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"So the hat told you are the descendants of Ravenclaw?" Calissa shrieks, with a piece of jam biscuit holding. In front of Elizabeth, a tray of biscuits and ivory teapot lying opened, a sliver tea scoop is placed inside. She confirms at her question, chewing the peanut butter flavour. Elizabeth closes with staring to the biscuit, "How can it be so delicious ?" Calissa blinks repeatedly, asks in mystify, "It is not peanut butter deal, is the legacy of Ravenclaw." Elizabeth shrugs, "I understand. Just this seems unreal," wandering to near the windowsill in vintage design, "There may be some mistakes, after all I am just a Mud-Blood," Calissa light blue eyes twinkles, she could have heard Elizabeth's mockery to self. Fresh rivulet runs through Elizabeth when hearing, "Look at me child," She does as she told, peeking in Madam Calissa's compelling gaze. Ocean blue smears in her eyes, just sometimes they under daylight are not light blue, more lean to ocean at evening shore, steady and steadfast. "No one shall look down on you, not yourself. In the age of time, sigh not so. In the matter of Ravenclaw, Helena may be able to answer your question."

Regal spring shoves wind to flowers, creatures. Pinky cheeks sweating through Elizabeth, they railes to neck and under the cardigan. Helena graceful voices commending, "Staying focus, keeping the shield up." With dropping water to the garden ground, Helena says, "Release !" She calls to the response, flexing her fingers from the fist. Faint blue shimmers with pentangle lines within circle, the shield is transparent and disproves to the mist. The mist Elizabeth is able to create at first. Inhaling from humid air, "you did a great job, Elizabeth." She gasps, mastering the power is tremendously hard which requires not only mental so as physical. She is lucky for training with quidditch team from last year. Helena teleport her a bottle of water, she explains, "you know as the past descendant of Ravenclaw, I still can use some of my power after my death, like listening whispers of walls and carrying things by wind.. all sorts of defence, I cannot perform direct attack spells." Elizabeth wonders, "There is possibility for me to be the descendant ?" She sliding over to the pillar of garden. The abandon garden is near to the Clocktower courtyard, which can peek over to the sea from there, Helena says lightly, humming along with rustling breeze.

"Possible exists in everything, Just" She continues after a sudden stop, gazing to Elizabeth hair, "It has always been names of Ravenclaw or the Venti to possess this power. Maybe you can get more information from your little fellow, I heard he has connected to The Venti." Elizabeth questions, "The fellow?" "The fresh blood in Locus." Elizabeth says with realisation, "Ah I see, Dominic, but I thought the Venti had disappeared centuries ago?"  psithurism noises rings from behind them, Helena grimaces, "Maybe you should ask him ?"

Leaves dancing in the wind, Elizabeth whirls and sees Dominic. He approaches her from the entrance, strolling in smoothing, an natural born model. He does not gives off suffocating aura, ever since she discovered the talent, is as if she can recognise people's own aura. Everyone is in own colours, like Maddy is in shades of tangerine or Hermione's caramel, as for Dominic. Yellow, warming like the apricity and even reminds Elizabeth of a hill full of daffodils. Ice frost dripped over leaves, the water droplets falls to the soil. Winter sunlight feels extra timid, it's much hotter than summer. Soaking in apricity feels that winter is not that unbearable. It is not vibrant as sunflowers yet the yellow can hug you out of the barren.

Dominic fair outlook is near her, he stands tall, waiting Elizabeth response, "Elizabeth? Are you with me?" She flinches, "Sorry, you were saying ?" He scoffs, like a petals dips haltingly to her palms. "Nothing special, just I am wondering if I catch that correctly," She asks, "Yes ?" "Mind if I asked is that Helena Ravenclaw ?" "Oh, " A tender wind greets Dominic, ruffling his hair. He utters, "I guess is she then. Training with Miss Helena, I am very certain that she is an impressive mentor." Elizabeth somehow catches the glint of his eyes turn dim faintly, she grins, "Yes, she is due to her authoritative teaching style." She touches her chin to further emphasis the point. Dominic thumps to the stone bench, sit with a awkward smile. He tries to put up the face, so his brows are twitching. He queries in solemn, unnecessary solemn, "Um so you prefer strict teaching, should I adopt that as well?" She giggles, drawing him up from the bench. "Joking, joking. Let's gather yourself and we need to go prepare for astronomy." Dominic still in a gentle moving speed, and she jogs to his side, light pat on his shoulder, "Come on, you are still my favourite mentor." She cannot really hears what he said, but in something beryl tricker.

