Ambrose staring the sky with his hands covered his forehead. Elizabeth wonders with widen eyes, "Oh, so we still have some coming ?" "Yes, especially those fresh years...." Wait not Ambrose finished the rest of his sentence, he leaves for the arrival of the new comers.

"That's not good." Dominic can be here in any minute. This thought gives her Adraline, the rush mixed of fear and excitement, as if she is going to meet someone important. To be precise, he is my mentor and checking my homework. Lucky for her, he does not appear after the day, nor the day after. She is occupied by the demanding practises, she did practise during the break. Yet, everyone's physical ability is top level which you cannot train overnight. Professor McGonagall discovers the last one of running the leap, Couch Wardwell yells "Elizabeth, come on!". Others already is done for the training, Elizabeth is panting heavily lying on the ground. Maddy picks her up like a chicken, "Stayin alive, we have semi final to watch tonight."

Quidditch Trillenium Stadium is enormous, the dense seats arranged on every floor. She remember this from watching the movie, being here is another level. Elizabeth cranes her head to get as much as scenery. The design circles the whole field so each audience can watch. When the group is climbing to third floor, The Weasley is there too. They are in the middle of the stairs at other side, it has some distance between them. They are talking with someone or more likely arguing. Maddy suggests, "Is that Malfoy and his father ?" Ambrose adds with poking his head out, "Well, I can't think another one could be so childish." Elizabeth conforms, "Agree." Ravenclaw and Gryffindor players takes their seat after settling down. Harry waves to the other side which is where Hermione and Ron are. The game is impressive, both sides. Players demonstrates well trained skills, from riding the broomsticks to beating the bludger. 

Elizabeth sits right at the midst of the row. Thus she goes to the bathroom during the break as she does not want to ask the others to stand up just to let her pass through. There is only single one for ladies she waited for long time. The sky grows darker and dimmer to the crowd discuss about it. "Hope no thunder because this will be a mess, they will stop the match." Elizabeth hears the girl outside when she is washing her hands. This is the problem of outdoor tournament, unpredictable weather, she thinks and casts her gaze to the open field. Someone is standing there, miles away from her. She does not even sure if that is a boy or girl, okay I better be going. Elizabeth speeds up to the avenue as the shadowy figure is approaching to her direction. Is he coming to me ? Help me, he is closer. "Elizabeth." 

Husky voice calling her makes her sudden pause and turns dramatically. "Why you run when seeing me? Dominic tilts his head to left and frowning. Elizabeth replies with robotic tone, "I did not know it was you, Dominic." He is in black outfits, leather and jeans that perfectly blend in the dark. His hair looks specially shinning with this outfit. Both are heading to the seats. Elizabeth changes the topic, asking him why he is so late. "Spent some time to do research." Ambrose calls them the moment he saw them at the edge, "Dominic, my brother. You are finally here." He takes Dominic with him straight away, with Elizabeth walking back to her seat alone with simile. She catches the reluctance expression on Dominic's when being taken away. 

In the second weeks, everyone in two houses are officially arrived. Undoubtedly, those who are late have extra "gift" prepared by Professor McGonagall. Sprinting for extra hours, they need to meet the target at the end. Elizabeth feels the encouraging effect when exercising with teammates, she is not exact in the team nonetheless. The sense of satisfaction when they both push through limits. "One more !" Elizabeth grinding her teeth with shaking abs, to finish one more sit ups. Another player in Ravenclaw who is teamed up with her, is so cheerful of her. These little moments motivates her to be stronger. Or when she is the last one in training, some clap to support her. Paring up with Gryffindor players indeed changes her, like their different mindset with Quidditch. They have the nerve and power to do such dangerous sports recklessly. For Ravenclaw, their brainy strategies allows them to find loopholes which can be seen as cheating. But neither way, Elizabeth understands Quidditch in a way she never imagined.

 After the training is completed, she finds professor McGonagall at the Gryffindor tent. "Miss Holmes, what can I hep you? "McGonagall asks surprisingly to see she is here. Elizabeth states, "Nothing , professor, I hope I do not interrupt you before dinner." McGonagall shakes her head, "Certainly not." Elizabeth thanks sincerely, "Since this is almost the end of this tour, I simply want to express my gratitude to you, professor. As you are the one who lead me to know Quidditch, I learnt so much in here. Next year, I will tryout for Quidditch team in the coming year. Thank you, Professor McGonagall for giving me this chance." McGonagall pushes her glasses on her nose, says truly, "It is also my honour, Elizabeth. I look forward to see you in the Quidditch contests." 

Dominic did not mentioned a single about The Reverie, even the last few days of the exchange. Technically, It is not yet but the death eaters would destroys the celebration party. Elizabeth gets in the line for waiting the food for dinner, Dominic is not in sight. Later, she still cannot find him once dinner is finished. Playing with Quinn for a moment in he room, she actually wants to thank Dominic for enlightening her in ways. Sadly, she miss the chance of expressing that. Maybe ? Or not? Should I go to his room actively ? But would that be weird, visiting others room at night, couch Wardwell words is repeating in her mind. In Elizabeth heart, she is fighting over herself with two sides. Go or not go ? Thud. The sound of dropping pulls her out, is Quinn pushes a book down. "The Element in Nature ", Elizabeth picks that up and strokes the cover of it. Maybe Dominic will be interested in this, she remembers their first discuss over The Sandman. 

Knock, Knock Elizabeth is almost knocking the third time and the door is opened. She does not dare to make a loud noise since the time is about curfew. She enters the door and hears Dominic voice coming from the window, "Please close the door." He is sitting casually in couch near the window, papers are everywhere. His hair is bushy, it is obvious he is in the middle of something. That Elizabeth balks, a reticence spreads over Elizabeth and Dominic. He lifts his head to meet the visitor's gaze, "Elizabeth? I thought is Ambrose." He puts down the sketchbook aside, "and continues, "Do you need something ?" His voice is so deep, "When is the last time of you drink water?" Fairly big sound echoes from Dominic, "And eating ?" She holds her gaze to question Dominic who shift his eyes to the ceiling. His unassertive performance answers for him, Elizabeth chuckles and sigh, disappearing with "Wait." A portion of food is in her hands when coming back, "Thank you but where you can it?" Dominic guesses curiously. Elizabeth assures, "I get one more at dinner time in case...." Quinn is hungry yet nobody knows her existence, so she changes the sentence, "I am hungry at midnight." 

Elizabeth explains her intentions for coming to his room, "I, um, the reason I am here for telling you thank you." Dominic asks with his eyes why because he is drinking. "For all. The last Christmas holiday, teaching me of the Reverie and I never know the power I can acquire." She sneak peek at his reaction, He fixes his eyes to her in seriousness. "Anything, and so fourth...." She starts to be at a loss, sentences come form her is not making sense. "Don't look at me like this..."She murmur with eyes gazing down, "like what ?" He mouths truthfully. 

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