Quidditch Practise

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Professor Lupin class flies by, he outlines the rules and what students should be aware during the lesson. Lupin is a humours and easy going teacher. He acts a bit clumsy in front of crowds, yet he is naughty and loyal to his friends. To be honest, he is my favourite among all the Defense against the Dark Arts. Elizabeth stares to what Lupin explaining on the screen. "Mr. Longbottom, please pay attention to me." He calls Neville who is about to close his eyelids, like they are so heavy to be open. Classmates are chuckling to him, "Thank you very much." Lupin says, shaking his head and carries on the lesson. 

They did not see any creature nor learn any charms or spells yet. Last lesson ends with Lupin allowing everyone free to go a few minute earlier than the original time. Elizabeth packs her books, notes and put them into her hands, she wants to put them back to the dorm before dinner time. In Hogwarts, most corridors are filled with mellow sunlight, especially those surround the grassland in the garden. Her heart and soul are cleansed. Fresh in spiritual level. When She put her belongings back, she finds there are still some spare time till meeting with Maddy at the hall. She walks. Walking on the corridors in the west wings, no classmates will be here as it is dinner time. 

At sundown, sky is painted with amber and not a cloud is up there. The yellow portrait is like sketched by the painter perfectly, every shade is in where they should be precisely. "Joshua?", a shadowy figure stands beneath a maple tree. He is a star. Whenever he is there, he cannot be ignore or more likely he is the bright, sparkling one. Always. Elizabeth gaps out his name, he turns around when he hears the calling. "We meet again" He gazes down her blue badge on her robe and continues, "How do you do in your new house, is everything alright?" She replies, "Yes, is fine. I just did not expect that I am Ravenclaw, always thought I am Hufflepuff." Joshua states that, "Maybe something is meant to be." She chuckles, "That's what the Professor McGonagall said as well." And she forgets to introduce herself to him properly, "By the way, I haven't tell you my name yet, I am Elizabeth...." He adds swiftly, "Holmes." She nods to him and wonders in her mind, he knows my name ? 

"Time passes by so quick, dinner time must have started. Should we go to the Hall now?" He offers and gestures his hands out to the left. In the corridor, the lamp on the wall is lit side to side. Elizabeth walks by his side, glancing his red book on his right hand. Remembering that she she had not repay her 'debut', "Joshua, do you need any help currently?" He frowns that clearly is confused by what she referring to. "The bookstall, you help me and I still own you." He did not reply or say anything. The sound of two footsteps echoes and echoes. At last, they arrive to the entrance hall. As Joshua is about to step forward, "How about wait for that till I can figure out," His naive smile is beautiful, as if an angle send from heaven. She is dazzled by him and can only  answers, "Okay...." There he pushes through the door, and in the great hall, getting surround and other attention as usual. 

Maddy is sitting at the table which is near the Ravenclaw table as close as possible. Since all house students are eating with their house classmates. Elizabeth does not get along or make any one friend particularly in Ravenclaw. However, having Maddy as her supportive friend, she is grateful. As they occasionally chat with each other in that little space, the corridor between tables. Ahem, somebody clears their throat which the sounds comes from their above. Maddy stares, "Professor McGonagall." Two girls gaze to McGonagall instantly, stopping their little chat. Their hasty expression change makes Professor let out a short sigh to them. "There is nothing to be scared of, ladies. I am here merely remind our promise," She stares to Elizabeth who looks completely muddled. "Our conversation at the night to the tower ?" And that snack back to her, Elizabeth inquires, "We are not doing that, right professor ?" McGonagall looks her with brows lifted, "Yes, I mean it. The Quidditch season starts at the first week of November, so we simply start the trial for the teams after two weeks." She ignores Elizabeth's dying faces and peeks to Maddy, now another one having the confused face. "Miss Clark is in our team, as a chaser. From you two intimate friendship, I suggest you train with Gryffindor and Ravenclaw team as there are only one section per week," Elizabeth gives out a long breath of relief when hearing one section only, but McGonagall haven't finish, "For each house." 

