Wait for the Dawn

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Invading into a whimsical forest that allures people to visit, is what Elizabeth thinks when she meets his gaze accidentally. Without any prepare, she does not recognise the dangerous temptation Dominic holds. She sees why all the girls in Quidditch practise that day are enthusiast about him. Once she discovers how long she unblinkingly stares to him, she averts her gaze to the tales. Her brain cannot comprehend any words she read on pages. Those eyes, they are dangerous. A trace of footsteps is approaching to her direction. Maybe he is leaving, did I being rude for strangely staring to him? She wonders, and the sound stops. 

"The Sandman, do you enjoy it ?" He questions her, speaking to her for the first time. "It is a mysterious story." She answers to him, who stands straight, lowering his eyelids to focus on her. "We have Ancient Rune together, aren't we?" He says softly, "Yes, and we met each others in the Quidditch practise together as well." She brings back the day to remind him. Elizabeth lifts her right palms, indicating him to sit down. "Please." He takes his seat, opposite of her. Awkwardness is absence. She could not imagine they talk freely and mindlessly. This is their first meet, greeting to one another formally. Dominic is much chummy fellow compared the first meet, or he has always been like this underneath. People just judge of what they seen on the surface. 

Two are chattering about the story, "Nathanael is an interesting character" He proposes the idea which Elizabeth simply sighs, "He is. People may assume he is dumb, I felt the same in my childhood." He repeats with a rising tone, "Felt ?" She tells, "He is reckless, other characters either laugh or tease at his foolish behaviour. But when you are the characters inside of the story, things are not that clear for you." She shrugs her shoulders, "It is hard, when the world against you."  "The spectators see the chess games better than the players." He states, acknowledging her opinion. 

Elizabeth struggles for a moment, she is thinking about the question that it has churning inside her. "Can I ask you a question ?" He denotes for her request frankly. "Back in the practise, others points their fingers at you, what do you do?" She realises him with a perplexed expression. She discloses further on her issue, "The way you react that day, I can tell you are a bold and bravery one who do not mind others," Sincerity and pressing are appearing in the tone, these emotions are rising in her. He can sense that. "How you fight with the voices in your head  ?" Rheumy yet decisive eyes peer over him. Dominic meets her gaze this directly, not from distance or far far away. He is struck by, something peculiar like fire has flew by in his heart. In the night of only two, this resembles the other night in the Ancient Rune classroom. Dominic was doing self-study, like every nights he did. Strangely enough, he saw a girl barged in, he was not able to observe what is happening over the distance. The sudden movement of her bewilders him that day. Looking at her eyes right in front, he solely recalls, Her skin is burning. 

Reckless, and naive little typical teenage girl just as other classmates he has, bothering him at day by lunatic fans stalking . So he enjoys now staying awake at night to be alone, the peaceful moment. To Dominic, Elizabeth may be one of those at first. However, she never approaches him, except saving him that night from Filch. Little did she notices, he is the one who is curious about her. In the Quidditch practise, her panting and being out of breath are boisterous. When she reads, it seems she is indeed relax and let the world behind. Possessing prodigious memory, he does not recall Elizabeth at all when they first meet. A newcomer. And an ....He ponders of her profound question. An unordinary one. Here, she is genuine, attempting to solve a puzzle that she has been thinking for her life. 

"It is not about fighting against them, Elizabeth." He pronounces her names, sending shivers to her spine. Nervous ? Or is the thrilling sensation when she hears him calling her name. Rosing himself up from the chair, he strolls to balcony. Students seldom opens the door of the balcony since winter is severe in here. He gestures her to follow him. Surprisingly, no any blistering wind howling at them, nor frozen air waiting for them. The space among them is fresh. The Snowy scenery of mountains and hills do not fear her but feeling refreshed of the crisp air. He speaks, "Facing those struggles that happened in your past, did you run away ?" Elizabeth shakes her head. He continues , "Then just treat the voices of others the same. If you care, then they thieve power from you, the power belongs to you." 

His words are steady and firm that give strength to her. More to that, they are the answer she has been searching for. Elizabeth raises her head to Dominic who is gazing over the distance. She follows his gaze, mumbles quietly, "Thank you." The sun is rising over the horizons. Time has apparently slipped away. Elizabeth never realises that words can smooth her heart, removing all the rigid thorns of her inner peace. "Plus, waiting for the Dawn is my another way of calming myself down." The blast is sweeping through all of sudden when he says, "If you want to join, I will be here." 

In the late afternoon, Elizabeth wakes up from Quinn's alarm, the indeed owl calls. Having the breakfast at 4:00pm, the transfiguration classroom she goes. She pushes against the door, a figure is standing there waiting for her. "Morning, Harry" She waves her hands to Harry, "Morning, Elizabeth you should get up earlier." When she steps into circles drawn on the floor, Harry adds with taking his wand out, "since the holiday is ending so soon." Christmas holiday will be ending once the last week of January arrives. During last two weeks, Harry has been her tutor for learning more spells or charms as she is a transfer student to year three. Never has know, she has talent on magic, particularly casting spells or summoning creatures, anything with magic. Harry leaves the classroom with her after tutoring her, "Your connection with the source of magic is strong, there won't be a problem for you." He comments on her performance. Elizabeth imagines that Harry is just being humble because he is Harry Potter , the one survive of the death curse. So she does not take this seriously or even remember Harry has said that after many years. 

"You are sure, you are not training Quidditch with me ? I have nothing to do in holidays." Harry asks, turning his head back to Elizabeth before heading to Hagrid's cabin. "Yes, I got it." She answers and saying goodbye to him. She heads to the locker where her training clothes are. When she heads to the grassland, someone is there, his body facing the sun. He seems to be watching the sunset. "Dominic !" She screams. 

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