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Dominic pauses, doesn't know whether move closer or further. Every time, when Elizabeth is by his side, near his ear, under his breath, he could smell her scent. He does not try to offend her as knowing each has their own line. He struggles, and seldom that happened. He freezes, turning his head to her, "Elizabeth?" Imagining to see her teasing in her eyes, he sees passion and curiosity. Those tense feelings blazing in her, like a splash of maroon at the azure sky, so magnetising. Soft chilly air brushes between them yet the dryness of Dominic 's throat makes him swallow hard. And the feeling of her seems to be contagious, his body is scorching. "I..." The chime of bell of the clocktower announces midnight arrival. She realises his arms, let hers dangling along her dress. Dominic advices, "The moonlight shines brighter as the night grows," He pauses to see her reaction, "Let's keep going."

Elizabeth is so glad that he carries on another topic after the chime. Her courage is used up by the disturbance. She wonders why she grasps at him, what she is going to say before the bell rings. Action before thought. That is she just then. Being affected by the circumstances of she and him alone, that his face assures her when she doesn't know where is she, that she is waiting for him, that maybe she falls on him sooner than before. At the way of crossing the bridge, the stomping heartbeat is all she hears. Stop, stop it. She mumbles inside her heart, her eyelids descends, staring to her ground.

Maddy and Elizabeth sits in the lobby, waiting for the rest as they are prepared to go back to Hogwarts. She tilts her head to side, closing her eyes to rest. Maddy sitting right at the other side of the small table. Thomas carries a brown leather suitcase, coming down from the stairs at the heart of the lobby. Dominic is by his side, reaching to his ruffled hair while holding his belongings. Elizabeth's eyelids trembles at almost unnoticed frequency. She knows is Dominic as soon as hearing the crowd starts to whisper in excitement. Ever since that weird moment at the Charles bridge, they did not encounter. Elizabeth inhales, with hearing sound of someone hissing. Ignore it but then it becomes louder to which she opens her eyes, Maddy jerks her chin to gesture something behind her. Elizabeth looks to her in bewildered, still she turns. A girl in yellow tie who sits in the table behind them, a boy is facing his back to Elizabeth so she cannot recognise who that is. They seems to be one of the school couples. She has no idea why Maddy told her to turn around, yet something eerie reveals. Inky mark is covered on her collarbone, right under the neck. That mark is ominous and strange. At the corner of Elizabeth's eyes, she knows the girl about to notice her. She quickly switches to somewhere else, to the centre of the room.

Dominic is in the bottom of the stairs, along with the group. Hermione peeks at the crowd, "Joshua's blonde hair really shines out." Elizabeth just notices how captivating golden hair within a group. To her, Sliver colour is what she seen with the first glance. Maddy states in sincere, "Ladies, I believe hair colour is a good topic, isn't we have a bigger question ahead, not behind us?" Hermione says, "I noticed as well, what mark is that," She stares to Elizabeth, "nothing alike in the ancient rune." Elizabeth says, "But that shape is rune, there can be chance of we did not learn it in class," Maddy adds, "something forbidden."

Class continues as it seems dull. In the study session, professor McGonagall is explaining to a student near the desk. Students swing their pan, some chatting, Maddy narrows her eyes to Ron, "So is it real that you and Potter gather the Dumbledore army?" Elizabeth leaning in, sits straight from the chair, "when?" Harry peeks at the tables surround them, "Maddy, we are keeping it very low. Please don't expose us in the first week of you guys coming back." He stares to Elizabeth, "we organised it when you guys in Europe." Ron shrugs, "I mean, you guys left us. Is definitely not our fault." The bell rings, students pack their books. Hermione picks up her notebook, flounder with the tables behind her, Elizabeth catches her hands, "Thank you, come on Ronald." The group leaves the classroom, Ron whirls and asks what. Hermione carries on, "Who are the ones saying they cannot handle the urge of sleeping so they dropped the astronomy ?"

Ron touches his nose, staring astray from the girls. Harry rushes them at the field between corridors, lowers his voice, "If you guys interested to join us, yours skills at spells will be so valid to us." Maddy announces, meeting with Elizabeth's eyes, "count me in." Hermione utters, "Yes." Harry and Ron's eyes smiles with joy, "Then meet you guys in the room of requirement at five, before dinner." Before Elizabeth says anything, Professor Snape voices at their back, "Potter and Weasley, aren't you two have potion class later ?" He grabs their neck and drags them away, all was left is Snape's lengthy robe.

"I was going to ask him how do we meet up at the room," Elizabeth presses her lips together, standing in front of the wall. Hermione says, "Well, it's called the come and go room. It will appear if you have wishes." Maddy steps forward, twisting her wrist and knocking fingers at the wall. Elizabeth slightly exclaims, they all see where Maddy striked starts changing. A archaic timber door frame in arch top embedded on the wall. They gasp, hearing footsteps ascending around the end of corridors. So they walk in. Neville utters, "I told you Ron, they can get in!" Maddy greets Neville with running to him, hug him with wrapping him. Elizabeth scoffs, heading to them and lugging Maddy out. "Careful not to smash Neville's bone." The golden trio united with patting each other's shoulders. Harry steps in of the group, "Good evening, guys" The twins yell brightly, "Why so formal Mr.Potter ?" It leads the group giggles, Harry continues with rising laughter, "Today we are glad that we have three more allies with us. Hermione Granger, Maddy Clarks and Elizabeth Holmes." After the grand introduction, Harry pairs them up to practice defencing spells. Luna stares Elizabeth in her unearthly eyes, "Have we meet before ?" Elizabeth replies, "I don't think so ?" Luna smiles, handing her hands out, "I believe so, my name is Luna Lovegood." Elizabeth takes her hand, "Holmes, Elizabeth Holmes."

It is short period for practises, but they all self learn that much better than Umbridge lesson. As they wand through the stairs, Elizabeth is exhausted after working on her spells. It seems she need to put some time in it as well. It cannot help to her feeling so much weight been on her shoulder. A heavy shift in the staircase shakes Elizabeth from indulging the suffocating feelings. She strolls along to the great hall, trying to do something to change up the mood. "The weather is going to be suitable for swimming." A girl sits in the diagonal corner of the dinning table says to her friend. Swimming. I guess it may do. Her friend utters, "But won't be so cold right now in spring?" A glint of delight shimmers in Elizabeth eyes, she quickly grabs a cinnamon bun and darts to the exist.

Striping off the robe, and cardigan, her tie and the shirt, two tiny pieces of fabric are all Elizabeth left. Her Reverie is the everlasting summer. Across the rotunda, across the lake, she wonders what is beyond there. Diving into tranquil water, is faintly sultry than she imagine. Stillness. She soaks herself underneath the lake. Water is everywhere, silence. In the absence of clamour, shel is healing in whatever life challenges her lately. Those days when she finds herself is bundled up in intangible strings. A acne from her lungs reminds her to swim back to the surface. Tinkle, she flushes out of water. Lounging along the lake, sky is all she can see. Majestic notch near the ore cavity naturally formed by time, or formed a moment ago by Elizabeth. She let her mind drifted, drifted with rivulet flowing into a river. Ever scene the trip from Europe, she is quite sure of her feelings to Dominic. Just beaten and beaten whenever his figure is near to her. In the water, she guesses what action should she take now, or not at all. A voice rings along the waves in the hollow notch, "Elizabeth?"

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