Destiny Unfolds

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"Hufflepuff !" Sorting hat announces it with great volume, students that sit at the very last table on left side claps and stands up proudly. It is often that Hufflepuff is the underrated and overlook house. They certainly are thrill to have a new transfer student, someone who has been sorted even longer than Harry Potter. When Elizabeth approaches to the table, the head girl smiles at her and shakes her hand. When everyone is clapping with joy, still Dumbledore frowns slightly. She sits there and being greeted by all other classmates. The food in Hogwarts is served and prepared by the house elves. "They are amazing !" Elizabeth cannot help but praises the delicious cuisine in front of her. Others are enjoying their dinner at the opening night. Most people digs their heads to the food or chats with other to update what happened in their holiday. 

She sees him, someone who is being surrounded by people. He seems to be the popular kid, there is no surprise to that. His shinny hair is someone can spot at even within the crowd. With his popularity, he acts and interacts with others humbly, always has a light smile on his face. "Tomorrow is your first day of school here, you must be anxious Elizabeth?" The head girl sits next to Elizabeth to introduce Hogwarts. She draws her back from staring at Joshua continually. "Yes, maybe a bit." Elizabeth replies with playing with her food. She is not used to be around with someone so caring. There is a bit award in it. Although the head girl keeps on chuckles or laughs, Elizabeth feels uncomfortable. 

She stays at the back as she is heading back to Hufflepuff common room. The head girl talks to someone at the front row, a black hair girl with similar height with her. "Bloody hell...Is Diana" She forgets about her sister at all, Diana does not bother to greet her at all. She sneaks peeks at her and bursts into laughter sometimes with the head girl. Elizabeth knows exactly, Not all Hufflepuff is that nice at they seem. They walk down to the entrance hall, through the kitchen corridor. And the head girl taps the barrel in the order, at the bottom and the rhythm. Elizabeth indeed memories that from one look. A long tunnel which is filled with darkness is shown. She follows the group as they walk slowly since only one person can fit in that. One by one, a tuck on her finger tips. She feels that, is someone calling me, she wonders. There is nothing she can see in that tunnel. 

Someone's pinky finger is besides hers, a tuck she can sense occasionally when walking the tunnel. At last, the light in the common room gleams in. The touch is no longer here. She gazes into who is doing that. Golden hair. Joshua. He keeps up with you as the final one entering the common room. The head girl tells all the new classmates to stay behind for which dormitories they are staying. "Elizabeth, you are rooming with Belle Barker, Olivia Carter and " She feels the small group behind The head girl is giggling, and Diana is there. "Diana Holmes." It appears that the head girl put her with Diana and her sidekicks inside a room on purpose. Other classmates dismiss themselves swiftly, the evil group moves to the centre. Joshua leans his shoulder on the wall that near the staircase, he waits what will happen. The dramatic queen and her groups attack on the new girl so quick, that he does not expect at all. He steps forward to solve the situation. Then, Clomp clomp with the sound of heavy footsteps. Two figures show up, professor McGonagall and professor Sprout. 

"Dear, you are here. Lucky that you are still in the common room." said professor Sprout as she looks around. Professor McGonagall takes a look, "What are these students still gather around in the late hours?" Diana and her little sidekicks obviously look stunned, the head girl speaks up, "Sorry professor, we just welcoming our new classmates to Hufflepuff." Professor McGonagall clears her throat, "Still, is very late already. Do not do these activities at night." Professor Sprout continues, "It would be lovely if you are sorted into my house. Your talent shall glimmer and great achievement in here." Diana interrupts, "If ?" Professor McGonagall glares at her with disapproval, "Yes, I am afraid that the sorting hat made a mistake. Miss Holmes does not belong to Hufflepuff." Everybody awaits the next sentence that McGonagall about to speak. But she does not say anything.

McGonagall turns to face Elizabeth, "Let me bring you to your house now. Since it is about to the curfew." She leads to Elizabeth and walk back to the pitch dark tunnel. Professor Sprout says, "Go on then". She waves them back to their rooms. With no one notice, Joshua disappears to the shadow and walks on the stairs. He whispers, "Elizabeth Holmes." 

Staircase keeps moving and changing their routes. "Professor please tell me which house I am in." Elizabeth and Professor McGonagall already walks for almost twenty minutes. Yet they are not arrive to their destination. It is 9:00. "Miss Holmes, you need to practise your...." Elizabeth pants and tries to catch her breath from climbing the stairs." McGonagall carries on while standing at the top, "No worry, I shall ask you to practise with the Quidditich team." She still not comprehend the shocking news to her, she already feel like fainted at any minute. 

The endless staircase forms a circle and another circle. She stares at it as Professor McGonagall is on there, staring at her with a small light grin. "Now now, if we don't start climbing now, I don't think you can sleep." Elizabeth struggles for the last few steps, "My enemy, stairs." She swears that she will be much slimmer after this year. "Miss Holmes, I do not think I can go any further as this is not the house that I in charge of." She pauses and suggests Elizabeth to walk to the door. As the legend has it, there is indeed no any handle nor keyhole, only a bronze eagle shape knocker on the ordinary wooden door. No password needed. 

"Which came first, the Phoenix or the flame?" The eagle questions. Elizabeth remembers she used to search every common room online, but only not search the Ravenclaw. She does not know the answer ! She screams internally, lucky for her she loves the riddle. Phoenix or flame is here first, that sounds exactly like the question of egg and chicken. She pounders, usually this type of question, the answer is neither of them. It is like a circle, "A circle has no beginning." She finger crossed, hoping this is correct answer or it would be embarrassed. She hears McGonagall's voice again at the back, "Miss Holmes, I have worked in Hogwarts for 40 years." She turns back from the wooden door and wonders what McGonagall tries to explain. "To my knowledge and experience, the sorting hat never made a mistake. It can be judge and define someone too quick, yet the decision never is tremendous enough for correcting it. There must be something in you, quality or talent, anything that you possess, belongs to Ravenclaw. Do not doubt yourself , do not give any power to other to judge you." The moment she finished, the door behind Elizabeth unlocks. 

 Any colour in blue is decorated in the common room, there is no any tunnels behind the entrance. Being inside the Ravenclaw room, serenity is what Elizabeth sense the very moment. She does believe blue colour calms her, going back home after a long exhausting day. Maybe I really belong here, as a Ravenclaw. Round bistro tables are all over the the front part of the area, some students already sitting there to read or study. Around the edge, there are couches in royal blue colour near the wall. Marble-stone wall forms an arc rooftop. Gothic windows is placed to each conner, total in four. At the very middle, a ceramic statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. A staircase next to it is for students to go up their room. Elizabeth finds not a lot student is here, she spots a girl who looks slightly older, standing next to the staircase. 

"Elizabeth Holmes? Welcome to Ravenclaw. I am the head girl of seventh year, your suitcase already been transported to your room. Right side is the girl's dorm and your room is the last one on third floor. As you are the last student who arrive, professor Flitwick arranges you to a single bedroom. He hopes you can rest better as so much had happened. Schedule will be distributed to your door tomorrow morning. Good night." She turns back as soon as she finished. "Thank you." Elizabeth calls to her with raising voice as she is heading back to her dorm and is on the staircase. 

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