The Beryl Tricker

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"You can do anything in your Reverie basically as long as your power is rich. Winnowing is my strength, and with years of practise, still there are not anyone other than The Locus and The Venti can control." Elizabeth does not know why but she feels sense of arrogant in his tone. A devilish idea crosses her mind and she delivers it. She exclaims, "Then can you give me the book on the second left row seven, the thirteen one ?" It appears itself in her hand within seconds. "How about second floor the middle shelves row four, the first one." Another book shows up on the desk. As matter of fact, she does not know what she is looking for, the intention is purely exhaust Dominic out which he soon is found out. "The fourth on the white shelves," "Number two in the third floor...." Elizabeth smiles grows to a smirk, Dominic just realised he has been fooled. As he is ready to blame her childish behaviours, she praises in exaggerated manner, "I am amazed by your talent, all mighty. Your power is beyond imaginable....." Until hearing him releases the long breath, she knows her trick saved her.

They both study and do some researches on topics in the library. Elizabeth stays in the first floor as she is fascinated by literatures there already. Dominic steps towards Elizabeth which she does not realise what he is doing. She feels something touching her hair, is Dominic, precisely his hands alone. His fingers is tucking wisp of hair behind his ears, with the sunlight reflected on hers, he notices it is dark blue. Her heartbeat is stomping, ear is turning pink bit by bit. Whooshes, Elizabeth pulls Dominic whole body in the portal. An innocent simper is bloomed on her face, He feels being embraced by her energy. Pure and Heavenly. Elizabeth fixes her eyes on him, wondering what is his mind. Dominic mouths, "Is time to go back, Beryl Tricker." She reacts in perplexed, "What? Is this a nickname you give to me?" As He paces faster, Elizabeth cannot hear his response but she sees the pink colour growing in his neck. Dominic brings Elizabeth back, straight arrive to her dorm room. She meanders to the window, watching the night is pitch black, the castle is in darkened, not a single light trail to the forest. She asks, "Is the time..." He adds, "Yes, the time in reverie is the same with the outside. Good Night Elizabeth." Stars and Moon shines in the night brightly, and something new sprouts under witness.

Week after The Yule Ball in Hogwarts are dreadful for students, is part of them, especially those who party all night in their dorms. No matter what, school still goes on. Only few more weeks for them to enjoy Christmas break, which is originated in last week, but The Yule Ball was held on Christmas Eve. The festive vibe lingers at Hogwarts, the pastel frost decorations still in the great Hall. Elizabeth feels a fuzz of chilling down her spine, she shivers. Maddy asks, having breakfast in the Gryffindor table behind her, "Is it anything to do with you going out at the Yule Ball, maybe that time catching the cold?" Elizabeth thinks for moment, "It seems so. I will go to madam Pomfrey after breakfast." The girls pivot from the hallway, straight to Hospital Wing. Maddy says in demand, "Details about last night." Elizabeth giggles at her seriousness, "To be honest, you know him better than me, the details you gave me last night." Maddy cries, "Come on, this is everyone know. Those are the fact, he comes from the pure blood family, and with that light beryl hair." Her eyes is like spill the tea. Elizabeth do brings herself back to the good times they spent together, "We have been lying on the grass, and the diverse sides of him allures me want to know him deeper."

The strange emotion Elizabeth feels towards Dominic is mysterious, yet another issue has posed on her mind. Since the Yule ball has hold, the Christmas holiday just shorten to a five day break. Students need to stay here, they can rest for non teaching days. On the field, Elizabeth gazing up to the sky, Maddy and Harry are on their broomsticks practising some flying. The afternoon is not official Quidditch practise of any houses. She is yearning for that, "I want to go up too." She begs with doe eyes to Hermione, who looks concerned. Maddy voice rising from the mid air, "no way, not until you've stoped the shiver. You see, again." She has been feeling eerie past week. Pomfrey states her body is completely heathy, not cold nor flu. Sometimes, the symptom is minor, having goosebumps yet sometimes will be shivering. "Madam Pomfrey said I am fine." Hermione at the side suddenly speaks, "I have read before, when body shows unexplained changes, it insinuates transformation. You may become something else," Ron interrupts with patting shoulder on Hermione, "You scare her for no reason, and why are you saying superstitious theory, after you guys went to divination activity ?" Ron and Hermione are having their cute moments, left Elizabeth ponders what undergone her, staring down her body.

Creak, as Elizabeth steps on the wooden floor of the Quaint Chiffon. Elizabeth calls, "Madam, are you here?" Husky voice replies to her, "Do come in Child, I am in the studio." Elizabeth has made new companion,  Madam Calissa, who is the old lady recommends the fair gown to her. Now, she sometimes visit her once week. Contrasting with the stereotype of an old lady, Madam Calissa's living space, especially the studio she spends days and nights there, is sloppy. Fabrics of colours are lying on the floor, Elizabeth crosses them with jumping over. There are needles over the wooden table. "Madam Calissa, since when I tidied your place, is just a week, how can this place be even clutter?" Calissa looks up from her design, measuring tap is in her right side. "Elizabeth, call me Calissa, and I think" She takes a look to surrounding, "Messy places help me to think, designing great ideas." They passes their time by chatting or even like today, they just sit and focus on themselves. Elizabeth reads at the side of table, she adores the peaceful hours here. Madam roses herself from table, she goes into the kitchen. When Elizabeth wakes herself from the fiction, a tray of cookies and cups of tea is there waiting for her. The white hot steam escapes from cups, Elizabeth says, "Thank you, Calissa." She is sipping her tea over her pieces, "Do not mention it, Elizabeth, come over here," Elizabeth comes near her, who she is standing firmly without the cane. Once, she told Elizabeth about that, she actually is physical well-trained. Just she wants to hide the fact. Elizabeth recalls her saying, "If you are too good of something, the wise one would hide that. Do not let others see her treasure."

Charms is the first lesson on Thursday which is fortunate that professor Flitwick is chill. Normally, students who are late to Charms is completely be forgivable. Yet, not today, Elizabeth misses the alarm for the first time causes her to arrive late. Moment she pushes the door with panting, she feels blessed that is Flitwick. In the classroom, the man who stands at the front of the teaching desk is not Flitwick, is Snape. "Professor Snape." She gasps, cannot control her volume. Snape states, "Miss Holmes, we are glad that you are late which cost us WASTE minutes on you." Being roasted by Snape, she quickly takes a seat next to Harry at very back. "Good morning." "Morning, Snape scares the freak out of me with his talking speed." Harry comments, "You are gonna get used to it. By the way page 210." Elizabeth flew to the page, "floating spell ?" Harry says, "Yes, we are doing something similar with what we did in year 1, only this time is floating yourself." She pops her head far from the chin, "You gotta be kidding me."

"And why don't we invite the chatty lady who chatting with our star." Snape spots them are in a conversation and he catches her. He waits Elizabeth dragging herself to the stage, "Demonstrate the spell that I just taught, please Miss Holmes." She swears she can see Snape smile is sarcastic at maximum. She protests, "Sir, I would love to but I am sorry that I cannot because my wand is not here." Snape simply orders, "Please be the target that I am performing the charms in front of the class. GET UP."

Bringing the experience, the feeling when she floated the papers at home last summer. Drawing her fingers to feel the texture in the space, a tingling sensation is sending to her body, filling her up. Her shivers happens more intense than anytime. She closes her eyes, space and herself is the only thing left in mind. Howling wind fills in the classroom, the blazing urge pushes her. The power lifts her up, the ground no longer under her feet, she is not supported by floor, she is supporting herself, levitating in the space.

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