Quidditch Night

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The door appears itself with shimmers in the space. Dominic turns from his study table, seeing a ivory door shows up in his room. It is lucky for him that only him is here. If Ambrose saw that. Different from his, light colour of blue smears over the marble door. Leafy drawings in dusty blue crawls from conner to the centre. He touches the circle is weaves in creamy lines, a haze. Just like the breeze, whistling immerse to the wind.

Elizabeth. He swirls the knot with slightly trembling hands, trembling of astonished. Night blue eyes glisten when he saw the scenery behind the portal. "Wow, you did something." Elizabeth calls to him, "Thanks, my mentor." A black figure lays on the stairs, back facing to him. It is often seen her in the school robes, he says, "How you feeling in own creation?" Wait not she answers anything, Dominic spots the pool of water, a rather lake surrounds the rotunda. Simply a few steps she is in the water, her tip of robe is soaked. He heads to her direction, "your robe is wet, if you fall asleep here, you would catch cold." Tidying her robe intricately, collecting the robes that draped over milky ground. This movement by any chance, he touches her ankle in accident. Burning skin touches each other.

"Have you imagined my reverie would be something like this?" She asks that out, forcing herself from Dominic's darken gaze. It is not noticeable compared to very light blue eyes, the colour deep blue is very resemble grime. By the light grows stronger, she closes her eyes to block that away. She hears a soft sigh, he says, "not what I expected, swimming and laying down here is quite captivating." Another adjective to compliment her, captivating. When he uses these words, it makes her feel he is there. By her side, traced back to her summer holiday with him. Elizabeth smiles to him in response, for his praises. Their shoulders are getting closer, of the distance they are in the stairs. And mostly Dominic smiles back to her, he leans in.

She thumps with strengthening her feet to the ground, "we are facing Gryffindor next thursday, we better ask Ambrose if he has any ticks." He coughs a bit, somehow chokes himself. Khoff, Khoff, and they leave her reverie with Dominic coughing sound.

Quaffle flushes along her hair, she is so closed with it. Yet she hasn't even touch the ball itself for the first half of match. She is getting agitated. If Harry gets to the Golden Snitch, Elizabeth frowns. She clings on the broomstick and rushes to another two partners, their eyes are glimmering the same thought. We need to get in as much as possible before Harry. Harry is nowhere to be found, maybe he is chasing that snitch again out of the field. Dominic as the core member and the prime chaser, beats the quaffle in third times. And the other boy with them has beaten once. Breaking through the howling wind around them, she crushes through Gryffindor's defence. And the Quaffle now is in Dominic's, he is circled by two Gryffindor chasers. On top of that, a quite massive guy guiding their goalposts. She screams to Dominic from behind, "pass it, Dominic" And he directs the ball to her in instinct, not looking to her to confirm.

Her chances has arrived which she riding the broomsticks with accelerating her range. "You are not gonna make it through." The jock glares to Elizabeth. He continues, "I saw you the whole match. Not even once, you haven't been able to touch the ball," His trash talk is worthless to her as she breathes in and breathe out. She steadies her gaze and kick that in with her broomstick. The speed of the quaffle is slow at first and the jock teases, "Where is your strength, Miss" With sharp sound shuts his statement, the quaffle starts lunging towards him, is through him, slicing air surrounds him. Indeed his physics almost clogs the goalposts. When he realising the true direction Elizabeth is aiming at, it is too late for him to be there. He crawls to that direction with full stretched arms. But it is too clumsy for him to catch that. Half of her mouth curls up, "Do not look so pity, Miss"

Despite her 10 points, the match is won by Gryffindor. Right after Elizabeth scores, Harry catches the snitch which the chances for them to win is thinner. "It is always been Gryffindor," Ambrose murmurs, sauntering with Elizabeth and Dominic to the hall. Tonight is the Quidditch night for celebrating the birth of this honourable sport. Hogwarts as one of the well-known institutions, they are invited to there as one of the houses teams. Ambrose snorts, "I could hear Maddy bragging to us already." Elizabeth cranes her heads, "We should worry about Malfoy first" She gathers her gown to follow up the boys. Tonight, as it is more to earnest dignified ball, every celebrity from the globe would appear here. The gown is inspired by armour of historical warriors. Sliver leather is gleamed with light for the reflection. Originated the dress is fishtail but thanks for Madam Calissa. Silk tulles in cornflower colour are added along side. The dress is tailored for a Ravenclaw, a Ravenclaw chaser. The silk waves with her movement. It makes her quite finding struggles to catch up with the boys. Dominic's steps significantly decreased, he seems to notice that. To further proves her guesses, Ambrose stands at the end of the corridor already. The passage is quite dim, they are in the Quidditch Hall, the building for the International Association of Quidditch.

