Elizabeth Holmes

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"When you finished, just remember to turn off the lights. Good night." She replies to her mom, "Ok. Good Night." It may feel embarrassed for a 20 year old to admit that she watches Harry Potter series at night alone. Yet, she will say it loud and proud that this is her world. She is an university student and her roommate is her parents. So one word can describe her university life, boring. Days after days, she lives at her street since the day she was little. She believes there are so much more in the world awaits her to discover. Among these all, the magical world sounds perfect to escape the real life. 

It is the last week of Summer holiday for her to return to school. She is savouring the series at night to pass the time. The television is playing Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. There is no one except herself sitting on the couch. The storms outside is roaring, rain pats on the window. She finds her cup is empty so she gets up and head to the kitchen. The moment she gets back, the television stops playing. "Did it glitch?" She heads towards to the television to find out what is going on. At first, it stops at the scene when Ron, Harry and Hermione's train stops. The weather is exact alike, fierce thunderstorm. She studies it from the back of the television and gives it a pat. 

Sound is generated so she thinks she fixed that successfully. Not until she hears the sound of reversed, she gets to the front and sees that the movie is playing backwards. "What?" It does not stops, not until it is on the first scene. She wonders what she can do about the unstoppable situation. She pressed start of the control and so is she sucked into the portal. 

Someone is sobbing next to her, she tries to open her eyes and see who is that. A woman stands next to the bed and grabs her hand tightly. At first glance, her obsidian hair grabs her attention. "Thanks god, Elizabeth. You are awake." The beautiful woman says to her. "Elizabeth? Who is Elizabeth?" When she opens her eyes to observe clearly, she finds that the women is looking at her desperately. Sapphire, not like her dark hair, the colour is very light, is pastel. "My girl is amnesia. She loses her memory from falling from the stairs...." The chaos goes on till the evening. 

"So...I am trapped into a new body. A twelve year old girl named Elizabeth Holmes. Holy, wait I need to change my slang since I am in the Harry Potter world now !" Yes, other than I am someone else, here is where the fiction world. The reason I notice there is an Hogwarts acceptance letter on the desk. I, the girl Elizabeth Holmes was born in a muggle family. One day, younger sister is found out that she has the power to float. Therefore, the one-year-older sister is accepted by none other than the Hogwarts. She still remember the sad emotion urges when this body hears the mother's comfort. "There may be some who is talented, Elizabeth. Don't worry. I am sure you will achieve great things as an ordinary." There is no doubt that this body feels bitter, but so do I. "I mean come on, travel to this world but I cannot see Harry Potter in person." She gets up and sit straight from the bed, "No ! I need to get used to this body and  accepted by Hogwarts. I need to try everything, to explore my ability." So, she is Elizabeth Holmes now. 

Elizabeth stares at outside of the window, the sky is blue and clear, not a cloud is there. The wonderful weather does not lighten her up. Her books is all around the place, all books are about discovering yourself or feeling the power from the nature. She tries to get as much of books about the witchcraft or mysterious subjects. Is been a year already. She lays on the table with her hands, wondering what she can do. Elizabeth's mom watches from behind the door, Elizabeth shows various difference from the coma she had last year. These changes are positive, she just never understands why. She thinks while walking back to downstairs. 

A strong wind is blown into the house and makes some papers on the table floating and even creates the little swirl. In the study room, there is only her here. She thinks, why don't I try something dramatic and give it a last shot. In her mind, she concentrates, as if nothing can bother her. She reaches the hand out to the floating messy paper. They stop. Some even stay at their place floating, didn't flinch not until she lifts up a finger. "So, is gonna related to floating, like what my sister did. That answer why I cannot make something invisible or burn something up."  She screams and jumps merrily around the place. Just in the next weeks, she gets her letter from Hogwarts. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted by....." She keeps reading the letter as if making sure this is not a dream. 

On the day she departed to go the Hogwarts, it is weird that her sister does not go with her. Although there has been year of her becoming Elizabeth, she does not know much about her sister, Diana. She only knows that her mother seems to be liking Diana much better. She gives her anything she wanted because of Diana's talents. When she picks up the suitcase and decides to go to the Diagon Alley to buy something first. Her mother simply bids her goodbye in telling her not to compare herself with Diana and protect her. Something is funky about these two sisters, Elizabeth reminds this in her head. After all, the day has come. She takes the belongings and take a step on the bus. 

Some looks to Elizabeth at curiosity, like a teenager walked into the bar. Yet, she swiftly walks to the back of the Leaky Cauldron and tap the bricks, exactly like what Hagrid did. The bricks turn into directions, forms an entrance to allow people to pass through. A big grin is up on her face, she is glad that she has remarkable memory skill. Ollivanders sits alongside like other historical buildings in there. Since today is the day for school, a few is here barely on the street. In the morning, there are almost only the owners here. The bell rings when Elizabeth enters. Unlike the first movie, Mr. Ollivander sits behind the front desk, heads down for doing some work. 'Excuse me sir. I would like a wand." Ollivander looks up to Elizabeth, "This is odd. No one come here to buy their wand at age like yours, did you broke your wand already?" 

She explains with a faint humble smile, "No, this is my first year. I am transfer student of year three." Mr. Ollivander stands up from his seat and cranes his head to the piles of boxes. He walks to one aisle and climbs up the stairs, "How about this one?" He gives a pitch black wooden wand to me, I feel nothing special with my first touch. It does not function well too later, as expected. "Not blackthorn wood but I think the Phoenix feather core suits your power. Wait." He takes another one with him from the back, "Give this one a try." Different with the last wand she holds, the moment she touches, a strong urge of power comes through her body. As if the wind is growing and gathering to her as well. "This..." She tries to find her voice after experiencing the powerful impact brought by the wand. Mr. Ollivander guesses her question is and states, "Aspen wood. The outlook may appear as stylish and fancy, yet it is perfect weapon for warriors to use in the duelling." He pauses, "Miss ?" Elizabeth replies to him, "Sir, is Holmes." "Miss Holmes, it seems even though you show your talent later than your peer. Your power...is ancient." 

In the Diagon Alley, she walks in the second hand book stores. She grabs the check list for the elective, the third year need to take at least two electives. Harry Potter and his gang choose the Divination, she choose another one, the ancient rune. She does not take this course out of liking rune, only due to she is the transfer and others choose first. "Apparently, everyone in year three takes the divination. Professor Trelawney is too nice and she gives out high scores without thinking." The wizards that works in the store clarifies there are more school textbooks upstairs. Upstair she goes, the morning light beams and shines through the window. The bricks on the wall are crimson, a saying is written in black on one of the wall. Be Not Inhospitable To Strangers, Let They Be Angles In Disguise. Numerous bookshelves in different sizes line up, row by row. Some of them can be moved by magic using the wheel. 

"Rune Dictionary. Find it." Elizabeth sees the textbook in within the shelf she is looking for. After a moment, the shelf does not flinch, let alone taking the book out. Clock is taking and she does not want to be late on the first day of school. She reaches out the wand out once again, "Alohomora." The lock on the wheel remains the same. "What?" She gets near to the lock, tries to discover the abnormal or what really happened to the lock. She bends her knees and lower her head to the lock. A gentle voice raises to her at the back. "Do you need help ?" 

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