Been Discovered

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Since the Triwizard Tournament holds almost the entire school year, students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang can choose a few course to study with Hogwarts student together. Some courses did promotion for more people to take them, Divination is one of them. Professor Sybill Trelawney hosts some workshop offering fortune telling through palms reading. In a Hallway to North Tower, Hermione, Maddy and Elizabeth are walking in groups. "No way, not even my parents can convince me to join anything related to Divination." Hermione protests by staying still, refused to be any near the location. Maddy drags her left arms and persuades her, "Come on, you know tarot card telling is surprising." She leans in to Hermione, "maybe you can inquiry about your love interest." Hermione's face immediately turns red, "Ok" Elizabeth looks to Maddy in doubtful and amazed at the same, "You little witch." The latter one tries to look innocent.

Unexpectedly, long lines are outside of the divination classroom. At first, they assume it takes ages, maybe because the girls are chattering with one another. Having companions makes time slips away. The classmates before them left furiously, storms out the room. "Do you think I will act like this as well?" Hermione jokes around, wending into the mysterious psychic reading world. Maddy sits down first, followed by Hermione, the room interior is so different from the Ancient Rune ones, or any other subjects which Elizabeth is admiring the aesthetics. Professor Trelawney welcomes them with her extravagant and rich hand postures, "Welcome, young blood. Are three of you prepared to be read ?" Hermione whispers with a mocking tone, "I hate it." Elizabeth assures her with steady eyes, "Give it a try, Hermione. It may solve your puzzle and give good advice." Maddy's reading gone first, she outreaches the right palms to Trelawney. She asks, "Child, what do you want to know?" Maddy responds instantly, "Will I get to be a Quidditch player professionally in future?

" Professor analyses with reading her palms for a while, "First of all, palms reading is similar with tarot card all sort of reading, you need to believe it not against it. Palms reading is solely based on lines, three in total on palms. Love, Life span and Fate." She points out that the middle line, "This is the fate line, whereas your answer, I do believe you can become what you long for. As your fate line is rather striking, it implies strong determination you have......" Maddy gets one satisfying telling, she keeps saying thank you to Trelawney. Hermione shows her palm, looking shaky that her hands are literally shaking, "Will I have the power to change the inferior community, helping them with what they deserved?" Professor Trelawney explains to her with her fate line too. "You have great vision, my dear. And great power even, There are obstacles to chain you up from reaching the goal nonetheless. If you can get through them, there will be nothing to stop you." Elizabeth witnesses Hermione tries to hide her big simile after hearing the reading. Maddy disrupts to the conversation, "May I help Hermione ask one more question, her love lifeeeee!" She almost shouts it as this is what teenagers most concern of. "Sure, Even Miss Granger would interest in Love, just something I did not anticipate." Hermione speaks up and tries to interrupt her reading, but she hears Trelawney says, "Typical, Miss Granger you caught yourself in dilemma. Red and brown." Elizabeth links that two colour to Ron and Viktor, the hair colour. Trelawney continues, "But the end of the path you will meet the colour of...." Hermione stands up sharply, stutters "Thanks for the reading, I have had enough. I will excuse myself." 

Hermione runs off outside and Maddy chases her to check on what happened, Maddy requests again, "Are you sure you are okay by yourself, Lizzy ?" Elizabeth states , "Yes and please don't worry about me and go to check Hermione." Maddy looks at her in grateful, "Thanks, you need to tell me how is the results later." Elizabeth is worrying about the girls and wonder should she heads to them, "Darling, Do you want to know about your fate?" Professor Trelawney summons her back, "Um...Yes." She hesitates, and sits down opposite of Trelawney. She reaches out her hand, Trelawney simply holds on to it and face covered by hair. She is speechless a while, Elizabeth cannot read her facial expression. She feels Trelawney grips her palms tightly, to a point it hurts. Elizabeth wants to escape, she catches Trelawney's prophecy. "Orders in nature lies in four houses, those who possess and control talents. One already has returned and gone to  astray, unknown cross path awaits the other one. May you taken by the wind." Trelawney finishes the prophesy with ancient rasping voice, she clears her throat, "Is everything fine?" Elizabeth reacts frightfully, too stunned to speak. "Do you want me to tell your fortune?" Elizabeth says, "No need, Professor, I should better leave and check my friends. Thank you."

