𝐍𝐞𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞

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Elizabeth is sleeping, technically is closing her eyelids to rest. For her annoying older sister, she cannot have a single moment of peace. How long has she blasting her music, Elizabeth rolls her eyes for countless times in an hour. Summer Holiday begins from June lasts to September. Same with most characters, she and her mother and sister shares weird relationships. Elizabeth goes down to get some water since being not able to sleep. Faint light is gleaming in the living room downstairs, she approaches, hands with the icy glass in summer night. It is her mother, she calls Elizabeth to her side which taking the opposite side of table. Her mother mutters, "How is your night, cannot sleep?" Elizabeth hisses in control, tries to hide her attitude towards this "Mother", "Well, with that background soundtrack, is fairly mild." After all, she is not the real Elizabeth Holmes, the truth she will prompt in heart. 'Elizabeth, please endure your sister. Diana, is.... relaxing." Rock n roll metal music raises at the moment, which creates so very ironic scenario. She does not bother her time with her anymore, and puts up a pseudo ephemeral smile.

If is not holiday, nobody would stay in the castle, I would never came back here. This house, is not her home, not Elizabeth Holmes. She climbs back to her rooms, along the corridor at second floor. Two bedrooms locates side by side, Elizabeth and Diana which is the main course if Diana blasting her music, Elizabeth is the biggest victim. Although, the Holmes are muggles family, it seems they are rather wealthy, comfortable. The estate shares similar size with Dominic's family one. She fathoms there may be one more mansion for the Locus, Isn't what family has long history bloodline 's usual houses? It has came to her that she has repeatedly thought of him in holidays, days she cannot see him frequently. Dominic vaguely mentions he is living with the strict lady during holiday, he receives trainings extremely. She pushes the door in her bedroom, she wonders if it is the familiarity that brings her mind to him. Quinn flaps her wings, a scarlet envelope hanging in her beak.

"Scarlet, it has to be Maddy." Elizabeth tears the envelope apart, a parchment paper is tidily folded inside. Maddy handwriting is very unique, noticeable and spotted in sharp. Handwritings always represent what a characteristic of someone, she chuckles of the letter. In writing back to Maddy, Night is pitch black already when she finishes the letter. Until midnight, peace eventually visits at the house. Her fingers stroking Quinn inky feather, her presence is more concealed at night. Fifteen minutes later. Like Elizabeth predication, she places her ear close to the wall joined hers and Diana bedroom. Footsteps is increasing to a level, then they wane in the stairs direction. With the dim moonlight on the street pours the figure of a girl in white dress. Sneaking out at night, twice a week is Diana pattern since they came back form Hogwarts.

Tap, Tap. Elizabeth has been half asleep and half awake at the midst of midnight. The sound is over the window, she assumes that maybe is Quinn. Rosing herself from bed, she opens the window and the night wind rushes inside. In staring closely, it is much bigger shadow compared to Quinn. His glittering pale blue hair is ruffling in the wind, crouching upper back over the balcony. "Dominic ?" The boy standing right outside, before her. She wonders if her illusion finally reaches to its maximum. Touching his hair with her tip of fingers, "Even that baby blue hair is so accurate, does my mind finally go insane?" She says it with half closed eye. When the feeling of his hair is physical, and she widens her eyes to watch him. A paint of pink is already splashing his neck. Dominic coughs, "Evening, Elizabeth, I am sorry to interrupt you at....." Elizabeth cannot catch what is Dominic talking anymore as she is so embarrassed to a point that she wants to dig a hole to hide herself with mud.

"Spies in The Locus, discovers the possibility of comeback of The Thant. And this is important to you so I think maybe informing you." He pauses as Elizabeth's face muscle is flexing, her wrinkled face somehow is cute in his eyes. She looks so different from day, the expression she is showing is quirky but pleasant. He forces his eyes to stop staying at her face, which he notes her cartoon colourful nightgown. Dominic bites his lips to prevent himself bursting in chuckles, She is strange. Elizabeth question pulls him back to the topic, The Thant. She says, "What is the Thant?" She invites him to get inside of her room, the scent of her rushes towards him just like the fierce wind comes to her. Lavender, mix with pine, whiff of that embraces him. The Thant basically is the nemesis of the pure blood family, The Locus and The Venti are on their very first target. During the battle with Voldemort, they gain back their power by chance and regroup themselves. They used to be defeated by heads in Two families, the hatred against those possess talents in nature.

"After you showcase that talent last year, I do think you are related to The Locus which may draw you in danger." Dominic gives out the details about his family inner members, it shows his concern about her. She wonders his rational behind, "These information are secret level, is it appropriate of me haring this?" He mutters, strands of blue hair falls over his gaze with looking down, "You are one of us, and they can hurt you if you have the slightest idea of it. Sure you matter to....us." Us, the word came out from his mouth has a long unusual pause. To Elizabeth, she later thanks him for that, and for a few weeks in a row, he visits, once or even twice a week. Once in the chat, she realises that he came all the way from north to south little town with no magic at all. Magic leaves trace. When she asked about why he did not use magic, he looks to the window from her, and murmurs the school is not allow them to use magic outside. His pupils is vaguely shaking which makes her guess deep down would it because of her safety.

They talk about almost everything, sharing what they experience this week, formal to casual business. His earnest face when listening to her problems, or his laughters when Elizabeth makes silly jokes, above all of these, is the ease in silence with him. She is used to be around with him, she enjoys the serenity revolve him, she loves his presence.

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