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Elizabeth stares in perplexed, stuttering underneath the water, "Bless my soul, that voice is..." She quickly swims near to the edge of the lake, peeking at someone. Faint sliver hair glows in his shade, serene blue. Dominic wanders near the platoon of jaggy ores, he is captivated by the hallow cavity. Hiding behind from the larger ore stones, Elizabeth thinks how does she let him in once again without herself knowing, as if her loose mind scratches to him every time. Soft wind is carried here at the moment, crispy of her complexions as she is half out of the water. She sneezes that Dominic catches that, and cranes his head to realise presence of the freezing girl.

"Elizabeth?" She responds, holding her nose tightly, "Hello, is me and my expansion of reverie." Dominic wonders the celestial nature, "You just keep blowing my mind, I must say." She says, "Thanks, I guess reverie can be the imagination or underline thoughts we have at any times of our life. Just..." her voice trailed off, and he turns around to gaze her. And he whirls back with strong motion, his cheek is light pink. She eyes widen in pardon, seeing down below. Putting the fact that two small pieces of fabrics on her body back of mind, she shoves her body back to water. When the silences came, Dominic coughs in stiff to the other side, "Well, your reverie is always in summer." Elizabeth relies on rising tone, and even he cannot sees her face, he could sees her smile. "And I do fancy Snowy mountains as well"  She says to him with brushing her hair to the front of her shoulder.

The clothes are rubbing against each other when she put on or smooth shirts over her body. Dominic cannot help but pictures the scenery of her, changing. Casting that erotic thought out, he rest himself in cross legged at the other side of the stone. "Forgot to tell you, I sent a letter to The Venti Hill in the name of Locus sometime ago" She whirls around to see where is her robe, a pale lean hand pushes that to her direction. "Thanks" She whispers and asks, "I thought the Venti are gone all." "According to hearsay around The Locus, there is one who escaped from that tragic." Her tangled knot of hair drips water down to her robe. Dominic strokes that, "May I ? Your robe will be soaking in any time soon." With this distance, she can sense his breathing close, her neck to lower, collarbone. The daze, she feels being swindled by Dominic, swindle of indulgence and irresistible. She prevents herself from doing something outrageous, draws her name at palm, creating the door in fastest speed. She speaks hastily, stepping aside from him, "We should go back."

They arrive at the corridor, the door to the entrance hall is ajar. Several students are gathering around there, and Elizabeth noticed two red hairs. Dominic and her walls towards them, she sneaks in at back and ask, "What is happening ?" Maddy exclaims little bit, "Merlin's beard, Elizabeth." Ron and Harry and Hermione turns, "Fight of history is about to start." She brows are arched, staring not too further, staircase at the left of hall. Professor McGonagall stands at the bottom, Umbridge is at few stairs upper. McGonagall says, "when it comes to my student, please inform me of the situation and.." Umbridge high pitched voice cuts in, "Are you questioning my authority, Minerva ?" Her gawky posture of climbing one more stairs, to show she is not afraid of McGonagall. McGonagall tilts her head, her craggy face is emotionless and very calm. On the contrast, Umbridge's face is tense and pink just the exact colour of her dress. From here, Elizabeth thinks that is like a fight of a idiotic child challenging the authority. McGonagall deliberately mouths, "I wish not to argue with someone who still perform physical punishment to MY students." Umbridge yells out, "Suitable amount of corporal punishment can train students to be" McGonagall interrupts firmly, "Obedient ? What era are we in ? 18th century ? This is my warning to you," She steps closer to Umbridge, "If you perform any spells to my student, I will..." as the distance between, Elizabeth cannot listen to the rest of the conversation but it surely frightens Umbridge.

"Next week is the Guardians' week, I hate that." Ambrose sighs, placing his hands against the ground, breathing hard doing the push ups. Elizabeth's shoulder trembles faintly, holding her plank on the ground as well. "Is the week when all our family members visiting the school ?" Ambrose relies, "Yes, and" He roses from the grassland, hovering to her's ear, "is proposed by Umbridge in her reformation at Hogwarts," Dominic wipes water near his lips with knuckles, wandering towards them, "That is Umbridge's favourites patrol here." Ambrose rolls his eyes, "Even in Ravenclaw quidditch practise, is justices exist in Hogwarts anymore." Holding her best personal record for plank, Elizabeth drops her knees to the ground, "We need to depend on ourselves from now on, with the absence of Dumbledore." She loops up to sky, holds her sombre staring to the castle, "There is no backing down."

At dawn, there is barely sunlight glints to corridor, three figures skulk by the walls. Elizabeth prowls at the front, Hermione tiptoes and followed by Maddy at end. A precipitous sound from wooden stairs, screams when Hermione steps on it. She mouths, "Sorry". Maddy paces, "Lizzy, too fast, wait for us." Elizabeth whirls back, realising two other girls are at another side of corridor. She whispers, "Hurry, or else they will be tortured by Umbridge." Since Umbridge barbarous torture to Cho causes the army is captured and now interrogated in her office now. Hermione and Elizabeth and Maddy's names are not there because they haven't written that down as newest members. Maddy complains, "Writing down on the list is really not a good idea." Two girls dashing in swift pace as finally reached to where Elizabeth at, the final door to the defence against dark art classroom. Hermione amazes, wondering how Elizabeth's physical ability improved so much. Elizabeth scoffs, waving at her to the wooden door of Umbridge office. She softly whispers, "they are here." The door is ajar, discussion in the room is heated up. "Now if you don't tell me where is Dumbledore, I will have no choice but use Veritaserum." Elizabeth's eyes widen and places her hands to the door, about to pushes in to stop her. A brisk hands pats on her shoulder from behind.

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