"This must be some new kind of torture, Maddy." Elizabeth shakes her head trying to wake her from the excised nightmare. "Did you displease professor McGonagall ? I never seen anyone had special training before." They walk to the main building since two common room is quite near. "I guess...is me panting that day." Elizabeth catches her breath just like that night. "Lizzy, don't tell me you act like this in front of McGonagall ?' She answers, "Nah, I panted heavier. "No wonder she told you to train, I would if I were her." Elizabeth glares to Maddy, looking so amused and still can laugh loudly after climbing the stairs. 

The time is here, the training day starts. Elizabeth stares to the calendar so hard, speculating when did the time pass. She wants to hide herself, considering this option sincerely last night. This is not wise at all and will be embarrassed if others know her childish behaviour. I don't wanna grap McGonagall attention anymore. Through the stairs, towers and halls, she is there. She has always wonder where they practise the game, like she never seen them in movies before. A crowd who wears red cardigan with black or white sleeves top standing right over the entrance. She walks closer to them, "Hello, I am Elizabeth Holmes who is...." Maddy rushes over as soon as she hears the voice, "Lizzy !" The leader of the team says, "please don't crush people bones, our chaser." He gazes to Elizabeth, "Professor McGonagall already informed me, let's go. I will explain the training while going to there." 

Oliver Wood gives out the backgrounds and the rules of Quidditch, "So I arrange that you will be with diverse positions in each week, Seeker, Keeper, Beaters and Chasers. That's the order." They walk past the wooden bridge, the Quidditch field beside is a massive empty grassland. Her heart stumbles, Seeker ? Seeker of Gryffindor? She does see two or three figures there. As they go down the slope, Wood adds, "Today you will be training with our seeker. I am sure you must have heard his names." Someone's back facing you as he slowly turns his back, "Potter !" His signature glasses, the scar on his forehead is shown when the wind is blowing his hair apart, "Hello, my name is Harry Potter." He outreaches his hands to Elizabeth who thinks she is going to pass out in any minute. She takes a few deep breath, twisting her mouth up. "Nice to meet you, Potter."

"If you want to balance well in the sky, training your back and core is the crucial." Harry is riding on his broomstick, a few meters away from the ground, staring down and pointing his muscle. He is an excellent teacher. She surely does not want to disappoint this teacher. She hops on to the broomstick, trying to do her best. This is much harder than she imagine. One, drop. Two, fall, Three trip. Seeing her hair has dust and soil all over, Harry comments, "everyone is like this at their first time, no need to rush. Elizabeth." She sweeps away with her hands, "But not the case for you, you can control and commend the broomstick." Harry questions, "How do you know, we were not classmates back then." He looks to her with curiosity. She suggests with a nervous giggle, "You are the Harry Potter and I am sure your bondage with magic or talent sort of things is gifted. That's my deduction." She makes up the excuse and conveys with smaller and smaller voice volume, as if she is murmuring to him. In the nick of time, Harry is being called away by Wood. She hopes that Harry will not be thinking she is a dark wizard. 

Training with Harry is certainly a wondrous experience, it also makes her feels famish. The great hall is not occupied as normally would. Only a few students there. She takes her seat after putting the spell to order the dinner to the elf. On the edge of the Ravenclaw table, a platinum blonde hair boy and he is having his dinner quietly. Compared to the whole hall, others are having their companion, only Elizabeth and him do not. They are alone by themselves. That hair. He is the sleepy boy on the ancient rune class. His face that has been covered so she wonder what he looks like. Yet, the seat is empty when she wants to take another glimpse. 

Another day to practise Elizabeth's physical strength, is Thursday that training with Ravenclaw. She dresses like the last time, waiting for others at the grassland. Yes, Gryffindor trains on the hill or slope near the Quidditch field whereas Ravenclaw is on the grassland near the castle. They have different approach. "He is not here again ?" The leader of the team exclaims to his friend, "He cannot keep doing this to me." The leader turns to the rest, "Everyone train with their mates first," He glances to Elizabeth, "You will train with the two chasers first, I need to catch Dominic first." She swears she can hear he is hissing and growling when he says that name, Dominic. 

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