In the midnight of weekday, professor seldom shows up. Professor Sinistra holds at the middle of balcony, handful of note in her hands. "Gather around, fifth years." Hermione, Maddy and Elizabeth are with others, rather small group of students. Elizabeth gasps, "we always with other years to have lesson so I didn't realise how less we are." Maddy adds, "right, even this is elective." Hermione shakes her head, "since we need to prepare for the O.W.L, most of them dropped out." Professor voices, "Listen, we are going to have a field trip in next week. The destination is Prague. We will travel along side with muggle study students. Details will be given out by the mentor" Dominic receives the parchment papers with his ice expression. He always hides his feeling or even there are no feelings at all. Even when passing through the papers, some girls gets close to him with sparkling eyes and flattering lips to pronounce the pretentious voices.

He is indeed the princes. Elizabeth spaced out when waiting for the papers. Maddy teases, jolting to her arms, "Your eyes are going to sore if you don't stop staring at Dominic, Lizzy." Red flush over her cheeks, she cannot ease down her voice, "Maddy!" "Haha, don't be shy, we acknowledge your jealousy of your boyfriend." Hermione says, "Jealousy?" And then Maddy already extends the girls discussion, "Here is rowdy." They turn and see Dominic is smiling to them, smiling to her. He carries on, "Hermione and Maddy," Why he greets only her friends, it resembles that like she is someone special, or marked to him. "Why were you guys talking about ?" Maddy quick response outsmarts others, "Are you always this bright around ?" Dominic understands her underline meaning. Night wind howls over them, Elizabeth fixing her tousled hair. Fair fingers catches her strings, they places the ruffled hair in front of the forehead. Seeing Dominic stroking her hair, he asks tenderly, "What do you think, Elizabeth?"

Stepping in the portal is something new for Elizabeth to travel. It is fastest way for convenient. Certainly, not everyone can create one portal plus sustains for a moment. Professor Sinistra is exhausted from that so the first half day in Prague is nothing in scheduled. In the lobby, she awaits with Maddy for their suitcases. Bricks buildings and marble statues over streets, when she sees that from the window walls, this is truly for her that she arrives in Prague. She always fancies literature, historical arts and has the chance to be here is so wonderful. "Why you are here sister?" That pesky voice shares the same annoying with Umbridge. She whirls to discover Diana crossing her arms, gazing down to her. Already. Elizabeth says, "I am in the astronomy class, sister." "Oh," she answers in ignorant. Elizabeth thinking is there another tearing each faces off fight here, come to her surprise, Diana rushes over her. She swooshes to her behind, and clinging over a boy. The boy somehow reminds her of third year, his baggy pants.

"Elizabeth!" Maddy breaks off her thoughts on the boy, and they leave. Dragging their bags to the room, the sun has gone downside. And Elizabeth decides to grab something to eat, she shouts to the bathroom, "Maddy, want me to grab something for you as well?" Maddy's answer transmits with noise, mixed with water sound. "Please, thanks." When she turns the knob, some noises comes from the the other side of the door. "Dominic, you better get some sleep now," "Ok, Thomas I will." With the door closes, the conversation is blocked from them. Maddy comes from the bath, and in her pyjamas, seeing Elizabeth frozen by the door side. "I thought you were out?" Elizabeth flings her fingers over her mouth, "Dominic's room is right across." Maddy smirks, "Then, I guess is good for you after all is convenient." "For what?" "To sneak in his room after curfew?" Elizabeth prowls over Maddy, who is sitting in another bed next to her. Maddy coughs from being chocked by her, "To the business, maybe this field trip is the chance for you to figure out your feeling to Dominic," Elizabeth reiterates with sudden pause, "My feelings to Dominic...." 

Sinking into dreams with that conversation with Maddy, Dominic appears in her dreams. She barely gets some decent amount of sleep, she gets up and puts cardigan. Before the sun rise, no one is there in the corridor, she rambles to the end of it. There is a huge open area without rooftop or window, a terrance. She leans to the baluster, for a moment, flapping sound arrives from distance to her direction. "Quinn." She tooks a longer way to arrive here, since Hagrid secretly assists it to her side. Out of predication, it arrives on the other side of terrance, and she heads to the quarter. Quinn grips over there, over someone's crawls. Dominic's dark outfit echoes with inky feather. They both cane their heads to her, a little more than kind. 

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