𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐭

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Long and never ending trials in the forest, there is a tower upon that hill. Leaves drop into the clear lake that surrounds the small building like a fortress. Nature is its army to protect it from people want to hunt them down. Pale stucco covers through the architecture, rooms and halls are designed with Renaissance style. Among all, a clock with long case stands in the hollow hall that not much grand decorations. A girl is on the floor, crossing her legs to put in position for her reverie. A soft knock to the door, Elizabeth answers, "Yes ?" Calissa plunges through in her cursory gown, and a tray in china of plates and cups. "Ah, thank you for bring ing it up." Calissa nods, pours hot water to the tea pot and there is a smell of roses is revolving the room. "They just deliver the books and all the essentials you need for the next half year. It is organised in your bedroom." She holds the teacup carefully, and take a good sip of it. Calissa gasps, "Right, I need to show you something." A wenge wood is drawn from her robe, and murmurs, "Longos." That sky blue tracery appears more luminously in her wand. Elizabeth stares at it, it should be called cane. "Not matter how many times you perform it, I am still amazed."

Indeed, Calissa at Hogsmeade 's identity is not only the dressmaker nor tailor. Her name in full length is Calissa Venti, the one descendent left from years of passing and forgetting. When they reveal, Professor McGonagall is the oneself who shares this information. Meanwhile, she also is the figure that Dominic has been communicating with, but we will get to it later. "The cane is the way of me performing spells or even for the reverie. To another extend, it is exasperating." She writes it on her palm, summoning own reverie. "Are we...." It is her first time to get into another reverie apart from Dominic. Blazing wind is shuffling from side to side, she can barely see anything from the full darkness. "Calissa ?"

"Rutilans" After the spell is performed, lights is shone into Elizabeth's eyes. All she can see is small blue dots. "We are in a cave ?" Arch rooftop in raw matte stone and rock, rustling breezes breaks into the cave from two entrance. "Yes, a cave where the Venti create and practise their rituals and spells." Elizabeth observes closer, notices those dots are glowing warms. "We connect with nature, creatures and places from the Mother Earth. Now that, you soon will be back to Hogwarts where can be possible dangers hidden. Therefore, I want to show you all." Both cross legs on the ground, Calissa touches the earth below them, "I assume that you heard about the reverie from Mr Dominic ?" Elizabeth answers, "Yes," Calissa strokes, and not just like then touching, "Reverie is Venti made in years, years. It forges since the Venti each one possess their dreamland. You need to bear this in mind, do not let anyone with hatred enter your reverie." "For example the Thant ?" "The Thant," Calissa scoffs, "They thought their revolution could hunt us down, yet with the spring wind, the Venti shall grow again." She turns around to fins something, patting the wall in details.

Listening her murmurs, Elizabeth asks, "Is there anything I can help ?" "Just I am finding the symbol craved on the wall." She chuckles, "That's recalling to scenario of me visiting you back in Hogsmeade. Your room is always messy and" Calissa's pupils are swaying from side to side, aiming at the scant rim, "Hey, do not expose me like, wait I find it." They knee to that particular rim near the wall, "Elizabeth touch it," "Maybe for the time, there is a slight chance that you are the lost baby from one of the Venti figures." When she contacts with the symbol, it sinks further away which appears more obviously as an object. "It is a crown ?" "Not precisely, a crown is larger in size, it is a coronet." "IS there any chance that I am the member of Venti, for the possible?" Calissa also traces the edge of the symbol, "It only reacts when you touch it, it is certain for me to believe that we run the same blood in our veins." Calissa and Elizabeth rose themselves back, and they retrieve to the hall.

"Problem is that the lost Didam of Ravenclaw since there has hearsay that it has became one of the Voldemort's horcrux." Elizabeth immediately stares to Calissa from her dizziness of coming back from the reverie. "Helena would not reveal it so we need you to go and check about it." "Yet, of one year home learning, I am already the seventh year, the chance of me finding it within a year is thin." "Extremely thin but we do not have a choice." Calissa states firmly, holding her wand tight in grip, "This year at here allows you to know more about your origin, bondage passed with the ancestor and..." Elizabeth sighs, "It also prevent me to be caught in the scandal of last year guardian's week." The sky is young that air is cold in the deep forest. Calissa draws the curtain open, sunlight is poured in which signifies the dawn comes to the end. "You have surpassed myriads, and as I recalled, Elizabeth Venti does not yield easily."

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