Dominic and Elizabeth flung their hands to gesture Ambrose to enter first since he is expected by couch Wardwell. He dashed in already with the second look. Dominic asks with matching her pace, "Does this pair of heels fit ?" She nods, look up to him with curious eyes asking why. "On the Yule Ball, yours are too small." This brings her back to the memory of they leaving the ball, and he treats her wound delicately. Light chuckles is released from Elizabeth, "Dominic, you've changed" He glances to her in widen eyes, she continues, "You are so thoughtful now, like my mother." And they reached the door, steps in front of it. He meets her zeal brimming in her eyes, like glimmers of even brighter blue colour. Reaching out his arms to her, "I hope this is a good change then." She gladly takes in, drives the entrance disclose to them.

The Chandelier in the ceilings is shinning in Crystal light, everyone is in lengthy gowns or classic designs of suits. No matter what artful their clothing are, it appears only four main colours in the hall. Crimson, blonde, olive green and indigo blue. Elegant and peaceful, the atmosphere is so distinct from the Yule hall where are all youngsters. McGonagall chatters with Wardwell, other join them at one of the tables. She guesses that maybe teachers from other schools. Sunny voice rings next to her ears, "Hey, our chaser of the day." Elizabeth peeks at Maddy, "You did an amazing job today." Maddy' dress is also in much deeper shape in Scarlett tone. "Gryffindor won still," Elizabeth scoffs, with staring to the approaching blonde in the jade colour suit. Malfoy emphasises, "Undoubtedly, Ravenclaw lost. We all know in years, Gryffindor and Slytherin are the champions." He shrugs, "Till the end, Slytherin is the..."

Crisp voice is raised from Elizabeth back, "Slytherin is what, Mr Malfoy?" Malfoy's face loses all the colour which makes her wonder if that is. She swirls around, "Professor McGonagall,"  McGonagall smiles in her way, and it fades when switching her eyes back to Malfoy. "As you were saying ?" Malfoy' pale expression leads Elizabeth would feel light pity for him, if he hadn't just being an egoistic. In his absence of response, the atmosphere is plain and dead. Elizabeth mouths, and Dominic joins them with his indigo stripped suit. The colour is unusual from indigo, it leans to the darker shade. He greets McGonagall humbly and they chat in causal ways. Malfoy at that moment already disappeared. A moment later, she drifts away from their conversation. Elizabeth cannot help but spots the side view of Dominic. He is so unearthly, that silver hair shines even brighter under the chandelier. A small sparks is embellished at his right ear. Very little diamond earrings. It is tempting for her to touch it. But no, she curbs. She swings her head back down, and senses the weight from her ears. Yes, I got mine for tonight too. Her hearts leaps a bit with sudden realisation of them having alike accessories.

Pearls inlays in drop earrings, Diamond and Pearl. Out of her drastic motion, McGonagall says, "Today what a match, it seems some Youngblood rising in Ravenclaw" Couch Wardwell joins them with a glass of wine, "sure, Dominic helped us getting much points." McGonagall stares to Elizabeth who is gazing down to floor, "Miss Holmes, did an amazing job for her very first match." She switches to meet McGonagall, her eyes are curling with kindness. She steady gaze to Elizabeth makes her reassured of her performance.

The encouragement she get from Maddy and Professor makes her so proud for the night. Unfortunately, this buoyant fades her, from Umbridge. Harry wonders, sitting right next to Elizabeth, she mouths, "Huh, so we are studying this at year 5?" Harry shakes his heads, hearing instant questions arises to Umbridge. "Professor, we are studying defence spells from a child literature?" Umbridge sharp, pretentious voice answers, "Of course, We are protecting you guys since there is no any danger outside at all, Miss Granger." Harry calls from behind her, "Professor, there are dangers, I saw him, he is back, Voldemort is back." Elizabeth lingers, "Professor Umbridge, you cannot force us to..." Umbridge interrupts them with quaking her entire body, "Detention !"

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