Storms night happens when the night of first contest is completed, Harry knows his Gryffindor friends are going to throw some party. "Sure you are not coming, Elizabeth." Harry asks. Ron leans in, "Yes, I am pretty sure Hermione can cast some spells on you." Since Maddy, Harry, Ron and Hermione all are Gryffindor, they clearly join the party hold at the common room. Elizabeth do not have access to get in though. Hermione glares at Ron, "There is no doubt that breaking the school rules are not my original intention, but for you Lizzy, I can do that." Elizabeth chuckles joyfully for her friends's lovely response, "Thank you guys, I mean it. You guys go and enjoy yourselves, I am gonna rest early today so see you tomorrow." Elizabeth that night goes for a stroll in the forest, wandering with Quinn. She does not dare to get in too deep, only at the edge. 

Elizabeth bumps into Hagrid who is going back to his house after work. "Elizabeth, what are you doing here, is almost curfew." Her brain racks because she is making up the excuses of looking suspicious. Luckily, Hagrid shivers with the cold breeze around the empty land. "Anyway, Do come in first, is freezing outside." The bubbling tea with sizzling sound from the the fire underneath the cauldron warms the room. Hagrid interprets the silence, "You are training with your owl, a great horned owl right?" Elizabeth widens her eyes of surprises, "You notice that, Hagrid you are indeed our care of magical creatures teacher." She murmurs with lowering head lower and lower, try to hide herself, "Please do not tell others." Since pet is allowed, but the training part is bit crossing the line, not strictly forbided still. Hagrid releases long, long breath, "You reminds me when I was a student." Elizabeth is puzzled by his comment, "The chamber of secret, did you heard of it?" She shakes her head, although she deep down knows exactly what happened. After hearing Hagrid's sharing, it did explain his character and empathy he has towards her. Hagrid says firmly, "I don't want you to suffer like I did, so your secret is safe with me, Elizabeth." It is reassuring to have Hagrid promise. Something funky about the chamber of secret which she asks, "Hagrid, Tom Riddle is the actual descendent of Slytherin ?" Pouring the tea into the cups, his hands pauses for moment, and nods. Having the confirmation from Hagrid, Elizabeth is curious to research more about the descendants. 

Wind is stroking on Elizabeth when they all cutting cross the corridor to the dancing lesson. She follows the head boy and head girl of Ravenclaw. They arrives to a blank classroom, sizes like Defence Against the Dark Arts one. Professor Flitwick arranges boys at the left and girls at right. Flitwick suggests us the basic steps of the dance, boys are embarrassing of invite the girls actively. He emphasis, "Students, Do remember to invite and have a partner with you in the Yule Ball." 

One day, since the dancing lesson are taught in four houses, one week left for the ball, the little group is chilling in the Students Lounge. "So do you realise everyone is coupling up already?" Maddy says in panic, Ron adds, "I know and do not make me panic." Harry sighs, Staring to Hermione and Elizabeth, "Why girls are always in groups?" Elizabeth smirks, "To be honest, I think waiting to be asked is driving me crazy." Hermione suggests, "Will you ask someone?" Elizabeth shrugs with pressed lips, "Maybe." Malfoy with his gang just passed by and Maddy spills some gossips, "You guys do realise Malfoy is sort of famous in Slytherin ?" Harry and Ron looks like going to vomit, Harry stands up, "Ron, we need to help Neville with his experiment. Later guys." Elizabeth bids her goodbye to the boys, hears Maddy continues the topic. "In Slytherin is Malfoy, although I barely find any attractiveness on him." Hermione disrupts, "Except his daddy issue." Elizabeth giggles out. Maddy carries on, "Gryffindor, our house prince is Harry. I know he is the chosen one so his fame is huge." Hermione shakes her head and drinking some tea. "However, for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, I think these candidates are " She frowns playfully. "Cedric, right ?" 

Disclaimer: Everything about Palms reading on the above is made up by the author, I do not classify any professional knowledge about palms reading. Thank you for noticing. 

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